BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 11

General Summary

This session picked back up where the party left off on the night of Welun 16th, 1350PD; discussing their plan to deal with Baku. Kit then went up to the storage room to convince Sparrow to join the party in Baku's mind. She reluctantly agreed and asked what she should do in the meantime, to which Kit responded, "You could clean the basement. Any change you find, you can give to me. Also, if you find any suits of armor or pieces of armor, put them in a pile near the stairs." Not knowing what she was getting herself into, she agreed and made her way to the basement. Then Kit, Claudia, and Vaision made their way to the library to inquire Zangrim about the rat extermination jobs that the papers mentioned. He told them they would earn 1Sp for each rat they killed. With this information, the three made their way to Nincomsoup to scout the area for rats. Kit opened up a manhole and sent in Caboodle, who found approximately 65 rats within 90 feet of the manhole. Feeling drained from the events earlier that day, they agreed to head home and take care of the rats the next day. When they made it back to Tremont Manor, Tremont was drinking at the bar in the game room. Everyone else went to bed.

In the morning, Tremont was passed out drunk at the bar and Vaision started hearing whispering that seemed to be coming from upstairs. He followed the whispers to the Observatory, while Kit was noticing a different source of whispering coming from Tremont. Seeing that Tremont's keyring was emty, Kit began to walk away when he suddenly heard the sound of a key moving on a keyring and turned around to see a silver key. Upon moving closer to inspect the key, he found that the key had 2 faces on it. "It must be the face key", he thought. "Why would Tremont have that?" Kit decided it would be best to take it off of his hands and question him about it. As he went to do so, Gurat, who had just finished breakfast, gave Kit a little guidance on how to approach taking the key. Kit removed the keyring from Tremont's belt without making a single sound. Once he had the key, it stopped whispering and he could hear faint whispering coming from the servants' quarters. Thinking it was the Face Key, he tried using it on Tremont, to find that no keyhole appeared on him. Confused, he and Gurat followed the faint whispering to the mirror in the servants' quarters. While they did that, Vaision found the Key that had been whispering to him; the Astral Key sitting on a table with a plethora of cartography tools and star charts. He then made his way downstairs as Gurat lifted the mirror off the wall and destroyed the manufacturer's sticker on the back of it. They knew something was special about it, but they weren't sure what it was. Having not found anything, Gurat decided to try smashing the mirror, and found that, no matter how hard he hit it, it would not break. The sound of hitting it was also quite loud, to the point that Tremont fell off his barstool in response to it. Knowing that Kit and Gurat were snooping in Tremont's room with his keyring, Vaision decided to distract Tremont while they did their thing. Having tried everything but the key, Kit held it up to the mirror, which manifested a keyhole in the bottom right corner. He inserted the key and turned it, leading to him being compelled by an unsettling reflection of himself to enter the mirror. Kit held his hand out and touched the mirror, which rippled like water as his hand began to pass through it. Not falling for the mirror's tricks, Gurat cast calm emothions and the compulsion Kit felt dissipated. At the same time, Tremont began getting up, complaining about his head and asking what made the loud noise. Vaision told him the noise was from the janky fridge that Xaverie bought from the strange salesman at the mall. He bought it. Vaision then asked Tremont about the Face Key, to which he replied, "Ask me over breakfast. I'm going to go change." With that, Kit and Gurat snuck out the other door to the servants' quarters, makinig a bit of noise in the process. Tremont asked Vaision if he heard it too, to which he responded that the city was experiencing a rat problem. He bought that too and went to change.

When Tremont came to breakfast, he asked if anyone had seen his keyring. Kit said no and asked him if he might have misplaced it. All the while, he was using his invisible mage hand to stealthily place the keyring back onto his belt. Vaision then asked him about the Face Key, to which he responded that it can only be used to take the form of people that do not exist. Claudia then let it slip that Vaision had discovered the Astral Key, to which Tremont responded by warning them not to use it because the Astral Plane is a great place to get trapped with dangerous creatures you've never seen or heard of before. After breakfast, Gurat and Xaverie made their way to the Police Station to get an appointment with Jaylen Ross while Claudia, Kit, and Vaision made their back to Nincomsoup and opened up the same manhole to find that there were even more rats now. Vaision then droped in his Green Cheese and hundreds of rats piled onto each other, fighting for the aromatic cheese. Once a good amount of them accumulated, Claudia cast Spike Growth, which killed all the rats in the area as well as the rats that made their way into the area. When the spell ran out, he cast it again. This lasted for 30 minutes (until he ran out of spell slots), then Vaision used his breath weapons to kill an addional 2 batches of rats. In total they killed 1692 rats, for a total check of 169.2Gp from Zangrim, who was apalled by the mass murder of the rats, but not enough to ruin his appetite; he sat at a window booth in Nincomsoup and reluctantly watched as he ate. While they did that, Gurat was having a long conversation with the secretary at the Police Station about when he could meet with the Police Chief. He wanted to meet tomorrow at noon, which she said was doable if he wanted the Police Chief to hate him; noon was his lunch break. She suggested right then and there because he was currently available. Gurat insisted that he couldn't meet now because he did not have the evidence he wanted to show the chief on him. Not buying it, but not paid enough to continue caring, she put him down for the undesirable lunch break meeting. The rat boys went to cash their check at the Dragon Pile and by 1PM the whole party was back at Tremont Manor. The two groups told each other what they did, and went to check up on Sparrow in the basement.

When they saw what she had done, they were shocked; she had cleaned 2 giant piles and had accumulated about 1/4 of a suit of armor as well as some platinum pieces they missed. With the piles organized, the party went through the stuff again and found some more loot they missed. They then left Sparrow to continue her good work. The rest of the day was uneventful. The party went to bed early and it was the next day before they knew it.

The party ate breakfast and went to get Sparrow, where they discovered she had cleaned another 3 giant piles and had collected another 1/4 of a suit of armor. The party scavenged the new piles she cleaned and got some more random treasure items they missed. Then they waited until 11:30 to set out for the Police Station. They arrived at noon and entered the Police Chief's office, where he was sitting at his desk eating a tuna sandwhich. After a speech from Gurat and him taking a bite of his sandwhich, Xaverie used the plant key to cast Entangle on him followed by Kit using the Chain Key & Great Lock to capture him and Vaision duct taped his mouth before he swallowed the bite of his sandwhich. Kit then gave Tremont the Chain Key & Great Lock so he could keep Baku detained while they explored his mind. Kit then inserted the Head Key into Baku's head, Tremont captured Baku's mental projection, and Vaision duct taped his mouth shut a second time. The party then entered Baku's mindscape.

Baku's mind takes the form of an Adidas shoe store surrounded by an expansive red void with miscellaneous items floating around. The interior of the shoe store is broken up into 3 sections: childhood, teen, and adult. After some looking, the party found that almost all of Baku's adult memories (they take the form of shoe boxes) are locked behind padlocks that bear a black and white spiral. The party then explored his childhood and teen memories. Apparently, Baku is an orphan who was abused and ran away when he was really young. He then went from shitty job to shitty job, where, no matter what he did, he was fired for one bullshit reason or another. All memories past this point are locked until he started his job as the Police Chief, where some of his memories are unlocked. Curious, Kit went back to the enterance of the store where there was a service desk. On the desk was a bell and a sign that read "Ring For Service". Kit rang the service bell and the door behind the desk, labeled "Manager", opened. From the doorway walked the governor, trailed by a plume of black smoke...

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Rat Extermination

Character(s) interacted with

Report Date
15 Apr 2022
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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