Harla Penethra

Born in 672 AP, Harla was found by Oberon in an unidentified Shadow and they married on 722 AP.  Tecnically Oberon was still married to Rilga at the time although he remained absent from Amber until he returned to divorce her in 814 AP.  Shortly afterwards he returned with Harla and proclaimed her Queen, despite the wedding having taken place before his divorce with Rilga.   Harla born two children, a set of twins named Sand and Delwin in 733 AP.  She later divorced Oberon herself in 746 and returned to Shadow, presumable to the Shadow of her origins although there is no official record.


Oberon Barimen


Towards Harla Penethra

Harla Penethra


Towards Oberon Barimen

Oberon Barimen (spouse)

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