Changelings Ethnicity in Mytkora | World Anvil
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Free-spirited shapeshifters

CobaltDM - July 13, 2022
"I am certain many Changelings have crossed my path in my years of adventuring, although I regret to inform you, dear reader, that I have not once been aware of their true identity. I thought it fitting to speak on them briefly here, in the final chapter of my quest, and tell you of my failure. Not much is known of Didymos' creation, other than that they can be anyone, anywhere, and we would be none the wiser. Capable of changing their appearance entirely and adopting a new voice, a new name, and a new story in the blink of an eye makes this race incredibly unpredictable and hard to track. They are said to share their creator's enjoyment of chaos and deceit. It is unlikely you will ever truly know one." - An excerpt from "The Travels of Hafrick Moriarty"
Changelings were created by Didymos shortly after Cadros created the Dwarves. They are wild, unruly people with little organization or familial structure amongst them. They are spread across Mytkora, though it is incredibly rare that one ever reveals their true forms to one from another race. The only thing capable of detecting a shifted Changeling is another of its kind.  

Of One, Many

Changelings in their true form have stone gray skin and wide, white eyes. They are of about the same height and build as Humans, however it is rare that a Changeling is ever in this shape. They can change their size and appearance on a whim, morphing into anyone they have come into contact with. They are capable of mimicking voices and mannerisms incredibly well, and tend to believe that this new shape is a part of themselves--sometimes adopting pieces of their form's personality into their own.   

Amorphous Personalities

Changelings often attach personalities to individual forms, and essentially behave as though they are many different people crammed into one mind. They have a fluid relationship with gender, believing it to be one more characteristic next to the dozens they can alter. Changelings generally have a strong aversion to settling down, and tend to never stay in one city for too many decades at a time. Their long lifespans make it possible for Changelings to live many separate "lives" throughout their existence.  

Centennial Retreats

It is rumored that Changelings escape from the world every century and congregate in a secret location somewhere in Mytkora. Here they socialize with others of their kind as well as reproduce. Couples who have children during this time generally spend the next half-century or so together until the child can mature into an adult, and then all three once again go their separate ways. No one aside from Changelings knows the specifics of this location or the events that happen therein.
Playable Race Details: Changeling

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