Didymos Character in Mytkora | World Anvil
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Didymos (dih DEH mose)

God of the Moons

CobaltDM - May 19, 2022
Images generated using Midjourney
Didymos, also known as The Twins, formerly called Enamos, is the God of the Moons. They are the only casualty of The Calamity, having been ripped into two parts by Yparxis before Elsios could come to their aid. This wound caused their domain to split into two parts, and is why Mytkora has twin moons. They are the creator of werecreatures, Changelings, and other shapeshifting hybrids, as well as Moon Elves.  

"Didymos represents the most tragic of The Betrayer's sins. Now unpredictable and reclusive, they are but a shadow of their former self." - Aldernon the Wise

  When the gods were first created, the eventual God of the Moons was called Enamos. He was a singular entity, with a strong will and a benevolent spirit. He quickly became friends with his peers. He grew closest with Tassah, and their friendship eventually blossomed into love. During the Great Formation, however, Enamos felt lost. The others in the pantheon began finding their domains much quicker than he did. It wasn't until Mytkora began to form and Elsios left to create his vast galaxies that Enamos felt his calling. Wishing to provide light where Mestonia could not, Enamos built a great moon that would reflect her radiance to the dark side of the world. The love he shared with Tassah became evidenced by the tides of her oceans when the water itself would reach out to him. He was bright and joyful, but it would not last.   The Calamity affected all the gods, but undoubtedly it was Enamos who suffered the most. When Mestonia began the attack on Yparxis, Enamos valiantly joined her. In retaliation, Yparxis pulled Enamos into Nel, the void plane in which The Reacher plots his next move. They dueled for years, but eventually Yparxis emerged victorious. He ripped Enamos in half and left the remains behind while he returned to face the rest of the pantheon. With the divine power of the universe attempting to heal him while the power of Nel corrupted what was left, Enamos was further torn by a battle that now raged within. Although most of him survived, the Nel had managed to seep into him and permanently change the deity.   The two halves of him began to grow independent of each other and developed as two individuals. One half remained pure, containing the compassionate spirit of Enamos. The other half--the part of Enamos that Nel had managed to corrupt--grew into a dark, twisted version of the god. Over time, the two were joined together again and became one body. Light battled darkness and good battled evil. The two parts of him hated each other, but they were eternally locked. No amount of struggle could separate them, so they returned to the Prime Material in a reluctant symbiosis. Enamos was no more.   The other gods were overjoyed to see their kin return, but quickly discovered the dark half of them. The god now called themselves Didymos, and as testament to this separation, they ripped their moon into two parts. One, called Kalos, stayed where Enamos first placed his domain. The other, Kako, hid in its shadow. Unsure of how to proceed, many of the gods left them as they were and returned to their domains. Only Mestonia and Tassah remained, though their hope too dwindled over time. Even though Tassah eventually left them and returned to the seas, the tide still reaches for what remains of Enamos.   Following mortalkind's creation, Didymos contributed with shifters, changelings, doppelgangers, and many other shape-changing beings. They also tampered with the creation of a subrace of elves, leading to Moon Elves. When Kebis scorned them for these creations, Didymos angrily cursed a settlement of Halflings, Humans, and Woad Elves, creating the first werecreatures. Some of these mortals were pleased with their new abilities, and went on to form The Night Temple, an organized religion dedicated to Didymos. These churches are as sporadic and unpredictable as The Twins themselves, and have no set dogma that governs their worship. When The Silence came, many were undisturbed. The moons remained, and their powers did as well. As the years dragged on, worship for Didymos did not falter.

Holy Symbol of Didymos

General Information

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Domains: Twilight, Trickery, Death

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