Cadros Character in Mytkora | World Anvil
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Cadros (KA drose)

God of Mountains

CobaltDM - May 6, 2022
Cadros, also known as The Immovable, The Warrior, and Stoneweaver, is the God of Mountains. He was the first builder, creating the core and mantle upon which Mytkora would be formed. He is also the bulwark defender of the Eleven, serving as the front-line fighter during The Calamity. He is the creator and God-King of Dwarves, and remained actively involved with their development up to The Silence. He is considered hot-headed and intense by the others in the pantheon, though his courage and honor is uncontested.  

"Cadros, the wielder of justice and defender of freedom! May his blessings fall upon those who lift a shield so that others need not." - Aldernon the Wise

  From the moment he came to be, Cadros was an energetic and passionate god. He became a natural leader and was well-liked, though his flaring temper would sometimes cause friction with the others. Most of all, he butted heads with Otia. They were alike in many ways, both headstrong and independent, and it caused many conflicts throughout the thousands of years of The Great Formation. Their similarities were reflected in their domains, as both of them wished to be the base of the world. Cadros became stone, and Otia became dirt and sand. They were rivals, but they were necessary to each other's success. After some time, Mestonia brought them together. She declared them siblings, and with her help, the pair eventually grew to respect each other. With his greatest obstacle surmounted, Cadros flourished. He began artfully constructing his mountains and his caves, taking great care to work closely with Otia while doing so. Together, they built the foundations of Mytkora.   As the gods settled into their domains, Yparxis grew more ambitious. Cadros took great offense when The Betrayer showed him realms of stone and mountains far beyond anything Cadros was capable of building. When Mestonia came to him and asked for his help to banish Yparxis from the Material Plane, Cadros agreed without hesitation. With Enamos at his side, Cadros rushed into battle against the powerful deity, and engaged him for decades. When Enamos (see: Didymos) fell, it was Cadros alone who held Yparxis in place. Were it not for his valor, the Eleven would have surely been defeated. Eventually, Elsios came and Yparxis was sealed away.   With peace secured, Cadros rested for some time. The other gods began to fill the world with animals during his slumber. He eventually woke to discover that the first elves were alive in Mytkora. He grew determined to contribute to this new era of creation, and that determination gave birth to many living things. First came the dwarves. His offspring would live in the mountains, in the caves, in the hills, or in stone structures they would build above the ground. All would serve Cadros, who appointed himself King. Next, he made giants. Hill giants, stone giants, fire giants, and many more with the help of some of his peers were created to serve as grand builders. He went on to create gnomes and other races who would occupy the network of caves and caverns he formed beneath the surface. With Kebis, he made thousands of animals to fill his domain with.   He ruled over his people for centuries with the most active hand of any of the Eleven. His church was his kingdom, and his kingdom was his church. He dictated development, granted boons, and appointed leaders like any King would. This was greatly discouraged by his peers, but he no longer cared for their opinions. He grew arrogant as his power expanded. By the time The Silence came, even Otia would rarely interact with him. At first, the dwarves were in a panic. Then, they too grew greedy for power. A civil war erupted amongst them until a new king emerged, claiming to be Cadros in humanoid form. His word is now taken as divine commands among the remaining dwarves, though many have left their mountains and their caves to integrate with society, doubting the claims of the king.

Holy Symbol of Cadros

Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Domains: Forge, Order, War
See also: The Kingdom of Cadros

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