Arwenir Rank/Title in Myzelis | World Anvil


Arwenir (AR-win-ear) is the title for the leaders of the Gylidd. As suggested by the Gylidder word meaning "Those who Lead by Example", Arwenir are often those who have performed heroic service for Gylidd prior to being elected into their position. The term is used as an individual title as well as for the collective group.   All holders of the positions of the Wild Synga (Assessor of Resources, Augur of the Mist, Keeper of the Natural Lands, Steward of the Parks, Tiller of the Fields, and Wrenjer of the Wilds) as well as the Civic Synod (Advocate of the People, Agent of the City, Commander of the Guard, Curator of Magic, Judge of the Laws, and the Master of Mentors) are Arwenir.