Elf, Dark Species in Myzelis | World Anvil

Elf, Dark

With their unearthly grace and fine features, elves appear hauntingly beautiful to humans and members of many other races. They are slightly shorter than humans on average, ranging from well under 5 feet tall to just over 6 feet. They are more slender than humans, weighing only 100 to 145 pounds. Males and females are about the same height, and males are only marginally heavier than females.   Dark elves have skin that ranges from obsidian to calcite, as well as stark white or pale yellow hair. They commonly have very pale eyes (so pale as to be mistaken for white) in shades of lilac, silver, pink, red, and blue. They tend to be smaller and thinner than most elves.  
"The following communities are known to the people of Myzelis and recorded in the Journals of Eblin. Realms not listed here have no known populations of these Aethrin large enough to list as communities in their own right."  
Inyddaska Anír, Master of Mentors
Ancestries by Realm

Eslaiqi Dark Elves

  The Fey From Down Below: The dark elves, or Siri elves as they are known in Eslaiqeza, occupy an interesting place within the history of other species. Most elves can track their lineage back through to the Hlui, an ancient realm found somewhere far to the west of the Iddrich Mountains, now covered in the Brume. However, while the Siri can track their lineage back to that place, they do not do so over the plains and forests claimed to be there, but through the tunnels they used to get where they are today. Many Siri live and reside within Pendlecrieg, a bastion of production both crude and refined within the center of Eslaiqeza. They have a form shorter than most elves, a complexion much darker, and are known for their lifestyles revolving more around the night that the day. In addition to this, many of them do not focus on as many martial abilities as their surface living cousins, instead many more push themselves into the arts and crafts, becoming smiths, masons, and jewelers fueled and enhanced by their arcane talents, largely thought to be gifted to them from generations living very close the leyline that cuts its way through the Eslaiqi soil.  

Gylidder Dark Elves

  Six Cities of Darkness: Beneath the western half of Gylidd isle are a series of six cities populated primarily by dark elves. They are Ymora (beneath Gylidd Syn Aethri City), Serisennur (beneath the Northern Rachis Range), Ahalyedar (beneath the Gwassten), Gulpathia (beneath the Orlewynd plains), Ozanika (beneath Hynfaol), and Nyth Gylad (beneath Gyliddspire). Connecting them in a circular fashion is a single road crafted by the deep elves' Inaethri during the Age of Stone, which is a chasm wide and tall enough to sport its own ecosystem as it stretches for hundreds of miles between the six major settlements and deep enough to avoid the waterways on the surface. Though dark elves have (as many other races) spread out to form sizeable communities among the other deep dwellings of the island, the rich history of each of their settlements is even enough to encourage tourism - and even migration - into their realms. The leaders of the six settlements are their prime ministers, who also serve as their representatives in the Gyliddring. They are Mahremesinem of Ymora, Gurscariya of Serisennur, Athtikhan of Ahalyedar, Peymimalken of Gulpathia, Atephris of Ozanika, and Bewinbreth of Nyth Gylad.  

Verberan Dark Elves

  The Nevae of Vandoraith: Home to the nevae within the Aesthrumm Confederacy, this treetop community has recently undergone a somewhat drastic political power shift. Through various means and methods, a coterie known as the Sheesyol has seized power throughout the city. Heading the group is a male nevae named Mindartis Amakiir. This coterie seem interested in exploring the connection that the Feywild has to the island and its inhabitants, namely the nevae. To secure its power, the Sheesyol have been exposing secrets held by the families that once ruled Vandoraith, gaining support for the commonwealth. This has turned the once impenetrable fortress of Vandoraith into a political battleground. Luckily, the Vandoraith’s potent military force has hardly been affected by this infighting.