Gnome, Deep Species in Myzelis | World Anvil

Gnome, Deep

A deep gnome stands between 3 and 3-1/2 feet tall and weighs between 40 and 45 pounds. They are wiry and lean, with a body as hard as a slab of stone. Their skin may be either mottled gray or dun-colored, and their eyes are either dark gray or black. If they have hair, it is typically the same color as their eyes.  
"The following communities are known to the people of Myzelis and recorded in the Journals of Eblin. Realms not listed here have no known populations of these Aethrin large enough to list as communities in their own right."  
Inyddaska Anír, Master of Mentors
Ancestries by Realm

Gylidder Deep Gnomes

  Gems of the Jungle: deep beneath the thick canopy of the Effluvian Jungle, under its dense foliage and rich, black earth, are a series of caverns tens of miles long known collectively as the Dragothen. Within these caverns is the kingdom of the deep gnomes, one of the only legitimate monarchies recognized by the Gyliddring. Due to the magical nature of the gemstones they harvest, the earth itself in these subterranean holds responds only to the Dragothen Tsan, the deep gnome monarch who has the blessing of the four Dauddraig (elemental dragons) of Gylidd, and without their blessing the entire community would collapse. Through thousands of years of diplomatic evolution (and the influence of the Heartswood Forest's old magic), the feudal society of Dragothir has become a constitutional monarchy with representation by and of the people. Their leader is Dragothen Tsan Hettan XII, a shrewd and brilliant woman with several decades of experience against the horrors of the Brume of the underdark.  

Verberan Deep Gnomes

  The Nim of Kiir: The nim of the Aesthrumm Confederacy call the city of Kiir home. In recent years, the city has fallen into disrepair, namely caused by its leader. A soldier by the name of Lorilla Waggletop, this nim has taken the fight back to the forest and is convinced that showing the world the nim are not a prey species will benefit her people. Unfortunately, her single-sighted determination has caused the city to suffer. Despite this, the citizenry have found ways to stay positive, turning to gambling and other forms of entertainment to distract themselves. But as a plague runs rampant through the city, things are starting to change for the worse, and now riots have started to break out. As hunger increases, tempers rise.