Dauddraig Species in Myzelis | World Anvil


The Dauddraig ("Elemental Dragons") are a race of four unique greatwyrms infused with the power of elemental nobility, that have lived on Gylidd island since long before recorded history. They combine the incredible physical power of greatwyrm dragons with the powerful magic of the elemental lords - Terran, Auran, Ignan, and Aquan - and are both feared and respected by most Gylidders. Physically, they have highly mutable forms, but are typically depicted as colossal dragons from their nose to their waist, and swirling elemental energy from their hips to their tail.   Four elemental dragons are known: Bruidwyddir Dauddraig, Izzithsicoria Dauddraig, Symudlaw Dauddraig, and Vykdramir Dauddraig.