Greth, Barkeep of the Laughing Lamb Character in Myzelis | World Anvil

Greth, Barkeep of the Laughing Lamb

Sarcomant’s primary source of alcohol is Greth, the owner and operator of the Laughing Lamb tavern and inn. A brawny gith man, Greth has a reputation for not being the brightest star in the sky. This isn’t to say he’s stupid, just not the greatest at making connections. Despite this he is incredibly curious and always interested in learning from travelers, picking up tidbits of information on the wider world.

Many find Greth to be fairly intimidating, between his bulging muscles and red eyes, a strange phenomenon among Akai’Ye’s people. This does not extend to animals, which Greth greatly enjoys being around. According to him, the name of the inn came from a baby goat that his family raised who’s unique bleat sounded like it was chuckling.

Not usually a man of violence, Greth was seen assisting College Spellsword in their combat against the Children of the Dark Goat when their presence was revealed. Since then, townsfolk have been far more wary about starting trouble at the Laughing Lamb, not wishing to find out if the rumors of Greth having “split a mault’s skull with his bare hands” are true or not. Kaira, Shopkeep of Sarcomant General , his wife, ensures that these are purely exaggerations, but Greth has yet to comment.




Barkeep at the Laughing Lamb Tavern in Sarcomant




