Kaira, Shopkeep of Sarcomant General Character in Myzelis | World Anvil

Kaira, Shopkeep of Sarcomant General

Kaira acts as Sarcomant’s window into the outside world, facilitating trade goods to and from Sydathria as they pass through Lireon. She and her husband Greth, Barkeep of the Laughing Lamb occasionally accompany Oryn there on business, granting Sarcomant first pick of the best items coming from the jewel of Verbera. This has allowed Kaira to feed her curiosity and garner a variety of hobbies, including painting, leatherworking, and poetry. She uses these talents to increase the wares she has available, though the clothes she makes are in much higher demand than either form of art.

Where Greth is the brawn, Kaira is the brains, thinking through her business decisions with finesse and flair. She doesn’t have a big head about this, and happily explains her methods to those who ask and have nothing to gain from this knowledge. Kaira is well-known for having very high standards for others and herself, and it is no secret that she believes she can protect Sarcomant by making it a far more important trade location. Opinions on whether this is a valid strategy or not vary.




Shopkeeper of Sarcomant General in Sarcomant




