Gylidder Holidays Tradition / Ritual in Myzelis | World Anvil

Gylidder Holidays

Gylidd celebrates a number of annual holidays throughout the Realm. These are some of the most widely observed and newest holidays:

    Asha 4th - Day of Proving
    Asha 30th - Spring Equinox
    Tahla 14th - The Leywake
    Tahla 30th - Summer Solstice
    Falka 11th - Hopewatch
    Bera 18th - Gyliddrest
    Ylioka 30th - Autumn Equinox
    Kethra 5th - Galonrydd
    Kethra 30th - Winter Solstice

Day of Proving

Asha 4th

On the 4th of Asha, the streets of Gylidd Syn Aethri are flooded with the green and white Banners of the Ardoricon, ancient symbol of the Ley Knights of Gylidd.

This day, known as the Holy Day of Aresarka - the daughter of the Parasca (Gylidder Inaethri of War and Peace) and Erizdes Kyssa (Gylidder Inaethri of War and Strategy) - also serves as the 25,119th Annual (as of 0 AE) Day of Proving for Ley Knight applicants who wish to ascend from the ranks of the Wealdren Squires to become Rhuddinser Ardori Knights of the Realm, to pledge their lives to not just the defense of civilization at home and abroad - but also to the prosperity and unity of the Aethrin. The Proving Ceremony is held in the field just east of Castle Inaethriddr, where the ramparts give way to the peace of the Heartwood Forest, and is welcome to one and all.    

Spring Equinox

Asha 30th (since time immemorial)


The Leywake

Tahla 14th (since 1 AE / 3519 AI)

A day of remembrance and resilience that commemorates the Battle of Hopewatch and the Battle of New Hsira during the Banishment of the Shrike of Hsira. This day is observed through acts of organized charity to other Realms.    

Summer Solstice

Tahla 30th (since time immemorial)



Falka 11th (since 1 AE / 3519 AI)

Named for the Wrenjer outpost that later became a memorial site after the Battle of Hopewatch, this holiday is observed as a day of remembrance and resilience that commemorates the Nightmares of the Ley.    


Bera 18th (since 0 BAI)

This day commemorates the second settling or refounding of Gylidd Syn Aethri. The Age of Clarity comes to a close with this event, marking the return of descendants of the Aethrin who walked with the gods on the earth, beneath the waves, and through the air of Gylidd Island. From all across Myzelis they sail, this time without the footsteps of their Inaethri to follow. On this day, the Aethrin pledge to re-establish the "place where the Aethri gathered." Not for the Inaethri, not for their pride, but for themselves and their own future. The Gylidder Constitution is written and ratified on this date, forever enshrined within the halls of ancient Inaethriddr Castle as the principle document of the new city upon the bones of the old.    

Autumn Equinox

Ylioka 30th (since time immemorial)



Kethra 5th (since 1 AE / 3519 AI)

This day celebrates the final defeat of The Master by the Galrydhaia on Kethra 5th (0 AE / 3518 AI) and the subsequent scouring of the Master's influence and devotees by the Brume Titan that flooded the entire island but left all other than its intended prey unscathed.    

Winter Solstice

Kethra 30th (since time immemorial)