The Gylidder Almanac Document in Myzelis | World Anvil

The Gylidder Almanac

The Gylidder Almanac is a yearly guide as old as the Second Founding of Gylidd Syn Aethri, with roots among the discorporate tribes and peoples who settled on Gylidd during the early years of the Inaethrite Era, before the island ever had a name. Its purpose is primarily to provide the people of the island with estimations as to the proper dates and times for the planting and harvesting of crops, a reasonable prediction of the weather, and other information important to sustainable and healthy agriculture.
  The Almanac also serves non-farmers as a calendar of the days of the year, important Gylidder celebrations, and leaves enough empty room on the pages that each private copy can easily double as a simple journal. The Gylidder Almanac costs 10 gold, payable directly to the government of Gylidd, and these funds go towards the research and printing of the next year's Almanac. The Government of Gylidd Syn Aethri is directly responsible for editing and providing the Almanac, and the Wild Synga's Tiller of the Fields is the ultimate editor of each tome.   The current editor of the Almanac is Syngaen Tabeard. Citizens interested in contributing to its contents may send letters via Gylidd Post, addressed to:
  Syngaen Tabeard
Tiller of the Fields of Gylidd
House of the Tiller
Zybben, Gylidd Syn Aethri
Record, Historical

Current Issue

#3518, 'The Age of Emergence'  

Editor in Chief

Syngaen Tabeard  


Each week has six days, and each month contains five weeks, corresponding with one complete transition of the moons through every auspice. Each calendar year is twelve months, corresponding with one complete cycle of four seasons beginning and ending with the Winter Solstice.   As a calendar based in the southern hemisphere, Gylidder summer is indeed the hottest and brightest time of the year, as winter is the coldest and darkest. Being that many of the Realms that are known and unveiled from the Brume also exist below the equator, much of Myzelis shares the same reckoning of the seasons, even if they don't also use the Gylidder calendar themselves. The most notable exception is the Realm of Terota, which not only exists entirely north of the equator and thus experiences seasons that would seem flipped or upside-down to Gylidders and other southern inhabitants, but also uses a solar calendar instead of lunar.  

Days of the Week

  For ages, the days of the Gylidder week were named after the six prime Inaethri of the Coteric Pantheon with the exception of the fourth, which was named after Ciysemmris, the Inaethri to which Kaviir had sworn theirself.   After 0 AE (3518 AI), following the events with both the Shrike of Hsira and the Master, there was a growing movement and serious push to reevaluate ancient legacies previously thought harmless, their influence deemed trivial, and more effort than they were worth to change. Gylidders began the work necessary to rename the days that had been in use for millennia, and after a series of debates and votes held throughout the island, the new names were officially chosen and adopted on Kethra 30th 2 AE (3520 AI). The long, tedious work of implementing the change in recorded and habitual, social use would begin over the following year and continue for years to come.   By 51 AE (3569 AI), the only place the Coteric names for the days of the week remained in use was in cautionary lessons about pernicious complacency and convenience, conversion charts, and the occasional personal documents of certain Merchant Lords on the outer rim of Gylidd Island.

Day Name
1st Rhudday (formerly Borsday)
2nd Orenday (formerly Vinday)
3rd Melyday (formerly Wyrsday)
4th Gwyrday (formerly Ciyday)
5th Glasday (formerly Anhanday)
6th Porday (formerly Nodday)

Months of the Year

  The months of the Gylidder year are named after the Inaethri with the closest association to the seasons.

Month Name Notes Associated Inaethri
1st Zhira Atnachi
2nd Senka Vrokiva
3rd Asha 30th day is Spring Equinox Chimrianisi
4th Miha Mihere
5th Souma Sonnor
6th Tahla 30th day is Summer Solstice Tahlisal
7th Falka Falkeroc
8th Bera Beryx
9th Ylioka 30th day is Autumn Equinox Isinfyra
10th Erynna Cantha
11th Rorbana Shadow
12th Kethra 30th day is Winter Solstice Kethisarqueya

Gylidder Seasons

  In Gylidd, Zhira is typically the coldest month of the year, and part of a foggy season that is at its height during Senka, and wanes during Asha. A strong foggy season is a portent that the summer is wetter rather than drier. The primary growing season runs from Miha through Bera. The hottest month of the year is typically Falka.  

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