Post-War Weapons & Mechanics

  This is version 1.3 for Firearm rules in a D20 system, specifically 5th Edition at the moment. All mechanics here are subject to updates and changes as the balance is constantly gauged. These rules are only used in Terota currently.
Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution in the 1840s, the nations of Terota have made significant strides in technological progress. They have industrialized vital industries, disseminated knowledge, and expanded their populations to unprecedented numbers. However, an unfortunate consequence of this progress was the industrialization of weapons manufacturing and the increasing technological sophistication of arms. Firearms became more precise and lethal, and they were available in various forms. When the 4th Alianza War ended in 1971, and the realm reeled from the six-year-long post-industrial conflict processing the trauma, the Empire of Arenia began to prepare for the next major conflict through cold-blooded calculation. They began to remake and redesign not only their weapons and armor, but also their factories, to thoroughly arm an army to fight a modern war. The Empire pursued this the most aggressively by weaponizing everything that could conceivably and practically made into a weapon, eventually creating the Imperial Air Force in order to dominate the sky as well as the ground.   With the Empire destroyed after the Great War and their successors only possessing a fraction of the power that Arenia once wielded, many weapon designs have remained unchanged over the past two centuries. There has been little motivation to retool factories for new designs or make modifications to existing ones, and instead, the focus has been on refurbishing weapons to extend their service life as long as possible and recycling materials to make more. The general aesthetic of these weapons is primarily metal, with wood furnishing, giving them a distinct 1950s feel as plastic was not a widely used material due to the lack of oil exploitation. Most weapons are produced in factories, but some are also made in disparate workshops across Arenia that possess the necessary machine tools. This is especially true for Imperial weapons, which are the most widespread designs and are often refurbished by scavengers who find them in acceptable condition. The requirements and rules for crafting are outlined in the Factories, Workshops, and Crafting guide. Cost for items are calculated with Imperial Pesos in mind.
Version Number
1.3   Realms Using this Rule
Reload. A limited number of shots can be made with a weapon that has the reload property that is equal to the number associated to it. Takes an ACTION to reload. (Does not function with Artificer Repeating Weapon or interact with the Gunner Feat! The Loading property and Reload property are different.)   Burst Fire. A weapon that has the burst fire property can make a normal single-target attack, or it can spray a 10-foot-cube area within range with multiple shots. The Burst fire consumes an amount of bullets equal to the number associated with the property. Each creature in the area must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw, with the DC determined by 8+ proficiency + Ability Mod of the shooter, or take the weapon’s normal damage and half on a success. When outside normal range targets have advantage. When a creature is in cover, or lightly obscured, they take no damage on a success. A character can only use Rapid Fire or Burst Fire once per turn unless the weapon has the Fully Automatic property.   Rapid Fire. A weapon that has the Rapid Fire property can make a normal single attack, or try and shoot multiple bullets into a single creature. The Rapid fire consumes an amount of bullets equal to the number associated with the property. The weapon fires in a straight line and remain effective within the range of it, and the affected creatures must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw, with the DC determined by 8+ proficiency + Ability Mod of the shooter, or take double the dice of the weapon’s damage, not including ability modifier, and take half of that damage on a success. When outside normal range the target has advantage. When the creature is in cover, or lightly obscured, they take no damage on a successful save. A character can only use Rapid Fire or Burst Fire once per turn unless the weapon has the Fully Automatic property.   Fully Automatic. If the creature using this weapon uses either the Rapid Fire or Burst as one of their attacks, they may use a reaction to make another Rapid Fire or Burst Fire attack immediately after. If there is a number associated with this property, then the creature may use that reaction attack a number of times equal to that number only using the special Rapid Fire or Burst attacks. Additionally, if you would decided to Hold your Action to make an attack you may decide to use the Rapid Fire or Burst Fire property when the attack triggers and make a number of attacks up to equal to the property.   Suppressive Fire. As an Action, a character may expend 10 bullets/recharge with a weapon that has the Fully Automatic feature. They pick a 10ft cube within range of the weapon they're using to lay down Suppressive Fire. Creatures within the AoE who aren't in cover are forced to make a Dex save where the DC equals 8+Proficieny+Dex of the shooter. On a failed save they take the normal damage of the weapon, on a successful save they take half. This AoE last until the beginning of the shooters next turn. Creatures who make an attack, or move in the AoE for the first time during their turn are forced to make a Dex save. The shooter must maintain Concentration on laying down Suppressive Fire.   Silenced. A weapon with the silenced property makes sound in an area like a crossbow or longbow unlike normal Firearms.   Armor Piercing. Ignores resistance to bludgeoning, slashing, and piercing. For creatures, objects, and vehicles that have a DR or Damage Reduction number, Armor Piercing ignores a number of DR equal to the number associated from the property. For example, a user fires a Rocket with AP (15) at a Hawlaw Light Vehicle with DR (18), they roll 20 damage total and would normally do 2 damage, however, since they have AP (15) they deal 12 damage instead.   Adamantine Tipped. Follows the rules for Adamantine Weapons where a hit on an object is an instant critical hit.   Amphibious. The user may use a melee weapon underwater normally, and for ranged weapon attacks the user may attack anything within normal range, but not long range.   Team Weapon. A team weapon can be reloaded by another creature. In the case for medium and larger sized weapons, can also be aimed and fired by multiple creatures.   High Explosive. A weapon or projectile that does AoE damage rather than single target damage in a 5ft radius from the origin point or more depending on weapon. Each creature other than the target must make a Dexterity saving throw, with the DC determined by the quality of the ammunition, taking full damage on success and half on failure. In firearms, it increases the DC of Rapid Fire and Burst Fire attacks by 3. Additionally, when used against targets with Damage Reduction (DR), only take half of the damage.  

Arenian Imperial Armory

Imperial Weapons were designed to prioritize power and mass production to arm the massive Imperial Military. The Empire's decision to adopt the 7.7x58mm rifle cartridge, despite its high cost, was strategic in order to effectively combat Sharadi Heavy Infantry, which posed a significant threat during the 4th Alianza War. These weapons are the most commonly used firearms aside from Pipe Rifles or Pipe Pistols, as the Dita Corporation in Puerto Esperanza still produces them today, and they were produced in such great numbers before the Great War that all post-war governments continue to utilize many of the designs. As a result, these weapons are readily available for purchase, discovery, or production in various parts of the Talarenian Peninsula. Prior to the Great War, the Imperial Military relied on two main contractors for infantry weapons and armor: the Dita Corporation and Collado Armory, both of which still exist today, albeit less productive than they were in the past.  

M-1 Service Rifle

Designed in 1955 ISC, the M-1 rifle is the most commonly used rifle in the realm. If an army is not using M-1s, then they are likely using a variant of the M-1 with little to no changes made to its design. This bolt-action rifle is relatively simple and inexpensive to manufacture, and has survived largely unchanged through the redesigns of the late 20th century due to its cost-effectiveness and power.  
  • Reload (5), 2d10 Piercing, two-handed, heavy, (range 120/360) ammunition (MEI), 8lb
  • 800 Pesos. Manufacturer, Dita.

M-2L Service Pistol

Designed in 1991 ISC. After many redesigns after the 1970's, it became the sidearm of choice for officers in the military and police. It's small frame is similar to the Soviet Makarov and was preferred for its ability to be discreet.  
  • Reload (9), 2d6 Piercing, (range 50/150), Ammunition (MPE), Light, 2lb
  • 400 Pesos. Manufacturer, Dita.

M-3 “K’ak' Kan” Battle Rifle

Designed in 2068 ISC, the K'ak Kan, also known as the Fire Snake, became the preferred battle rifle of the Imperial military command due to its uncompromising design. This gas-operated bullpup rifle was developed in response to the Peligrosa conflict in the Charstani provinces, where the military needed a weapon that could be used effectively in open areas like the M-1, but was also fully automatic, powerful, and effective in close combat situations. However, the weapon's advanced features made it expensive to produce, though not prohibitively so for Imperial factories at the time. The K'ak Kan also features a wooden foregrip under the barrel to help control the very intense recoil.  
  • Reload (15), Burst Fire (5), Rapid Fire (5), Fully Automatic (2), 2d10 Piercing, two-handed, heavy, ammunition (MEI), 9lb, (range 120/360)
  • 1,750 Pesos. Manufacturer, Dita Arms.

M-3AA Light Machine Gun

Designed in 1970 ISC. The M-3AA was a light machine made for shock troopers during the 4th Alianza War and was key to their success. The weapon was redesigned to be given a barrel shroud for it's long barrel, and a modified receiver of the K'ak' Kan by 2069. It has a wooden stock and underbarrel furnishing, and typically comes with a box magazine but can also be belt fed for more capacity.  
  • Reload (75), Rapid Fire (5), Burst (5), Fully Automatic (2), 2d10 Piercing, Crew Weapon, Two-Handed, Heavy, Weight 12lb, (range 140/420)
  • Comes with Bi-Pod.
  • Reloading the Belt takes two actions instead of one.
  • Special: When using the Rapid Fire or Burst Fire properties without the Bi-Pod deployed affected creatures have advantage on their saves to avoid damage.
  • 2,250 Pesos. Manufacturer, Dita Arms.

M-4MP Crew Gun/Police Machine Pistol

Designed in 1991 ISC, this firearm was the solution for arming vehicle crews and providing police units with more threatening armaments. It features a barrel shroud that covers the entire barrel and has a completely metal frame, except for the pistol grip and wooden stock on the police variant. For the crew gun, it has a folding stock.  
  • Reload (25), Rapid Fire (5), Burst(5), Fully Automatic (2), 2d6 Piercing, Two-Handed, (range 50/150) ammunition (MPE), 5lb
  • 1,250Pesos. Manufacturer, Dita Arms.

M-4AA “Arco” Rocket Launcher

Designed 2005 ISC. A portable, reusable, shoulder-launched, anti-armor rocket propelled grenade launcher. The grips are made of wood and has a wooden casing on the back of the tube kept together by metal bands wrapped around it. (Yeah it's just an RPG-7 but bigger.)  
  • Reload (1), 4d10 Piercing, two-handed, Team Weapon, Heavy, ammunition (COHETE), (range 300/1000) 15lb
  • 200 Pesos. Manufacturer, Collado Armory.

BAD-1 Anti-Material Rifle

Designed 2100 ISC. The man portable Anti-Material Rifle is based off of the ammunition used in armor vehicles and was made as another solution to Sharadi Heavy Infantry. The design is extremely mechanically complex, heavy and of course expensive.  
  • Reload (6), Rapid Fire (5), Burst Fire (5), 3d12 Piercing, Armor Piercing, Heavy, Ammunition (CAS), Two-Handed, weight 55lb, (range 240/840)
  • Comes with bipod.
  • Special: This extremely heavy rifle is meant to be man portable, however if it’s shot without the user being prone or behind appropriate cover to deploy the bi-pod, then attacks are at disadvantage and can only be targeted at someone within normal range. All Rapid Fire and Burst Fire attacks also automatically fail if the bi-pod is not deployed.
  • 7,000 Pesos. Manufacturer, Collado Armory.
Imperial Military Ammunition
  Imperial Standard Ammunition (MEI)
  • 7.7x58mm Battle Rifle Round. 10P.
  • Often used as a currency.
Standard Pistol Ammunition (MPE)
  • 9x18mm Pistol Round. 5P.
Standard Heavy Ammunition (CAS)
  • 20x110mm Round. 20P.
  • 95mm Armor Piercing Rocket: Armor Piercing (10) 450P, 5lb
  • 45mm High Explosive Rocket: 300P (Slashing DC 15, 20ft Radius) 3lb
  • 95mm Adamantine Warhead Rocket: 650P 6lb

Ministry of Peace

While the Imperial Military was focused on developing powerful weapons for modern warfare, the Ministry of Peace had a different goal: to find weapons that could enable covert operations for peacekeeping. In addition to developing tools for delivering poisons and hardware for secret monitoring, they contracted a smaller firm in Colijas to make silenced weapons and non-lethal weapons. After the war and the collapse of Colijas Arms, the gangsters of the abandoned city took the design documents and blueprints of these weapons and eventually brought them to Aya, where they were sold to Etzil Arms, the primary manufacturer of these weapons today.  

MP-11 Pistol

Designed 2025 ISC. A handgun with an integrated suppressor that takes up a lot of space at the front of the barrel.  
  • Reload (9), 2d6 Piercing, Silenced, Ammunition (MPE) 3lb, Light (range 50/150)
  • 700P Manufacturer, Colijas Arms, Etzil Arms

MP-10 Machine Pistol

Designed 2024 ISC. A long barrel submachine gun with a large integrated suppressor as the barrel.  
  • Reload (20), Rapid Fire (5), Burst Fire (5), Fully Automatic (2), Silenced, 2d6 Piercing, Two-Handed, Ammunition (PAZ), 6lb, (range 60/180)
  • 2,000P Manufacturer, Colijas Arms, Etzil Arms

MP-13 Pacificador Shotgun

Designed 2024 ISC. A pump action shotgun.  
  • Reload (4), 3d8 Piercing, Heavy, Weight 9lb, Two-Handed, Ammunition (6 Gauge), Two-Handed, (range 30/90)
  • Special: The shotgun can use either 6 Gauge slugs or buckshot. With buckshot, the user forces creatures in a 90ft line originating from the shooter to make Dexterity saving throws, the DC 8+proficiency bonus+strength modifier, and take half damage on a success. If behind cover they take no damage. Creatures beyond 30ft of the origin of the shot will advantage on their Dexterity saves. With Slugs, the shooter uses the weapon normally.
  • 1,550P Manufacturer, Colijas Arms, Etzil Arms, Dita Arms.
Ministry of Peace Ammunition
  Peace Ammunition (PAZ)
  • 9x39 Subsonic pistol ammunition.
  • 10P.
6 Gauge Buckshot, Beanbags or Slugs
  • 10P
Ministry of Peace Less-Lethal Rubber Bullets (BGP)
  • 7.7x58mm Rifle Rounds, does Bludgeoning rather than Piercing.
  • BGP naturally works with MEI Weapons.
  • 10P Each

Republic National Armory

Barred from making and producing designs for their own until the destruction of the Empire in 2162, The Republic of the Arediāna own defense forces were primarily equipped with out of date Imperial hand me downs. After the Great War, and the Republics own war of survival began, the over millennia old Tirita Arms was now tasked with creating and producing designs for the new Republic's military. At first it was a chaotic dash to be able to produce anything, but as the years went on and more provinces were liberated, the now nationalized companies, Tirita Arms and Dura Heavy Industries, had more room to carry out developing tools to meet specifications for the Republic military to make more complex weapons for amphibious warfare. The result is modestly complex and very adaptable infantry kits perfect for amphibious and naval warfare that is, unfortunately for mercenaries in Arenia, almost completely unavailable to them as they are not for sale and no one has copied their designs. Republic of Arediāna Armed Forces service members who are in combat units may requisite different kit and ammunition if they reasonably need it, typically with a limit measured by the cost of the supplies and/or the priority in supplying them with those particular supplies.  

H-210 Service Rifle

Designed in 2162 ISC. The H-210 Service Rifle is essentially a copy of the M-1 bolt action made with less material for a slightly lighter weight frame, and an alternate side sight for fighters bobbing in the water.  
  • Reload (5), 2d10 Piercing, Heavy, 8lb, Ammunition (MEI), (range 120/360)
  • 850P. Manufacturer, Hāmani ō Pupuhi Tirita (Tirita Arms Factory)

H-210T Self Loading Rifle

Designed in 2255 ISC. This version of the H-210 takes a farther departure from its original design, ditching the bolt action to become an expensive self loading battle rifle, that does not only have a larger magazine and foregrip, but also can work as an amphibious weapon using APM ammunition with just a simple change of the barrel.  
  • Reload (7), Rapid Fire (5), Burst Fire (5), 2d10 Piercing, Heavy, 8lb, Two-Handed, Ammunition (MEI), (range 120/360)
  • Special: Part of the H-210T kit is a 5.45mm barrel and specific parts to use APM ammunition. If the user spends 1 minute switching parts like in a short rest, they can use APM ammunition changing to the following properties: Reload (14), 2d8 Piercing, amphibious, ammunition (APM/SAK).
  • Makes a ping sound when the magazine is emptied.
  • 1,800P. Manufacturer, Hāmani ō Pupuhi Tirita (Tirita Arms Factory)

H-211A Rivoltella

Designed in 2198 ISC. This revolver is based off of the Illagran F3 Revolucionario, and was modified for amphibious combat which involves being covered in a thin layer of hardened rubber attached to the frame and a short barrel. Due to its age and the times it was used in were particularly violent, it's the only Republic design that can be found outside of their Armed Forces typically used by their enemies the Admiralty of Guardia and Patriotic Defense Council who have copied the design, and corrupt officers have even sold the guns to pirates and mercenaries for extra cash.  
  • Reload (6), 2d8 Piercing, Amphibious, Ammunition (TTMA/MAS) 3lb, Light, (range 40/120)
  • 550P. Manufacturer, Hāmani ō Pupuhi Tirita (Tirita Arms Factory)

H-211B "Ono" Machine Pistol

Designed in 2295 ISC. The Ono, translated as the name for the Great Barracuda, was a sub-machine gun that was initially made in haste as tensions with the Cartel aligned Arikitoa of Panua, which translates to Warlords, was looking like it might result in a war, and the OVN requested their own close combat solution that wasn't the M-4MP as fighting in the high density city of Rakava seemed to be inevitable. Thankfully the conflict never came to be with the Warlords abdicating from their position, however instead of scrapping the design feedback from marines and OVN agents using it was mostly positive, so Tirita sought to improve upon the design. The modern version is more reliable and recoil more manageable, it comes with a integrated foregrip, top rail for a sight and foldable stock.  
  • Reload (20), Rapid Fire (5), Burst Fire (5), Fully Automatic (3), 2d8 Piercing, two-handed, ammunition (TTMA/MAS), 8lbs, Heavy, (range 60/180)
  • 2,250P. Manufacturer, Hāmani ō Pupuhi Tirita (Tirita Arms Factory)
  • 2,750P for the Amphibious variant.

H-212A “Parata” Carbine

Designed in 2322 ISC. The Parata, which roughly means white tipped shark, is the pride and joy of designers at Tirita and the OVN as it meets all the specifications that the Republic has been looking for in amphibious and naval warfare. It's such a point of pride, that the blueprint line art of it is hung up in the lobby of the company. At this point in time, underwater ammunition became refined and the tooling for them more efficient giving them the greenlight to start production of the carbine. At first it was handed out in limited numbers, experimenting with its effectiveness in the occasional skirmish with the Admiralty and Patriots, making small modifications until 2381 ISC when they began mass production. Due to the expense of the weapon, it's hardly handed out in large numbers, but most squads at least have one around, depending on where they are. The frame is made of metal, painted in a coat of blue, black, or grey anti-rust paint with a wavy shaped underbarrel furnish with dots covering it for texture that works as a grip.  
  • Reload (20), Rapid Fire (5), Burst Fire (5), Fully Automatic, 2d8 Piercing, two-handed, amphibious, ammunition (APM/SAK) 7lb, (range 80/240)
  • Part of the H-212A kit is a 7.7mm barrel and specific parts to use APM ammunition. If the user spends 1 minute switching parts, they can use APM ammunition changing to the following properties: Reload (15), 2d10 Piercing, ammunition (MEI)
  • 2,500P. Manufacturer, Hāmani ō Pupuhi Tirita (Tirita Arms Factory)

PTPR "Torutara (Trident)" Man Portable Torpedo Launcher

Designed in 2276 ISC. Talking about the PTPR Torutara in military and paramilitary circles is like talking about a cryptid. Not many sailors have actually seen one, but would claim that their misfortune was solely sourced by this mythical figure. Unfortunately for those in the Admiralty of Guardia and the late Patriots of Turra, this weapon very much exists, even if they still don't believe it's real. The PTPR features an open top, with only thin lines of metal to work as a guide for the shooter aiming at the boat/ship in question. Typically painted in a grey or dark blue anti-rust paint.  
  • Reload (1), 4d10 Piercing, amphibious, Siege Weapon, Team Weapon, ammunition (RT), 20lb (range 300/1000)
  • 350P. Manufacturer, Dura Heavy Industries
Republic Armed Forces Ammunition
  Amphibious Rifle Ammunition (APM)
  • 5.45x39mm Ammunition for underwater use.
  • 5P
TTMA Heavy Amphibious Pistol Ammunition
  • 11.3x23mm for underwater use Pistol Ammunition
  • 5P
RT Mini-Torpedo
  • 105mm Torpedo
  • 300P

Karieban Federal Armory

The Royal Karieban Federation found themselves in a unique position in the immediate post-war years. Being located far from the nuclear fallout and strife in the Arenian homeland, they had little incentive to ramp up production of military equipment or develop new designs. Instead, they focused on making peace with each other and settling feuds, recognizing that the proliferation of more weapons would only worsen any conflicts that arose. However, this changed dramatically in 2336 when Keskellen was almost destroyed by an invasion force sent by the Imperial Regent in Illagran. Opiekun Ceslowa Twórca, a commoner engineer and traveler, was tasked with creating tools to develop cheaper designs. She recycled and repurposed materials to serve new roles and pushed for technological cooperation with the Republic government, leading to the founding of the Fabryka Broni Twórca, or Twórca Arms Factory. Twórca is protective of their designs in a legal sense, but they have no qualms about selling their surplus weapons to mercenaries, making their sales feel like a neighborhood flea market surrounded by mercenaries and gangsters.  

WZ-16 Cavalry Carbine

Designed in 2340 ISC. This weapon is the product of cooperation between the Twórca and Tirita companies, made to fit the preferences of Cavalry on horseback and paratroopers jumping out of perfectly good airships. It's a mostly metal frame with a wooden pistol grip and stock and wooden furnishing over the barrel.  
  • Reload (20), Rapid Fire (5), Burst Fire (5), Fully Automatic, Two-Handed, 2d8 Piercing, weight 7lb, ammunition (SAK/APM) (range 80/240)
  • 1,300P. Manufacturer, Twórca Arms Factory.

WZ-15 "Letena" Anti-Material Rifle

Designed in 2336 ISC. This weapon was the product of panic caused by the seemingly sudden attack of the Regents forces, and was made as a solution to the vehicles brought by them. It's initial versions could be perceived as crude, as they took the barrels of unused anti-aircraft guns and the guns of destroyed vehicles to use as the barrel for this gun. Although more refined presently, it still looks as if almost jury rigged.  
  • Reload (3), 3d12 Piercing, Armor Piercing (5), Heavy, ammunition (CAS), weight 40lb, (range 240/840)
  • Comes with bipod.
  • Special: This extremely heavy rifle is meant to be man portable, however if it’s shot without the user being prone or behind appropriate cover to deploy the bipod, then the attack is at disadvantage and can only be targeted at someone within normal range.
  • 3,500P. Manufacturer, Twórca Arms Factory.

WZ-17 "Losha/Kosā" Light Machine Gun

Designed in 2404 ISC. Arediāni weapon manufacturers from Tirita got togeather with Twórca to design a support weapon to meet both of the nations needs and as a sign of good faith for their military alliance. The Losha is a modernized Light Machine Gun made to the Federations personal specifications while keeping to Tirita's brand of versatility. The weapon is manufactured in both Federation and Republic territories.  
  • Reload (45), 2d8 Piercing, Heavy, Two-Handed, Fully Automatic (2), Rapid Fire, Burst Fire, ammunition (SAK/APM), weight 14lbs, (range 120/360)
  • Comes with Bipod.
  • Can be magazine fed or Belt Fed. Belt makes Reload (100) and takes two actions to reload and makes the weapon a Crew Weapon.
  • Part of the WZ-17 Losha kit is a 7.7mm barrel and specific parts to use MEI ammunition. If the user spends 1 minute switching parts, they can use MEI ammunition and the following properties change: Reload (35/75), 2d10 Piercing, ammunition (MEI)
  • Special: When using the Rapid Fire or Burst Fire properties without the Bi-Pod deployed affected creatures have advantage on their saves to avoid damage.
  • 2,750P. Manufacturer, Twórca Arms Factory and Hāmani ō Pupuhi Tirita.

DPP-1 Explosive Ordnance Atlatl

Designed in 2336 ISC. Taking the idea of an Atlatl to it's modern conclusion as a spring loaded weapon to launch heavier projectiles. The design is comicaly cheap, though it's short range can make it undesirable to anyone who isn't looking for cheap grenade launching solutions. It's typically strapped on to the dominant arm, and can be used with convenience when pre-loaded.  
  • Marital Weapon, Thrown Weapon, Ranged Weapon, Reload (2), Weight 4lb.
  • Can be used with javelins and spears to throw them at double the normal and long range. Up to two grenades can be strapped onto bladeless spears and javelins to be thrown up to 120 ft.
  • Anyone can make this.
  • 25P. Manufacturer, Twórca Arms Factory.
Federal Ammunition
Standard Carbine Ammunition (SAK)
  • 5.45x39mm rifle ammunition.
  • 5P

Cartel Designs

Etzil Arms is the second biggest arms dealer in the post-war era, where they will sell newly manufactured or refurbished post-war weapons to anyone with the money to buy them. However, they also produce designs specifically for Cartel uses, being partially owned by all four of them, specializing in making weapons for clandestine purposes. Although more difficult to purchase Cartel products away from Aya and Southern Arenia, as long as you are aware of a Cartel Confederation shadow market or subsidiary company in your region, you'd be able to purchase items at hiked up export prices.

PK-1 "Caderno" Compact Machine Pistol

This weapon was designed as a solution for Knights operating in foreign territory and to also be properly armed. Weapons like these are infamous for sporadic but intense instances of violence in urban areas as they are used for teams on hit jobs targeting important persons. Although acts like those aren't common, the fact that they can happen is a significant threat on its own. It is made completely of metal, and folds in up to look like it's namesake, a notebook with a leather cover.  
  • Reload (20), 2d6 Piercing, two-handed, Rapid Fire (5), Burst (5), Fully Automatic (2), weight 4lb, ammunition (MPE) (range 50/150)
  • Collapsible Frame: Can fold up to be withdrawn into a coat or container, potentially to be hidden. Would take a DC 20 investigation to detect properly.
  • Perfect for the Mercenary on the go! Never go to Junta territory unarmed again!
  • 2,250P Manufacturer, Etzil Arms

PK-2 "Explotar y Soltar" Compact Pistol

This tiny pistol likely accounts for at least 70% of non-gang related murders committed in Puerto Esperanza. The nature of these murders were dubbed the same name as this weapon, "Pop and Drops."  
  • Reload (3), 2d6 Piercing, weight 1.5lb, Ammunition (MPE), Light, (range 30/90)
  • Very small, can be hidden inside your boots or kept in your pocket!
  • 300P. Manufacturer, Etzil Arms

Royal Illagran Armory

The Illagran defense industry has had a very complicated and controversial history, especially running up to, and during, their 3rd Civil War in 1964 ISC. Apaz, and thusly the entire Kingdom, always prioritized maintaining peace domestically on the large island and holding itself as a neutral power where treaties and agreements can be made between rivals. However, with the Empire meddling within their politics, and the Second Republic as it's primary rival, even the Consello and their King could sense that the modern times required modern tools. Bordered with the Brume, Illagran mostly leased weapon designs from Arenia to arm their Niweliros in the east, and used a guild to make a factory in Dref Newydd to source them from and, not so coincidentally, did it at the same time as the Democratic and Anarchist movements were beginning to take shape in their southern counties. The Cadwallader Guild is likely the oldest weapons manufacturer in the realm, as the blacksmith guild has records of sales dating back before the Imperial Solar Calendar was established, and was loyal to the Grand Duke and their Kingdom. However, what the Kingdom could not predict was that the Agricultural Anarchist movement ran deepest within the region, and that the activist turned revolutionary, Cledwyn Camba, was going to make that factory work for the Revolution. With the exception of the Revolucionario, the Cadwallader weapons aren't found outside of Illagran often and contracts with the Cadwallader Guild is only known to be active with the Juntas of the Peninsula making aquisition of these weapons outside of that context difficult. Now that the Cadwallader's are manufacturing weapons for Imperial 1st Army,    

A-01 Amddiffysor Self Loading Rifle

Designed 1961 ISC. Dependent on Arenian designs, the Cadwallader wanted to make their own distinctive rifle that surpassed anything being made at the time. What they thought up of was, at the time, an expensive but highly effective Self Loading Rifle that would be, ironically, crucial for the success of the Anarchists. The weapon has been redesigned and upgraded throughout the centuries after the war, and is still the rifle of choice for Niwelrios watching the Brume. The frame is mostly made of wood, with many models not having a pistol grip.  
  • Reload (10), Burst Fire (5), Burst Fire (5), 2d10 Piercing, Two-Handed, Heavy, Weight 10lb, Ammunition (MEI) (range 120/360)
  • 1,150P. Manufacturer, Cadwallader Guild

A-02 Revolucionario Revolver

Designed 1965 ISC. The first popular Revolver of the time, the Revolucionario has a decently long barrel, and packs a powerful punch with it's large round. It's design has changed little throughout the years, and is a popular symbol for leftist anarchist movements following the Camba legacy as he is credited for it's creation. President Perreti famously dual wielded a pair of these as a soldier and during her time as President of the Republic. Imperial Remnant forces, as a reaction to this, have tried to rename it to the Ley Revolver, but everyone outside of them, including their allies on the Peninsula, though for their own conservative reasons, thought that was stupid so it never caught on outside of Illagran.  
  • Reload (6), 2d8 Piercing, weight 4lb, ammunition (MAS) (range 50/150)
  • 450P. Manufacturer, Cadwallader Guild

A-03 Eryr (EH-rare) Battle Rifle

Designed 2400 ISC. Needing a new Battle Rifle to replace the heavy M-3 K'ak' Kan, Imperial 1st Army officials spared no cost in making what they believe to be the rifle to end all infantry rifles. The result is the most expensive mainline infantry weapon in terms of production cost ever mass produced. The Eryr's advanced integrated sights, light weight but powerful round and polished engineering makes this the most desired Battle Rifle for mercenaries and militaries across the realm. It's sleek long barrel and ergonmoic design give it an almost futuristic look, making it stand out in the rest of Terota. After the Battle of Puerto Esperanza, many soldiers of the Republic and Federation coalition took them as torphies from killed and captured Imperial and Garda soldiers.  
  • Reload (20), 2d8 Piercing, Rapid Fire, Burst Fire, Fully Automatic, Two-Handed, Heavy, Weight 8lb, ammunition (GARDA), (range 100/280)
  • Integrated Sights: A Battery powered reflex sight and telescopic sight are both integrally mounted on the weapon. When you make your first attack on your turn with this weapon, you can decide to use the Reflex Sight or Telescopic Sight. You cannot switch sights after attacking until your next turn. Using the reflex sight you have a +1 to ranged attacks with the weapon. When using the telescopic sight the weapons range becomes (150/420).
  • Your first Reload with this weapon uses a Bonus Action.
  • 3,250P. Manufacturer, Cadwallader Guild

A-04 Curuxa Pistol

Designed 2402 ISC. The Imperial 1st Army and it's Paramilitaries desiered a more modern weapon for their police forces as unrest grew. The A-04 uses a rifle round rather than pistol round, has greater range than the average side arm and also greater penetration power. It's larger than it's M-2L counterpart, and smaller than the revolvers it is competing with and rails for a sight and flashlight. Making the perfect middle ground for lightweight, magazine capacity and power. Ka'nal General Enidad has their own, customized to their specifications.  
  • Reload (10), 2d6 Piercing, Weight 3lbs, Light, Range (60/180) ammunition (PIG)
  • 700P. Manufacturer, Cadwallader Guild
Illagran Ammunition
  • 6.5x45mm
  • 10P
PIG Ammunition
  • 5.7x28mm
  • 5P
  MAS Heavy Pistol Ammunition
  • 11.3x23mm Pistol Ammunition
  • 5P

Weapon Modifications

Modifications that could be added to most ranged weapons and even some melee weapons. For barrel modifications, first time installation costs around 50P of labor to machine the barrel. This is experimental and very much subject to heavy changes.  
  • 4x Scope: Doubles the normal and long range of a ranged weapon it’s attached to. 300P.
  • Muzzle Break: Adds a +1 to hit on ranged attacks. 150P
  • Heavy Barrel: Increases the DC of Rapid Fire and Burst Fire attacks by 1. 250P
  • Extended Barrel: +1 to hit on ranged attacks within normal range of the weapon. 250P
  • Extended Magazine: +5 to the reload property for weapons that use MEI, MAS, TTMA, GARDA, and PAZ. +10 to the reload property for weapons that use SAK, APM, MPE and PIG. 75P.
  • Straight Pull Bolt Modification: Enables the Rapid Fire and Burst Fire property on weapons that are bolt action. 400P
  • Recoil Compensator: Increases the DC of Rapid Fire and Burst Fire attacks by 1. 150P.
  • Bi-Pod: When firing from behind cover or prone with the Bi-Pod deployed, the user doesn’t suffer from disadvantage at long range. 10P
  • Collapsible Frame: A non-heavy weapon that can be collapsed into a smaller piece to be hidden under a coat, or within a small space. On your person, it would take a DC 20 investigation check from someone to detect it. 100P to 500P.
  • Hair Trigger: Can be applied to single shot pistols to give them the Rapid Fire and Burst Fire properties. 300P.
  • Suppressor: Adds the Silenced property. 300P.
  • Bayonet: Makes a ranged weapon also a melee weapon with the additional properties, 1d4 Piercing, Special: Immediately after you use the Dash action on your turn and move at least 20ft, you can make one melee attack as a bonus action and deal 2d4 Piercing damage on a hit. 10P Note: This means you can make opportunity attacks as long as the bayonet is attached.
  • Smart Weapon: Coming soon maybe TM?

Unique Melee Weapons and Infantry Ordnance

Even with Firearms taking the spotlight after the 4th Alianza War melee and thrown weapons still had their role and remained relevant, especially with the rise of bullet proof metal armors. They are, in fact, even more important in the current post-war era as ammunition is usually at an exorbitant cost for most people due to the tools and resources needed to make it in first place aren't exactly proliferate. Nearly all of the more sophisticated and expensive ones were developed pre-war, and are very complicated pieces of engineering that could potentially be sourced by finding different parts around the Peninsula or bought from the Dita Corporation.

MP-9B Shock Baton

Designed 2025 ISC. A police baton covered in flat metal square electric conductors that charge up with electricity meant to non-lethally subdue someone.  
  • Reload/Recharge (20), 2d4 Lightning, weight 2lb, simple weapon, Light
  • Each time a creature is hit by the shock baton, they are forced to make a DC 14 Constitution save, on a failure they're Dazed until the end of their next turn.
  • 700P. Manufacturer, Etzil Arms and Colijas Arms

MP-9A Shock Lance

Designed 2025 ISC. The shock spear is used for riot units in order to quell a group of people non-lethally and at a safe distance.
  • Reload/Recharge (20), 2d4 Lightning, weight 6lbs, two-handed, Reach
  • Each time a creature is hit by the shock baton, they are forced to make a DC 14 Constitution save, on a failure they're Dazed until the end of their next turn.
  • 1,800P. Manufacturer, Etzil Arms and Colijas Arms

Pumul Tunet T-110 Thunder Fist

Designed 2071 ISC. This heavy gauntlet is as equally destructive as it is impractical. However, it's devastating nature made it a favorite with the sadistic Inmortal units of the Imperial Military as it's unique way of Pink Misting multiple people at a time had desirable effects on the enemy's morale. It is a large and imposing metal gauntlet at least 4x larger than the average hand, meant to protect the user and also be used as a weapon if they don't want to reload. It uses FER charges which are shaped explosives that direct much of their force forward away from the fist. Each of these charges are placed on each finger of the gauntlet.  
  • Reload (5), 2d10 Bludgeoning, martial weapon, Armor Piercing (5), ammunition (FER), heavy, weight 9lb
  • When this weapon causes an injury, they roll a D10 instead of a D20 or D100 to determine injury.
  • Special: Can be used as a mighty gauntlet without using FER charges to deal 1d10 bludgeoning. May not wield anything with this weapon, but can still use it for two-handed weapons as long as the other hand doesn't also have gauntlet on it.
  • Full Fist: The user may replace a normal attack with a special attack where you use all remaining FER charges on the fist to deal damage in 10ft cone, which would deal 2d10+ 1d10 for every remaining charge on the fist for a maximum of 6d10. Creatures in the AoE are forced to make a con save whose DC is equal to 8+ the amount of charges used to a maximum DC of 13.
  • 4,000P. Manufacturer, Dita & Collado Arms Collaboration Factory

Fierastrau T-120 Razorsword

Designed 2072 ISC. The Razorsword will probably be the single most expensive piece of an mercenary or servicemembers kit, and is one of the most useful and devastating options on the Dita melee menu. The Razorsword uses two chrome vanadium alloy chains made very specifically for this sword and nothing else with blades made to cut through most material, a Universal Battery powered motor that makes the chains run at around 13,000 RPM and up, making it perfect to destroy cover, make entrances into buildings, saw the tracks off of an Armored Vehicle, or make holes in a warship. A handle can also be flipped up at the base of the weapon to use it with both hands. The chains can also be withdrawn behind the safety cover to use as a regular sword.  
  • Reload/Recharge (15), 2d8 Slashing, Martial Weapon, Versatile (2d10), Armor Piercing (10), heavy, weight 5lbs.
  • When this weapon causes an injury, they roll a D10 instead of a D20 or D100 to determine injury.
  • Special: Can be turned off to deal just 1d8/1d10 slashing damage and use no charge.
  • As an action, you may use the Fierastrau to cut through objects made of metal or wood no more than 2 1/2 feet thick. For each foot of material that has been sawed through, a charge is consumed. As an example, using all 15 charges on the battery, the Fierastrau can make a 5x5 square in one action.
  • 5,000P. Manufacturer, Dita & Collado Arms Collaboration Factory

PK-3 "Surpresa" Hidden Ballistic Knife

This Ballistic Knife is a neat gadget with a spring loaded blade to get the jump on an unsuspecting target. Also pretty illegal in most places, as most Etzil orginials are.  
  • Reload (1), 2d4 Piercing, simple weapon, finesse, ranged weapon, melee weapon weight 2lbs range (40/120)
  • Special: Can be used as a regular knife for 1d4 Piercing.
  • Collapsible Frame: The blade is defaultly hidden within what looks like a portable comb handle, and in fact, it comes with the comb inside. Takes a DC 20 investigation check in order to detect.
  • Poison sold separately.
  • 100P. Manufacturer, Etzil Arms.

ME-15 Hand Grenade

It's shaped like a ball.
  • As an action, a character can throw the grenade at a point up to 60 feet away. With a grenade launcher or Explosive Ordance Atlatl, the character can propel the grenade up to 120 feet away.
  • Each creature within 15ft of an exploding fragmentation grenade must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 5d6 piercing damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Weight 1lb.
  • 150P

WZ-40 Anti-Armor Grenade

A metal stick grenade with a relatively heavy payload meant specifically for armored targets.
  • As an action, a character can throw the grenade at a point up to 30 feet away. With a Explosive Ordnance Atlatl, the character can propel the grenade up to 60 feet away.
  • Armor Piercing (4). On the point the grenade is thrown, it deals 5d6 bludgeoning damage to creatures and objects in that 5ft space, forcing creatures within it to make a DC 15 constitution saving throw and take half damage on a success and full damage on a fail.
  • Multiple WZ-40's can be strapped together to increase the damage by 2d6 to a maximum of 11d6 (4 grenades). With two or more strapped together it does damage in a 5ft cube. Weight 3lbs.
  • 200P

ME-20 Smoke Grenade

  • As an action, a character can throw the grenade at a point up to 60 feet away. With a Explosive Ordnance Atlatl, the character can propel the grenade up to 120 feet away.
  • One round after a smoke grenade lands, it emits a cloud of smoke that creates a heavily obscured area in a 20-foot radius. A moderate wind (at least 10 miles per hour) disperses the smoke in 4 rounds; a strong wind (20 or more miles per hour) disperses it in 1 round.
  • 100P.

ME-25 Flash Grenade

  • As an action, a character can throw the grenade at a point up to 60 feet away. With a grenade launcher or Explosive Ordance Atlatl, the character can propel the grenade up to 120 feet away.
  • Creatures who can hear or see the flash grenade within 20ft of the explosion of the flash grenade are forced to make a DC 18 Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they are Blinded and Deafened until the end of their next turn.
  • 150P
High Explosive Mini-Shaped Charge (FER)
  • 25P
Universal Oxygen Battery
  • 200P
Universal Lithium Battery
  • 500P
  • Doubles the Recharge property.

Post-War Jury Rigged Weapons

At the end of the day, despite the general proliferation of sophisticated weapons being made in factories, the most commonly used weapons are ones jury rigged to be, as the people of Cuenco say, good enough. Knives, machetes and swords are almost always carried by your average mercenary and even soldiers of the more well armed militaries of the post-war world. Hammers, the head of rock crushers, and axes are modified to be ergonomic for combat and maces are still useful for police, and on the very other end of the spectrum, capturing hostages. Then finally the modest pipe, it can be used as a melee weapon sure, but find a good enough pipe it can be used as a gun barrel if you really need to blast someone. These pipe guns use cheap bullets that can be made without expensive machine tools and use cheap and common black powder in their metallic casing that have low range and low power, but at least make a loud bang and if it hits something that something will be in pain.

Pipe Rifle and Pipe Pistol

Breech loaded black powder improvised firearms, typically strapped together with leather straps, scrap wood and metal.
  • DMG Musket and Pistol, but the price is 300P for Musket, and 200 for Pistol.
  • Some mercenaries pay to have a semi-auto receiver for their pipe weapon so they can keep using cheap ammunition with more capabilities. Which would change it's loading property to Reload (10), and add on the Rapid Fire (5), Burst Fire (5) properties. At the cost of an additional 250P most of the time.

"Grenade Launcher"

A heavy crossbow modified to have the drawstrings attached to a cup that flings out a single grenade a larger distance than just throwing it.
  • Reload (1), Heavy, Ranged Weapon, Two-Handed, Weight 18lbs.
  • Always homemade.

Rompehuesos Neumático or RPN (Pneumatic Bone Breaker)

This insane invention has no known date when it was first used or inventor, but it's conceptual origin is thought to be the brainchild of a crafty scavenger and a lot of cannabis. The visual is simple, someone took a jack hammer, put a bigger rod on it, and forced a universal battery in as it's power source to use it as the heaviest pole arm of its size known to Aethrin and despite it's awkward way of being wielded it's extremely dangerous.
  • Reload/Recharge (15), Rapid Fire (5), Fully Automatic (4), 2d12 Bludgeoning, Martial Weapon, Two-Handed, Reach, Polearm, Heavy, Weight 35lbs
  • Special: It does 1d8 bludgeoning damage without using charge.
  • 1,500P. Manufacturer, disgruntled laborer.

Team Weapons

An individual can achieve many things, but many individuals can achieve great things. This concept applies to Team Weapons that need crews starting from two people to effectively use a weapon up to dozens. From the suppressive machine gun to the terrifying artillery cannon, these are weapons that any sizable warband would want to acquire to assert their power.  

M-14AA "Hacha" Heavy Machine Gun

Designed 2078 ISC. The 14.5mm Heavy Machine Gun was designed as a bigger, heavier and modern option for support weapons on vehicles and defensive positions. It earned the nickname "Hacha" when it debuted during the Peligrosa, as it would practically cut in half the trees Guerillas would use as cover and concealment, along with the Guerillas behind them. It could also be used as a decent anti-air option, especially when multiple are combined together for an anti-air configuration. Usually carried in 3-4 more man teams it comes with a tripod to be deployed on flat surfaces, mounted on a vehicle, or can even be transported on wheels like a cart.
  • Reload (40), Rapid Fire (5), Full Automatic (2), Range (200/500), 3d10 Piercing, Armor Piercing (2), Team Weapon, Medium Sized, 108lbs.
  • 3,000P. Manufacturer, Dita Arms.

AAI-45-60 Mortar

Designed 2010 ISC. This series of mortars is obviously named after the year they were introduced as the Empire underwent another modernization effort with their equipment, experimenting with different models of platforms that saw success during the 4th Alianza War. This particular mortar is a relatively common model that fires 60mm Cohete Mortar (CM) rounds for relatively short range bombardment of target for relatively cheap costs. It can be carried by it's crew decently easy
  • Takes one action to aim and one action to fire and reload. Usually a radio operator is with the crew to receive target information. In order to fire on targets out of line of sight, crew members must be familiar with reading maps, recognizing coordinates and doing math. In short, proficiency in Navigator's Tools.
  • Maximum Crew of 3.
  • Artillery deals damage in a large radius that decreases over distance sharpnel has to fly through with High Explosives. At 15ft 6d6 Piercing Damage at DC 15, 15-30ft 4d6 damage at DC 12, and 35-50ft at DC 10. Taking half of the damage on a success. Creatures benefiting from cover take no damage on a success. Units with these mortars can be an off map call in for support in Skirmish mode or a tool for a unit on the battlefield.
  • Range 2 miles. 47lbs
  • 1,000P. Manufacturer, Dita Arms.

Haykan 20mm Autocannon

Designed 2067 ISC. The Haykan Autocannon was developed just in time for the Peligrosa, seeing use immediately on the out of date Light and Medium tanks and fortified structures. It's commonly fitted for Anti-Air use with multiple barrels, but can also be used to suppress ground targets and decently effective against Light Armor. The field weapon variant of this is fitted on wheels to be taken around either by being towed or pushed by the crew, with heavier variants fitted with up to four guns.
  • Reload (20), 3d12 piercing, Rapid Fire (5), Burst (5), Fully Automatic (2), Armor Piercing (5), Range (3,250/6,500)
  • 7,500P. Manufacturer, Collado Armory.

Capraka 105mm Field Gun

  Designed 1970 ISC. The Capraka's are based off of early field gun designs during the 4th Alianza War, the Capraka's were refined from the stress and experience of intense battle and remaining mostly the same design, seeing the occasional modification and modernization upgrade. It can be towed by horse at the very least, if not a utility car would be optimal, as dragging this gun to the next destination would be grueling. Though not impossible to do that, most crews would abandon the gun if they don't have a beast of burden or vehicle to tow it if on the retreat.
  • Takes three actions to reload, three actions to aim, and one action to fire. Usually a radio operator is with the crew to receive target information. In order to fire on targets out of line of sight, crew members must be familiar with reading maps, recognizing coordinates and doing math. In short, proficiency in Navigator's Tools.
  • Maximum Crew of 5, with two additional crew members to help with the general labor of things.
  • Units with these guns can be an off map call in for support in Skirmish mode.
  • Artillery deals damage in a large radius that decreases over distance sharpnel has to fly through with High Explosives. At 15ft it does 8d10 Piercing Damage in a 15ft radius, 20-35ft 4d10 damage DC 12, 40-90ft 3d10 damage DC 10. Creatures within this radius take half of the damage on a success. Creatures benefiting from cover take no damage on a success.
  • Creatures could potentially hear the rounds being fired before they land, and takes one round for the shells to hit their targeted area, giving them a chance to get into cover or leave.
  • Can be angled forward to be used as an anti-armor weapon with Armor Piercing (10), Range (3,250/6,500), three actions to reload, one action to aim, one action to fire.
  • Range 11 miles. 5,000lbs.
  • 10,000P. Manufacturer, Collado Armory.

Capraka 155mm Artillery

Designed 2075 ISC. During the Peligrosa, Imperial arms designers went to the drawing board to make a new and efficient long range cannon, as older Capraka's fire rate and range were deemed outdated, and hampered operations. On top of that, Sharadai armaments were starting to match pace, if not stride past Imperial military technology in some areas, rieling up engineers into a fervor. The 155m Capraka was the answer and is impossible to tow and take to other places without a sufficient Utility Car to take it.
  • Takes two actions to reload, three actions to aim, and one action to fire. Usually a radio operator is with the crew to receive target information. In order to fire on targets out of line of sight, crew members must be familiar with reading maps, recognizing coordinates and doing math. In short, proficiency in Navigator's Tools.
  • Maximum Crew of 9, with three additional crew members to help with the general labor of setting things up.
  • Artillery deals damage in a large radius that decreases over distance sharpnel has to fly through with High Explosives. At 15ft it does 12d10 Piercing Damage in a 15ft radius, 15-30ft 6d10 damage DC 15, 35-95ft 4d10 damage, 100-165ft 3d10 DC 12. Creatures within this radius take half of the damage on a success. Creatures benefiting from cover take no damage on a success.
  • If a round would hit a vehicle directly, the explosion would do it's regular damage with Armor Piercing (20).
  • Units with these guns can be an off map call in for support in Skirmish mode.
  • Creatures would hear the rounds being fired before they land, and takes one round for the shells to hit their targeted area.
  • Range 17 miles. 13,300lbs.
  • 20,000P. Manufacturer, Collado Armory.
14.5x110mm Rounds
  • 20P
Cohete Mortars
  • 60mm High Explosive: 150P, 6lbs
  • 60mm Smoke: 75P, 5lbs
  • Flare: 50P, 5lbs
Standard Heavy Ammunition (CAS)
  • 20x110mm Round 20P
  • 20x110mm Explosive Round 40P
105x372mm Artillery Rounds
  • High Explosive 200P, 12.5lbs
  • Smoke: 100P, 10.5lbs
155mm Artillery Rounds
  • High Explosive: 250P, 16lbs
  • Smoke: 150P, 14lbs

Articles under Post-War Weapons & Mechanics