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Akean (Ache-En)

The Sin of Pride Akean

I have no patience for mortals, they are prideful without cause and arrogant without right.
-Akean, The Sin of Pride
The most powerful member of The Seven Deadly Sins and the only one of his siblings to keep his wings after the Gods cursed them. Akean is one of the few creatures in the world that all Demons truly respect and all gods honestly fear.

Physical Description

Special abilities

The Sin of the Sun

Like all of his younger siblings Akean of Pride possesses a demonic power well beyond the capacity that he generally displays. This power allows Akean to channel his excess magical power into a fire that engulfs his entire body and anything around it. However, Akean's surplus of engery is so imense that when he choses to channel his magic, the very earth melts and boils underneath him and any mortal creature caught within fifty feet of his flames is simply incinerated, enveloped into a ball of flames and fire that has led mortals to refere to this power as the Sin of the Sun.

Aura of Pride

like all of his siblings Akean emits a passive aura around himself that allows Akean to highten the strength and clarity of certain emontions in any mortal around him. This aura tips the emontions of mortals and lesser demons towards confidence and pride and depending on the intesity of his miasma his target could find themselves quietly boasting about thier favroite hat, or suddenly demanding that everyone close to them bow down in awe.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • The Sin of Pride
  • The Last Angel
Blazing, Golden
Short, Frizzled, Blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned, White
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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