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Seravium (Se-Rha-Ve-Um)

I am the eldest of fourteen siblings, but make no mistake, there are only seven Seravium, the others died at the White Gate.
- Meliador, The Sin of Wrath
The first and most powerful of the Angels created by the Seraphim Luz in the age of sorrow. In the beginning there were fourteen united Seravium but when Luz finally escaped Hell and returned to the Mortal Realm seven betrayed him and joined the Gods while seven stayed loyal and became known as The Seven Deadly Sins. Neither side has been willing to acknowledge their kinship with the other since which has led to the common misconception that there only seven since seravium since both demons and angels will answer that "There are only seven true Seravium."
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetic Descendants
Average Height
7 - 9 ft.
Related Organizations
Major Organizations


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