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The native homeland of Demonkind, Hell is an incredibly diverse realm hosting a number of horors and dangers far greater than any found within Requiem. The dimension is ruled by The Demon King Lucifer Morgane along with twelve more of the worlds most dangerous, villainous, malicious, and cunning demons in existence, known collectively, as The Wicked.  

Realmedial Link

In the days of old the Olden Primordial Luz was defeated and cast from the sky by the entity known as Styx. Although he was unconcious from the blow Luz's body released a massive amount of magical engery during his fall in a subconcious attempt to save itself from the impact and certain death. Luz's magic condensed around him growing denser and denser until it at last connected with a vein of wild magic and exploded outwards creating the pocket dimension that, by the time Luz had awoken centuries later, had expanded into the full fledge plane of existence known as Hell. However, Hell unlike the realms of Requiem or Elsyina is bound to creator. This bond is known as a Realmedial Link, a magical binding between the realm and it's lord that manifests in the form of a power known as Realmedial Creation. This power allows the lord Morgane to create or destroy any inanimate object he whishes within the boundries of Hell or, if he so desires, to bend the even the most basic of Hell's natural laws to his will.  

Demonic Advancement

Although the exsitence of magic and the constant threat of wild or cursed monsters make the invention and implementation of any new technoglogy in Requiem not only extremely difficult, but largely insigficant, however, the same is not true within Hell. Because Sinners are, in essence, nothing more than the long dead souls of wicked mortals they do not die naturally of time or sickness. As such any person with enough power to defend themselves could hypothetically live forever. This makes Hell one of the most advanced places in existence because, despite its perpetual state of conflict and chaos, eternal life allows great minds to flourish and one such mind, A once mortal Human by the name of Elscamire used his eternal life to single-handedly create a digital age within Hell thus molding the realm into his personal technological and industrial monopoly.
Hellsih Hierarchy
The list below showcases the unquestionable hierarchy of Hell. Nowhere in existence is there a stricter hierarchy of power than with the borders of Lucifer Morgane's realm. Although demons and sinners often to raise themselves with in this Hierarchy no one has ever dared to question, change, or uproot it, so feared is the power of the Demon King who sits atop Hell's throne.
The Demon King
Hell's Princesses
The Princess of Desire
Alastair and Charlotte Hellfire.
The Infernisk
Hellborn demons, Succubi, Incubi, Terafrin, ect.
Once mortal Sinners
Plane of Existence
Additional Rulers/Owners
Owning Organization
Inhabiting Species
Related Professions


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