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The Evergreen Realms

Known as The Agless Lands or simply The Otherland the Evergreen Realm is believed by most mortals, to be the source of all light, fertility, and purity in existence but while Persephone's kingdom boasts all of these qualities in excess, it is not the source of any of them. The Evergreen Realm is the magical extension of the Primordial Persephone in a similar way that Hell is an extension of Lucifer Morgane.

Localized Phenomena

Natural Bridging

The Evergreen Realm is a land of endless forests and a natural ecosystem more vibrant than any other ruled by the first and greatest of all Fertility Gods due to this it's connection to the Mortal Realm is heavily reliant on the fertility of Requiem. The healtier the natural world of Reqiuem, the closer the Evergreen grows and the easier it becomes to travel between the two realms. Likewise the weaker the nature of Requeim becomes, the smaller its forests and the more polluted its waters the harder it becomes to travel to and from the Evergreen Realms. This is also why wizards and other magic users find it easier to teleport between the realms from deep within forests or far out at sea than in within the boarders or sight of cities and similar mortal made structures.
Alternative Name(s)
The Agless Lands, The Otherland
Plane of Existence
Ruling/Owning Rank
Related Ethnicities


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