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Lucifer Morgane (Loo-Suh-Fr | Moor- Gain)

The Demon King, Lucifer Morgane (a.k.a. Luci)

He's an arrogant prick with a glass ego who rules Hell as its apex predator not it's king!
-Diana, The Queen of the Gods
Often theorized to be the oldest being in all of existence, The Demon King, Lucifer Morgane is the single most dangerous and most respected creature in all of Hell and much of the wider world. He is the unequivocal ruler of Hell and the indisputable lord of all Demonkind.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Realmedial Link

In the days of old the Olden Primordial Luz was defeated and cast from the sky by the entity known as Styx. Although he was unconcious from the blow Luz's body released a massive amount of magical engery during his fall in a subconcious attempt to save itself from the impact and certain death. Luz's magic condensed around him growing denser and denser until it at last connected with a vein of wild magic and exploded outwards creating the pocket dimension that, by the time Luz had awoken centuries later, had expanded into the full fledge plane of existence known as Hell. However, Hell unlike the realms of Requiem or Elsyina, is bound to it's creator. This bond is known as a Realmedial Link a magical binding between the realm and it's lord that manifests in the form of a power known as Realmedial Creation. This power along with the intmately cultivated relationship that the lord Morgane shares with Hell blurs the line between demon and domain until Hell is more akin to an extension of of its master's being than an inanimate geography. It is Morgane's ability to feel this exention and visualize it that allows him to to create or destroy any inanimate object he whishes whilst within the confines of Hell or, if he so desires, to bend even the most basic of Hell's natural laws to his will.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Elder God

In the Primordial Age Lucifer Morgane was known as Luz, The Herald of Dawn. In the days of old he was The Master of The Day and his older sister Nix, The Lady of The Night, together the two friends ruled over the sky while their other siblings ruled over the earth, sea, and other Primordial. For centuries Luz and his nine siblings ruled over thier brethren with benevolence and grace but the day of Styx's awakening inevitably came and with her arriaval, carnage beyond imagining.  

Styx's Awakening

  When The Void rose from the depthes of the earth to gorge herself on all life and destroy the Olden Primordial the Virimeneri rushed to face her and while the ensuing battle allowed for a precious few Primordials to escape thier lives cost the Virimeneri thier own. Only Luz managed to surviive by a pure stroke of fate. As the god of the sun plummeted back down to earth his dying body released all of his magical power in a desperate attempt to save itself from the mortal wound Styx had inflicted. This massive discharge of magical energy disrupted the natural Wild Magic of Na Aragen and it reacated violently. Natrually seeking to contain the possible destruction Luz's magical impact could create Na Aragen defensively funneled all of Luz's magic into a spontaneously created dimensional rift and the sheer denisty of magical engery quickly became unstabe and errupted outward turing Luz's empty prison into the realm of Hell.

The Empty Prison

Although he lay submerged and unconscious in Morgane's Lagoon for what very well could have been centuries, Luz did evenutally heal and awaken from his tramatic hiberation. When he did, however, he was alone and confused. for years he wandered Hell searching for a way out. When he realized he had become trapped in a closed realm with no connetion to the other planes of existence Luz fell into a deep depression and dedicated himself to the study of his newfound prison in the hopes of one day finally finding a way home. It was this study that revealed to Luz, his ability to use Realmedial Creation and Luz quickly realized that to have such a power, his connection to his prison must be must be far more intamate than he had realized. Desprately seeking understanding Luz began experimenting with his new power and eventually raised the castle of Nagarais around the Hell Spring. It was within the walls of Nagarais that he lived and meditated for years as he struggled to deepen his connection with Hell understand what had happened to him. Luz meidiated for for years, although no one knows excatly how long he spent locked within his empty castle, before Hell finally showed him the event of it's birth. Luz saw Styx's dark tentacles tear holes in him and his siblings and he watched horrifed as his dying body fell to from the sky and into the newly created realm of Hell. It was then that Luz understood just how little he remembered of his past and just how much his solitude had worsened his condition. He could not even remember his siblings names and he was horrifed that he would forget them, and himself, entirely if he remained trapped in his isolation. So, in a desprate attempt to stop his mind from slipping futher into emptiness Luz focused all of his realmedial power into the creation of a new speices. A race he prayed would be able to help him recover. Luz created fourteen of these beings and named them the Seravium, or The Children of The Seraph.

The Death of Luz

Legend says he fell when a mysterious creature known as Styx destroyed his kin. Even I am to young to say for certain weather that is true or not but what I do know is that our father was once much kinder than he is today. So far as the sins are concered, our father did not fall from grace when his siblings died, Lucifer was born when his, when Luz's, children lost faith in him and his paradise was shattered.
- Meliador, The Sin of Wrath
Luz and the Seravium lived happily in Hell for centuries and in that time the children of the Seravium,the Angels, used thier magic to turn Hell into a luscious paradise, but Luz still craved to return home. His children graciously understood and worked day and night to try and find a way into the Realm of Requiem. One day they succeeded, the Seravium found a place wear the veil between worlds was thin and it was there that Luz brought his power to bear and built a bridge between the realms. To this day The White Gate remains the only stable way for mortals to travel between their realm and Hell, and he brought all of his children with him to witness the beauty of his home. Sadly, however, times had changed, It had been centuries since his departure and Luz still bore the mark of The Void from when Styx wounded him in ages past. The Gods, who had been born and populated Na Aragen in Luz absence sensed the dark engery emanating from that mark and gathered to defend themselves from it. The gods met Luz at The White Gate in The Endless Peaks saw his angels, and assumed he had brought an army. Fearful, the gods readied themselves for battle, but Diana the middle child of her parents dropped her weapons and stood before Luz and his children unarmed she adressed all of Luz angels, told them of the magical wonder of her home and of the dark power she sensed emitnating from thier leader. Diana spun such a convincing tale of Luz's ill intent, becuase indeed, she believed it herself, that Luz children believed her too. Seven of the Seravium and all five-hundred of their children joined the goddess and raised arms against thier father. Shocked and outraged Luz cursed them all. Stripping his children of thier power, wings, and memory. The gods did thier best to shelter the angels from his wrath and in turn cursed the seven Seravium who had remained loyal, stealing thier wings. but Luz was an ancient god and his power was unequaled. The gods could not protect all the angels from him while also fighting against the seven loyal Seravium. The wrechted battle raged for days and in the end Luz was driven back into Hell, but his imprisonment came at a cost as only ninety-nine of the five-hundred angels remained untainted and six of the seven Seravium still loyal to thier father had lost thier wings.
When Luz returned to Hell his anguish was inconsolable and he annihilated everything his children had built transforming the beauty they had created into a wasteland of brimstone, fire, and smoke. So great was his rage that from the wreckage of Hell spawned the first Dragons. Hell became a wasteland overnight and it has never fully recovered. But the true tragedy was the death of the Dawn Bringer. After his childrens' betrayal something inside Luz died and what was left behind, he called Lucifer. Thus the King of Hell was born and the seven Seravium still loyal to him, those who fought against the gods and held thier own, earned themselves a reputation and became known from then on, as The Seven Sinners, The Seven Deadly Sins.


Social Aptitude

"My love for you remains little brother but you are no longer the little brother I knew."
"But it's not my fault Athena! They took everything from me! They made me this way!"
"You think I don't know that! They have nammed me the goddess of the wisdom for a reason. I know the loss you have suffered better than any other but only you can rekindle the light you have lost Luz and I cannot... will not stand beside you until you do."
-Athena, The Goddess of Wisdom and War, speaking with her little brother, the Demon King, Lucifer Morgane
Although Lucifer is revered for his thoughtful demenor and tactical genius and the Primordial Luz was always admired for those same virtures, Lucifer undeniably lost much of himself after The March of The White Gate and what little is left of him now is bitter and vengeful. He cares little for the governing of his kingdom, generally hates company, and spends almost all of his time trying to make Diana's life as miserable as he possibly can. He is rarely willing to spend time with his children, created, adopted, or born, and is even less willing to deal with their bickering arguing or pestering.
Soul Grade
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Lord Morgane
  • The Father of Demons
  • The Eyes of Silver Starlight
  • Seraphim
Current Residence
Mercury Silver
Well-Kept, Dirty Blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned white
Aligned Organization

Character Portrait image: by Ranger Marcy


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