
The main city of the Banderfolk colonists, Ososok is the epicenter of the undead curse that plagues its people. A partially ruined town, the city is overrun with the stench of decay, and death. However seeing as the nature of its occupants its undead, the filth is often overlooked. The crop yields and water are polluted, and the architecture is barely fringing on usable. The town is clearly still in a state of recovery from being attacked, and mass graveyards are present where farms used to be. The population has long sense grown accustomed to their new unlives, and live as any normal commoner would seemingly oblivious to the fact their world is falling apart. The city is riddled with crypts and was created through massive refuges counts herding behind protected walls, and populated quickly with the souls of the dead, brought to their aid by their queen.   The following major locations can be found Archives of the dammed Omat Amphitheater Town Hall Courthouse Temple of Zoiel Dance Hall Geon's Genral goods Smithy Rotting eagle Inn Tavern: Decapitated Drunk Butcher Herbalist Alchemist The Body Mill Foundry The Necromoor magic shop Apothecary Soothsayer Club: Last Night The Bathhouse


100% Banderfolk. Humans turned into sentient undead, most commonly of the zombie, ghoul, and ghost variety.


The Evil, Zoiel lives among them as a queen in mortal disguise. She runs the town through a theocratic cult while the forces build up.


Large walls, undead population,


Built to be a regular town, and an eventual city capital, Ososok has become a fortified town reliant on recycled corpse harvesting and a mysterious new crop planted in sprawling farms.


Wither crop, corpses,

Guilds and Factions

  • Zoiel's Council
  • The 6ft gang
  • Gophermen
  • Type
    9000 Soulstuck
    Location under
    Owning Organization


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