
  The region of Bander encompasses the southern portion of Barkarus. As a region the people are largely of goblinkin, in particularly of the Orcish variety. Long ago thanks to the efforts of a Hero known as the savior a phylactery was forged that united the Orcs of Bander into a singular nation who's rulership was determined by the victor in decennial competition. This artifact has largely kept the orcs at peace. The region is also home to other races such as mountain dwelling hobgoblins, roaming beast folk, and the cursed humans known as the soulstuck.   Bander is very reminiscent of southern America. It experiences lush temperate forests, jungles, and a warm climates. Its summers are always warm, and its winters are typically cold, but ultimately the area seasonally wet. The majority of the coastal south is lush with bayou coating the tips, with the exception of the Quanzon dessert. As you progress further north the environment becomes more diverse ranging in open planes, to unkempt temperate forests.
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