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The Faith of the Lady of Greenwood

The History

When the Elves were conquering Andúnan, The Western lands, the ancestors of the Mariseans had been a thorn in the side of the Elves. They fought the last leader of the Mariseans, and his clan had many skirmishes with the Elves up until his clan numbered in the few. Before a skirmish they were destined to lose, they were resting in a dense wood when they had a vision. The vision later being described as a voice speaking as calmly and smoothly as tranquil waters. The voice spoke as if whispering into the ear, and said "I yet only now ask for your service, I will aid you in battle tomorrow." This utterance was accompanied by a vision of trees uprooting themselves and charging the Elves, roots tearing up from the ground to halt enemy advances, and other wonders of nature occuring.

Mythology & Lore

The Lady was not the creator of Mankind but she did help protect the Mariseans from the Elves. It is said her diplomatic skills are unparalleled. That is not to say she only dealt in diplomacy. She was also fairly adept in war. As she had helped by fighting along side the tribes. This allowed the tribes to gain greater autonomy through her diplomacy.

Divine Origins

The Faith developed from customs of the older Marisean customs and beliefs.

Tenets of Faith

  • Diplomacy comes before conflict.
  • If it comes to conflict then let it not be of hate, but of justice.


Worship for the Lady usually just consists of prayer be it at home or at a shrine. But it must be done once per day.


The priesthood is a majority female but it is not uncommon for males to join the ranks. People are recruited as apprentices to already established clergy. The clergy wear a deep green robe.


The Maidens are a heretical sect outlawed in The Lordship of Marisea . It believes that the Lady is falsely attributed with Marisean success and that infact there is a group of powerful Maidens who did it.
Allowed Within Empire, Imperial Pantheon
Founded in 352 V.E.
Religious, Organised Religion
Parent Organization


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