Flower Fairy Species in Naiko | World Anvil
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Flower Fairy

A reclusive species, flower fairies are unique for their incredible imitation of the natural world. They are rarely seen by any other species, Good or Evil, and are believed to be one of the last species to make occasional contact with the human world.   Not related to Fairies.

Basic Information


Flower fairies are highly similar in form to humans, although they are much shorter and slighter. Additionally, they have wings on their backs that allow them to fly as easily as they can walk. These wings are imitations of the wings of butterflies, moths, dragonflies, and occasionally other winged insects. The species of the wings is not hereditary; any flower fairy can be born with any species of wings.   Flower fairies' skin tones can be any of that in the range of a human. Occasionally they will have a slight patterning on their skin that matches the species of their wings or other patterns found in nature, especially on plants.

Genetics and Reproduction

Reproduction works identically to humans. Flower fairies can only reproduce with other flower fairies.

Growth Rate & Stages

Flower fairies mature slightly faster than humans during childhood and slower once they reach early adulthood. The age of adulthood among fairies is generally 13 years. Flower fairies can live well over 100 years. Flower fairies do not appear to physically age once they reach adolescence.

Ecology and Habitats

Flower fairies live in secluded areas that are undisturbed by civilization, generally forests or meadows. Flowers are necessary in an environment for flower fairies as they are their main source of food. Flower fairies do not disturb the environment they live in, but rather construct simple shelters using materials from nature.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Flower fairies are herbivorous, and mainly eat pollen and nectar, along with berries and nuts. They do not farm, but will generally settle in an area that supplies their needed food and protect the plants from other predators.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Flower fairies have a unique social structure. While flower fairies never live alone, within the large groups that they form they are relatively anti-social, only interacting with other flower fairies to collect food, build structures, or warn the group of danger. Flower fairies do not mate for life and typically have many short-term partners over their life span.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

While flower fairies do not have the magical capabilities of many other species, they do have the innate ability to communicate to some extent with any living creature regardless of its language or level of sentience.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Flower fairies typically only have one name, chosen either to represent the species of their wings, e.g. Swallowtail, or after a plant, usually flower, that they are fond of, e.g. Forget-Me-Not. There is no distinction between male and female names.

Major Organizations

The flower fairies do not have any sort of organized establishments, legal or otherwise, but the species as a whole and the lands they live on are respected by the Good kingdoms as an independent political unit.

Average Technological Level

Flower fairies use only very simple technologies, i.e. basket weaving.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Flower fairies primarily speak Floral, but most can also understand and possibly speak Common as well.

Common Dress Code

Flower fairies make their clothing from natural materials. They do not weave cloth, but instead use leaves and flower petals to construct their clothing. They typically wear clothing covering the torso and upper legs, either a dress or a top and a bottom. They rarely wear shoes, and will occasionally wear hats as accessories.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Flower fairies celebrate events in the natural world, such as solstices, equinoxes, eclipses, etc.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Flower fairies, though technically neutral as they do not typically interact with other species, are considered unofficial allies of the Good species, as they are passively persecuted by Evil species.
100 years
Average Height
Average Weight
50-60 lbs.
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations


Author's Notes

The Flower Fairies of Naiko were inspired by Cicely Mary Barker's iconic Flower Fairy illustrations and stories.

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