Goat-like humanoids who live in the mountains.
Short, broad humanoids with a stout build that formerly lived in deep underground cities in the mountains.
Tall, slender fey humanoids that generally stay in the Great Forest among other fey.
A vastly varying group of fey humanoids that have animalistic features.
Short, green skinned humanoids adept at climbing and clambering.
Small humanoids bearing a very similar appearance to humans, dwelling primarily in the Riverlands.
A larger goblinoid humanoid species, closely related to goblins.
The most widely spread humanoid species on the continent of Aisoa, found anywhere from the frigid north to the deserts of Holter.
Small, reptilian humanoids that live communally mostly underground in central Aisoa.
Large bull-headed humanoids from the Wildlands.
Tall, green skinned humanoids primarily found in the deserts and plains of southern Aisoa.
Humanoids whose appearance has been changed by a powerful entity involved in their birth.