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As the Goddess of Wisdom Enthia watches over scholars, libraries everything that has anything to do with collecting and preserving knowledge as well as passing it on to the next generation. It is important to her that creatures keep learning throughout their life. She is convinced that one can never have too much knowledge.
She's also the most practical of the pantheon and never lets her heart rule her mind. All of her decisions are calculated moves, well thought through. Hence why she and Cyntha don't get along well since she's all about letting the heart rule the mind. Something that in Entia's opinion will only lead to chaos and failure.
She is also the sister of Prospero. The two have the same thirst for knowledge however her brother is often too reckless for her taste.

Divine Domains

Enthia is the goddess of wisdom, order, scholars, books, justice,strategy and the art of warfare.Hence why she often manifests herself as a snow white owl.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Divine Goals & Aspirations

His main goal is to spread wisdom throughout the world and to also gather as much wisdom as she can.


Shrines dedicated to her can be found near libraries, schools and just general places where he influence is appreciated. She has one major temple dedicated to her. However it's more an archive than a temple, where all the wisdom of the world is gathered. They're also heavily guarded as Enthia realizes that this knowledge could do serious harm when put in the wrong hands.

Divine Form

Divine Classification
Goddess of Wisdom


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