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Genus is the brother of Enthia and god of science, something that doesn't come as a surprise to many since they're both quite intelligent. However where Enthia prefers order Prospero is more creative and fun, always looking for something new to invent.
Hence why one day he decided to team up with Tirus to create the The Creation Forges. These specialized forges are used to make Warforged, a creation he is also responsible for.

Divine Domains

God of science, inventors and the warforged. Hence why he is alway seen to have many arms. He finds it easier to multitask this way.

Divine Symbols & Sigils


Divine Goals & Aspirations

His goal is to spread science and wisdom and create new things while also helping other to create.


His prefered way of worship is through creation, he finds there is ni greater honour than for an inventor scientist to carve his sigil into their work. This doesn't mean that he doesn't have any shrines however. He does have a few here and there and the occasional temple though his temples are more a place of creation than worship.

Divine Form

Divine Classification
God of Science


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