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"Dark horizons, boiling seas   From the borders chaos bleeds   Savage nobles, cultured thieves    The curse of Barovia never sleeps     Ambitious minds, weeping bride   From nothingness a nightmare tide   Broken rules, murdered pride   A serpent stirs, death in its stride     This valley of death, a cautionary tale   For time's domain is not ours to tread   Fear that which dwells beyond the veil   Or fall forever in a realm of dread"        
- "Tragedy and Sacrifice: The Realms of Dread" by The Oneironaut 


A Kingdom of Nothing
To most, Barovia is a small, isolated kingdom concealed in a perpetual layer of fog. The kingdom is surrounded by tall, imposing mountains on all sides except the east, rumored to be valuable deposits of ores and minerals. Officially, Barovia falls under the Izeran Federation's jurisdiction; the Bureau has established outposts in the Barovian outskirts, and strictly monitors and regulates shipments of materials from Barovia. In reality however, this is an elaborate ruse the Bureau puts to mask the true nature of Barovia and establish a secure perimeter. Instead, the region which should be Barovia is shrouded in an anomalously dense and impenetrable fog. Those who wander into the region either reemerge in the entrance or are never found again. The nature of this anomaly remains unknown to Bureau officials and conventional explanations, but its mystery is well-documented throughout the history of the northern reaches. It's said that the unlucky few who disappear into the fog enter a world of horrors, and are forced to go through a trial of tragedy and sacrifice. Those who triumph are allowed to escape, reemerging from the fog back into the world as if only a moment had passed.   Barovia, the Realm of Dread
The Barovia that may have once existed in this world no longer does. Instead, it is replaced by a strange realm loosely ruled by a vampire tyrant known as Strahd von Zarovich alongside his vassals. However, Strahd rarely leaves his abode save for periodic 'culling' of the populace to sate his and his vassals' need for blood. In his absence, the few settlements of the valley have become isolated, self-sustaining and distrusting. There are two main population centers in the kingdom: the village of Barovia and the city of Vallaki. The former is locked in a never-ending struggle against the dark denizens of the Barovian wilds. The latter is ruled with an iron fist by a figure known as the "Father of Joy", and the city preaches an extremist faith revolving around the need to express joy at all times. The Barovian wilds are home to dangerous fauna and abominations, some born of Strahd's machinations and others a byproduct of the environment. One would be hard-pressed to survive at all in this realm as death lurks at every corner.   Chosen Outsiders
Sometimes, travelers from beyond the fog arrive within the borders of this realm originating from Muria. Historically, these travelers fall under two types. The first is the unsuspecting victim, who accidentally stumble inside and usually succumb to the madness and despair of the realities of life in the kingdom. The second is what is known to Barovians as 'chosen', who arrive with a single mission: to kill Strahd, and end the nightmare of this realm. Usually, these are adventurers who have somehow came across the tales of Barovian survivors that traversed the fog back into Muria, all of whom recount the horrors they experienced and the unseen vampire lord who rules over the land. These tales have morphed over time, and many are convinced that the fog and darkness will lift around Barovia once the tyrant is defeated. Since the Midnight Crisis and after Izera's ascent to power, chosen rarely traverse the fog due to the Bureau's strict supervision of the Barovian borders.


To the denizens of Barovia outside of Strahd's domain, everything boils down to one central goal: survival at all costs. As such, the cultures of its people are utilitarian in nature; waste not, want not. This is exemplified even more by the city of Vallaki, who extoll the virtues of satisfaction and joy despite the daily hardships and struggle for survival to an unreasonable degree. Strahd's direct subjects, however, enjoy the luxuries of nobility despite their undead nature and frequently prey on the rest of the kingdom. However, to an outsider of Barovia, certain things do not add up leading to the notion that perhaps this Barovia exists elsewhere, in a realm of its own.   Waste Not, Want Not
Citizens of Barovia know better than to rely on the help of others, especially outsiders. Few live outside of village or city walls, though those who do live a life of strict isolation. Within those walls, villagers run a tight ship and don't often allow outsiders in; the village of Barovia, for example, is known to turn away anyone at the gates except the rare caravans and scavenging/mining expeditions. Because of the nature of life in Barovia, settlements are also stringent in rationing food, water and wood; almost nothing is wasted. Despite how seemingly cautious Barovians are however, they are loyal to those who are proven to be trustworthy and contributing, and never forget debts to another. In turn, Barovians are taught to never ask for more than necessary both to prevent incurring a debt and to stay grounded and humble in such a difficult life. This lifestyle is derived from a belief that indulgence is what led to vampirism and Barovia's current predicament. This is taken to an extreme in the city of Vallaki, which espouses the virtues of modest life and joy in the face of challenges and abhors sadness, frustration and desires.   Discrepancies
Did Barovia ever exist? Was there once a Barovia in the lands of Muria? Such questions cross the minds of the few who cross into Barovia, whereupon they will quickly realize certain discrepancies. Firstly, texts found in Barovian libraries and homes refer to cities and nations that do not exist in Muria. Furthermore, Barovia operates on a different calendar than the Murian calendar. Lastly, Barovian denizens would often make references to events, locations, sayings and other things that make no sense to Murians, adding to the unsettling undercurrent the longer one stays in the realm.

Public Agenda

Though Strahd had remained silent for some time, recent events have stirred him from his throne. Specifically, the arrival of refugees hailing from the small village of Odenburg just outside Barovia. The refugees rekindled an interest in Strahd in managing Barovia directly, and he has since begun several efforts in rebuilding the nation. He has left stewardship of the nation to his vassals, and intended to traverse the fog into Muria.
Neighboring Nations


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