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"Ostell began as a simple research outpost established in the year 691 MA in the ruins of an old forgotten civilization. It was named after the "Ostell Apparatum", a massive stargazing instrument built in this location for its ideal location. The Mage's Association never meant for Ostell to be a city, but it made for a compelling case as Izera's first settlement in Western Muria - a place all too foreign for Midlanders like ourselves. Nevertheless, it's a remarkable testament to mortalkind's ability to forge ahead - establishing a city in a relatively unexplored environment, even as the whole Midnight Blight crisis is ongoing, is no small feat.

Though, perhaps it is too hasty to call Ostell a city. People are struggling to adapt to the realities of living in a jungle environment. Infrastructure planning is another problem too, though easily remedied if Crystallis ever deigns to send over its more capable Geomancers. Then there is the matter of the Westward Jungles: a treacherous, labyrinthian sea of never-ending foliage presenting threats to Ostell seemingly every other week. If Izera ever deems Ostell too troublesome to maintain, I fear there is little in the way for survival for this city."
- Excerpt from "Charting Western Muria" by Lindgrave Bahalt, Cartographer


Ostell Apparatum, and the Committee of Watchers
A telescope of incredibly large proportions built in collaboration between the Mage Association's Ostell School of Astromancy, Ulstedt smiths, and the oft-vilified Astromancers, the Ostell Apparatum is critical to the city's continued existence. It is maintained by a committee of the aforementioned parties known simply as the Committee of Watchers. They work to secure continued support from Crystallis and Ulstedt - mainly for continued supplies, resources and funding necessitated by the challenges of living in a jungle setting. To do so, the committee strives to pursue two main goals. The first: to secure a foothold in Western Muria, and open up possibilities for prospective mining and gathering of rare material. The second: to document findings from the apparatum, which is said to be capable of peering beyond the dense veil that separates this world and the beyond.   The Bureau
Ostell represents a critical asset to several Bureau Divisions, mainly the following: Division 10 - Diplomacy and Intrigue, Division 11 - Enlightenment and History, Division 12 - Arcane, and Division and Division 14 - Astromancy. To members of Division 10, Ostell is vital to their continued relations with Ulstedt and their diplomatic missions to Hamura, the capitol of Western Muria. Division 11 is concerned with documentation of the civilizations of Western Muria - particularly of the people of the Westward Jungle, who are vaguely known as nomadic and elusive. Division 12 and 14 are both intrigued with observations from the Apparatum, though few understand what exactly they glean from the stars.


Ostell was only recently established, so its culture resembles a mixture of Crystallis' mage-centric lifestyle tempered by the strict bureaucracy of the Bureau's watch. However, the realities of living in a foreign, often hostile environment has begun to set in the people of Ostell. Life, as it turned out, isn't easy especially when everyday conveniences readily available elsewhere in Izera is lacking here.   Life in Scarcity
In the beginning, Ostell was a simple settlement established by around 2 dozen people, mostly mages from the Mage Association's School of Astromancy and Astromancers. Their mission was straightforward: identify an ideal location to establish the Apparatum, then transport the necessary materials with the help of the Bureau and assemble the Apparatum alongside Ulstedt smiths. Once the telescope was installed, life slowly began to flourish within the area despite the wishes of the mages. In a few years, many people - either looking for a fresh start or the promise of adventure and riches - moved to Ostell. These new developments forced the mages to properly begin city planning, but it became increasingly clear that both Crystallis and the Bureau were unprepared logistically for this. The Committee of Watchers are still engaged in negotiations for increased shipments of food and materials, but the optics of exporting such goods to the rough environs of West Muria remains a complex issue. Furthermore, there is growing sentiment among the Bureau Division leaders that believe Ostell to be a resource sink, and that it is better off as an outpost instead of a full-fledged settlement. Because of these issues, the people of Ostell live under strict rationing of food and water. Additionally, the city lacks access to most of the automated or magically operated tools and apparatus commonly found in Crystallis and Stonehall to the chagrin of its more recent arrivals.   Under the Myriad Stars
Despite the harsh conditions of the surroundings, Ostell is a truly beautiful and magnificent locale. Much of its architecture reuses already existing ruins left behind by some unknown civilization whose traces are still kept under wraps by Division 11. The jungles surrounding Ostell are home to some of the most exotic species of flora and fauna in all of Muria. But Ostell is perhaps most well-known for its view of the stars above; nestled atop hills, the city offers a gorgeous view to the skies unclouded by much of the pollution found in most Izeran cities - a necessity borne of the Committee of Watchers' mission to document the stars. Many flock here just for the chance to see the night sky, illuminating the city in moonlight to set the stage for the myriad stars and moons that inhabit the beyond. It's become popular enough that the city's night life is becoming increasingly popular; from night markets to festivities, there is no shortage of things to do at night in Ostell. Life may be hard for the city's new arrivals but at the end of a hard day's work, such is a welcome sight for sore and tired eyes.    Jungle Dwellers
The city's problems are not only related to a lack of resources. The jungles of Western Muria are as beautiful and exotic as they are dangerous; creatures crawl out of the woods to terrorize Ostell and its inhabitants. Its myriad flora are mostly undocumented, and it's not unheard of for some of the city's people to find their properties disagreeable to their body. Bandits also make their home in the jungle, away from any notions of law and order. But perhaps the biggest threat to Ostell's continued existence is a mysterious group of jungle dwellers theorized by the Committee to be the native peoples of the Westward Jungles. Little is known of them, save that they seemingly find Ostell's existence a threat to the land. While they have yet to initiate full-blown hostile acts towards Ostell, recent investigations have discovered that these groups may be behind some disappearances of travelers and shipments.

Public Agenda

Ostell is plainly concerned in trying to survive the challenges they face. The Committee is doing their utmost to secure the cooperation of Crystallis, Ulstedt and the Bureau to maintain shipments of resource. In the meantime, the city is trying to attract talent - particularly geomancers, naturalists and agriculturalists - to help start the city's plans for self-sufficiency. To do these, the city's strategy is twofold: continue to display the results of their stargazing, and promote tourism within the city.
Founding Date
691 MA
Alternative Names
Ostell Apparatum
Government System
Power Structure
Dependent territory
Economic System
Mixed economy
Legislative Body
Ostell School of Astromancy, Mage's Association, The Bureau
Neighboring Nations


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