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You thought you'd be used to it by now. The soft chantings of the Morinthians. The ghastly wailings in the distance. The solemn faces on everyone you walk past. It is a wonder anyone would choose to live here. Yet you are compelled, as if by duty, to stay. Afterall, it is the former home of your kin. The resting place of your forefathers. The ruins of your city. This is a tribute in rememberance of people and empires who used to be. This is a monument to disasters and tragedies that stained our past. This is Memorial.


People's Capitol
Since the Gigant's rampage, Memorial has lost all established governance. It is a region without any monarchs and imperials. Nor are foreign powers interested in the region, aside from the bureau's researchers. Instead, the people residing in Memorial enacted a democracy. Every five years, mayoral candidates would have public debates on the issues of Memorial; the roaming restless souls, the lack of income, the Bureau's loud drilling of Paleve. Of course, these are not issues any person could fix in 5 years and none of these issues have improved much since the first election over 40 years ago. Still, the citizens partake in the elections with tribal fervor and the current mayor, Barbak Obarba, has a loyal following for his promises of sweeping change.   The Bureau's Division of Innovation
While disinterested in the governance of Memorial, the Bureau is a commanding presence in the city - specifically Division 3. Citizens and government officials alike have come to accept that the Bureau will do as they please and have been forced to shape their city around the Bureau's activities. The Bureau decides which areas are restricted. The Bureau decides who can and cannot enter the city. Sometimes, the Bureau would even decide to search through a citizen's home. The Division's priority is the uncovering and research of the ruins of Paleve; the capital city of the fallen Steelsworn Empire. They believe somewhere beneath the rubble lies the Gigant's secrets, along with other wonders produced by the Steelsworn.


Memorians are moulded by the depressing environment they live in. Keeping quiet, what was once done to not aggravate the restless ghosts, is now seen as common courtesy. To be loud or otherwise stand out is frowned upon, although such behavior is rarely called out as confrontation is itself loud and frowned upon. Morinthians walk with a closed posture while keeping to themselves and avoiding eye contact, as if on guard. When socializing they speak softly, maintaining a respectful front.   Wandering Souls
Due to the disasters that once took place on its land and the massgraves that still lie underneath it, ghosts and spirits are commonplace in Memorial. Memorians have learned to coexist with their ephemeral neighbors, mostly by using protective charms on their houses and keeping quiet when they travel outdoors. These are, however, not the only measures taken by the Memorians as they have developed to be very superstitious. It is not uncommon for parents to forbid their children from playing certain games, or for workers to carry around salt, or for civilians to mutter pagan prayers. These practices vary wildly from household to household or even from person to person, Memorians are very accepting of differing beliefs as a result.   Church of Morinth
Aside from the Bureau, Memorial has attracted the attention of another group; worshipers of Morinth, the God of Death. Their belief puts high value in death rites and passage to the afterlife. They have gathered to grant victims of the Gigant proper funerals and burials, a hefty task considering the size of the mass grave under Memorial. Their prolonged stay in Memorial have caused Memorians to be so accustomed to the norms of the Morinthians that some aspects have bled into the city's culture.   Scarcity
Memorians live humble lives, making do with what they can get out of the scorched lands. They eat unseasoned stews, wear layers of rags and play simple board games. They are a people who values function over form, careful to avoid waste and inefficiency. Living under such harsh conditions have made them stoic, unfazed by most issues - even the intimidating presence of the Bureau and their occasional abuse of power. This is not to say they don't wish for more, in fact almost every citizen wishes for better, but they have come to accept the state of the city they live in.

Public Agenda

Despite being under the Izeran Federation, Memorial is uninvolved in the politics of the Midlands nor of Muria in general. Memorial spend much of their effort and resources on just tending to the needs of its people. Their agenda includes terraforming the dead earth into farmlands, negotiating boundries with the Bureau, and developing the craftmanship industry to create higher paying jobs. Only in truth, Memorial is decades away from such goals. Citizens passionately follow mayoral debates on these topics just to fantasize what could be, as if a coping mechanism.
Founding Date
663 MA
Geopolitical, City-state
Government System
Democracy, Direct
Economic System
Market economy
Legislative Body
People's Capitol
Judicial Body
The Bureau's Division of Mechanics
Neighboring Nations