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Long before the Midnight Star descended, Stonehall was a simple settlement of stonesmiths and forgemasters serving the many Baronies of the Midlands. Then, it served as a critical stronghold in the war against the Steelsworn Empire. However, the Midnight Crisis tore the land asunder, leaving naught but blood, ash and horrors beyond imagining. By all accounts, Stonehall should have been reduced to rubble. Yet the mortal will is tenacious, and through solidarity did Stonehall survive as one of the few remaining bastions of hope in the Midlands.   The Stonehall that exists now is a far cry from its humble beginnings. By the year 668, as the gears of innovation turned rapidly, so too did the city and its people. Towering spires and grand citadels decorate the skylines, while airships hovered over the land like watchful protectors. The streets, once paved with stone, is now adorned with steel reinforcements; methods of transportation had been revolutionized, and where men once rode horses, they now rode vehicles of iron. Strange automatons, given life and potential, now served as common laborers and soldiers. The very city itself is powered by a strange, new power source, as the city lights can be seen from miles away to jealous onlookers.   What was once the norm for its people became mere contrivances. What was once a dream to the many is now easily realized. And what was once a fleeting hope for survival has turned into an ambition to surpass all boundaries.   This is Stonehall, the heart of heavy industry, and the embodiment of mortal will.


Stonehall Parliament
Stonehall is ruled through a parliamentary system of governance. Within this governing, there are three distinct factions that oversee its functions: the House of Nobles, the House of Commons and the Bureau Overseers. Each House consist of elected politicians from their respective pool of eligible members. The first faction is made up of members who exceed a certain net worth in gold, regardless of their background. These consist of nobles who hail from rich families, owners of Stonehall businesses and otherwise prominent political figures. The House of Commons elect its members from individuals serving vital parts of the city; for example, it would be typical to see a farmer or a blacksmith in the House of Commons, though the most common types of members one can find now are merchants. The Bureau oversees the Parliament proceedings, and possess veto power - apparently as agreed upon when the Izeran Federation was first established.   The Bureau
The infamous governing body of the Izeran Federation as a whole, despite the existence of the Crystalline Court. Officially, it is called the Federation Bureau of Izera, but most shorten it to just 'the Bureau'. The organization operates across the Federation's territory to varying degrees of influence. For Stonehall, the Bureau is deeply involved in everything - from governance and public order to research and production. It operates under 15 different divisions, each covering different domains. Stonehall hosts 4 of these Divisions, arguably the most important to the Bureau's function: Division 1 - Administration, Division 3 - Research, Division 5 - Infrastructure and Division 7 - Investigation. Though Bureau members tend to prefer operating from the shadows, it is actually commonplace to see Bureau members in the open. Nevertheless, the Bureau's stranglehold over Stonehall gives it unparalleled influence over the city. One must abide by the Bureau, lest they risk any unfortunate accidents.   Shadow of Heavy Industry
Officially, power and influence may rest in the hands of the Parliament and the Bureau. If you were to ask Stonehall citizens, however, they would say that true power rests in the hands of the many entrepreneurs and artificers in heavy industry. As technology advanced, so too did profitable opportunities, and it was not long before the first of these corporations were formed. While these companies still operate under the rule of the Stonehall Parliament, they possess enough political capital to influence Stonehall politics and gain some measure of immunity from the law. Companies vie for favor from the parliament leaders, often funding their ventures or campaigns. Some of these companies are powerful enough to muster their own privatized armed forces, though much of this is regulated by the Bureau itself.


At its core, Stonehall is an opportunistic, industrially advanced city; any given individual, with the right mix of ambition, drive and innovation, can propel themselves to a high status. In turn, there is a rigid sense of competition throughout every layer of the social stratum. Technologically, Stonehall is also years ahead of most Murian nations. As such, their standards of living and convenience differ greatly from the rest of the continent.   City of Wonders
Stonehall prides itself as the center of innovation in Muria. Entering the city walls for the first time is almost like being transported into a different world, as the city has adapted to use of new technologies. At every street or corner, one can find an amalgamation of new burgeoning ideas, from aspiring artificers looking to make it big with their new inventions to established heavyweight corporations marketing their latest techniques. Shops and stores sell a variety of products not found elsewhere in Muria ranging from cleaning automatons and arcana batteries to iron vehicles and robotic limbs. Warforged now handle much of the dumb labor, and much of the work in the city has moved to more skilled labor.   One Step Ahead
The reality is far more sobering than the dream, however; life in Stonehall is cutthroat and harsh for those born less fortunate than others. Because the city places such a heavy emphasis on innovation, the people of Stonehall are competitive to a fault - often willing to resort to any means to get ahead. Corporation employees constantly compete with one another for bonuses. Forgemasters vie for the most high quality materials imported. Politicians and corporations are locked in a vicious system of lobbying and currying favors. To the average Stonehall citizen, life in Stonehall is a harsh and unforgiving - one must have the right mix of ambition, skill and luck to succeed.   The Grand Cross
Underneath the glitter and glamor, Stonehall is home to the Grand Cross: a nexus for the Murian underworld where criminals, fugitives, sealing designates and bounty hunters. On the surface, the organization operates from the Grand Cross Hotel, a luxurious establishment multiple stories tall that frequently serve rich, influential visitors. However, upon showing the receptionist a 'Ricard's Emblem' - a mass-produced trinket of a past age - the true facet of the Grand Cross is revealed. In its gilded halls one can find all manners of outlaws; its lower levels are filled to the brim with weaponry enough to fuel a private military group. The hotel is also connected to the sewer underbelly of Stonehall, allowing ease of passage for its agents and clients. The Grand Cross operates at a continental scale, having operatives all across Muria usually under different guises. They arrange jobs and bounties, oversee trafficking, engage in political schmoozing, enforce secrecy and regulate criminal conduct within their spheres of influence. Chances are that any criminal organizations within the Midlands have ties to the Grand Cross in some way or form.   The Warforged Dilemma
The Warforged were invented by the scions of House Cannith in the early years of Stonehall, apparently inspired by the 'Steel Sentinel' automatons produced by the Steelsworn Empire in its later years. Nowadays, they are mass-produced by renowned public and private corporations - most notoriously Kyrios Industries, whose models are among the most versatile and capable. These days, the Warforged serve a vital role in ensuring the city remains in operation. They are used in a variety of different settings - from mundane labor and combat to research and entertainment; some Warforged even participate in daily life. However, the rising use of Warforged has generated plenty of tension among impacted workforces; workers are concerned that Warforged may completely take over their jobs, depriving them of their livelihood. These concerns are present in all echelons of the social stratum, especially among the lower-middle class of workers. The treatment of Warforged has also raised the concerns of certain movements; after all, Warforged are as sentient and mortal-like as any other individual, simply constrained by the circumstances of their creation. Both of these factions have pointed to the threat of extremist Warforged groups as a growing problem a few in the political sphere are willing to tackle; the 'Iron Will', for example, is a terrorist group led by Warforged working towards the goal of emancipation of the automatons - inspired by the exploits of a mysterious Steel Sentinel from the times of the Steelsworn Empire known as the 'Lord of Blades'. Either way, this dilemma has resulted in unrest throughout the city - it's only a matter of time before these issues come to the forefront.

Public Agenda

As one of Muria's superpowers, Stonehall tends to dictate much of Murian geopolitics. The city constantly seeks further growth and research opportunities, attracting foreign talents and valuable resources to perpetuate its industry. Ultimately, however, the city is the true seat of Izeran power; much of the their public agenda revolves around the public agenda of Izera as a whole - that is, to maintain Izera's control over much of Murian soil.
Geopolitical, City-state
Government System
Democracy, Parliamentary
Economic System
Market economy
Judicial Body
Stonehall Parliament, the Bureau
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations