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You wake up, roused from your sleep by the telltale cussing and shouting outside your window. You're late for work at the docks, and your boss is probably pissed beyond belief at you. Your coworkers are probably mad too, since your work is their problem now. You shrug; not like they've ever done you any good, and since you got that new gig you can probably leave this job too. Looking over your desk, you realize as well that you're behind on your rent; no big deal, you'll pay your landlord a visit later this evening. Before you leave, you see an envelope on the floor. You recall it was something about a 'change in leadership' in the government, and a joint cooperation with an organization called the 'Infernoes'. Not that it matters, really - if you were a government official, chances are you would be out of a job in a month anyways.   You're interrupted from your thoughts when you hear knocking on your door. 'Probably your landlord', you think, but then the door breaks. You could barely make out two large figures rushing at you, then feel a sharp pain in your stomach. You fall to the floor, mustering enough energy to look at your assailants. One of them begins pacing around in the room, as if looking for something; the other, a Dragonborn you think, slowly walks up to you. His eyes narrow, and his mouth curls up into a wicked smile. In his hands is a cylindrical weapon you've never seen before, its barrel pointed at you.   "You aren't needed anymore. Cremons sends his regards." A loud bang, and then your consciousness fades.


Echoes of Meritocracy Once, Osmadh was under meritocratic rule led by a highly accomplished merchant sailor. However, the rise of the Warlords caused a severe breakdown of trade relations within the Frontiers. As Osmadh relied heavily on trade, the city grew much weaker as opportunities shifted towards the Midlands; much of the city's population fled north, leaving the city to deteriorate out of neglect. Elected officials turned on each other, fighting over rule of the city - some backed by the forces of Warlords. The guardsmen, who previously enjoyed patronage from the city's rich inhabitants, either turned tail and fled or sided with one of the competing factions, leaving the city under the mercy of the many Warlord factions.    The Infernoes For several decades following the Midnight Crisis, rule of the city exchanged many times among the elected officials who at this point were more akin to Warlords themselves. It was not until early in the Year 1963 that this period of chaos ended at the hands of a new faction that had entered the fray. The Infernoes is a bandit group consisting mostly of former members of the Izeran Federation's armies, led by a former army general who calls himself 'Dust'. The group was armed with the latest technologies afforded to them as former members of the Izeran army, which included early firearms and magic items. The Infernoes quickly swept through Osmadh, wresting control over the city almost overnight and cutting a bloody swathe through the Warlord-officials who previously controlled it. Currently, the Infernoes have re-established the prior system of elected officials, but Dust and his men personally oversee every major decisions.   The Undertavern Underneath the city is a massive sewer complex, apparently built when the city was in its infancy. Its winding, almost maze-like structure is a mystery even to the citizens; some even claim the sewers to connect to a long-forgotten Arcadian ruin, though most think this is just a tall tale. But the labyrinthine nature of the Osmadh sewers makes it a fitting location for the more unsavory to dwell in. This is perhaps most apparent with the Undertavern, a tavern run by a mysterious proprietress and her unseen benefactor. The tavern provides shelter to those unsavory folks, as well as people who simply wished for privacy. Rumors say that the Undertavern is the Osmadh expansion of the infamous 'Grand Cross', a powerful and influential organization which administrates and oversees criminal activities across Muria. Others think the Undertavern is a Bureau hideout, established for the express purpose of monitoring criminal elements in the Red Desert region.


Organized Lawlessness Whatever order was in place before has given way to lawlessness. The common law still exists, though the guards barely enforce it. Instead, the 'new law' is mostly unspoken and simple: be civil, and don't mess with the Infernoes. Otherwise, everything else is fair game.   Manggalan Diaspora Historically, Osmadh has had close ties with the island nation of Manggala located in the Emerald Ocean. Manggalan families are not uncommon to find in the city, though their numbers are more diminished in recent times; many have opted to return to Manggala in light of the instability within the Murian mainland. Nevertheless, much of Manggalan culture has bled into the city, be it food, architecture, or customs.

Public Agenda

Dust, the leader of the Infernoes, aspires to be an emerging leader within the Frontiers and shed his Warlord epithet. The city is still undergoing that rough process of acclimating to new rule, and adapting to the harsher realities of life in the Frontiers. While Osmadh is currently aiming to ensure the continued survival of the city, Dust hopes to advance the city's political standing in the region soon.
Geopolitical, City-state
Judicial Body
The Infernoes
Neighboring Nations