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"Allow me to preface this by stating that I don't intend on making this section any longer than it needs to, because honestly? The less you know the better.   If anyone ever tells you to pass by Avardir or even visit the city - do yourself a favor and disregard that; you'd be better off going around the city and taking the long road, because the moment you enter the city's gates you'll be painting a large target on your back. They'll tempt you with fine wine, companionship and a jolly good time - just be prepared to wake up stark naked the next morning with nothing else to your name. And if that actually happened to you, also do yourself a favor and just leave the city immediately."  
- Excerpt from "A Traveler's Guide to the Golgonda Desert: Modern Edition" by Harmianne Gorrola, Traveler


Mayor Makyura
Everything in the city reaches the ears of its mayor, Makyura. An opulent, extravagant and spontaneous woman, Makyura retains an iron grip over the city and rules it as she sees fit. Sometimes, it's a lush garden city protected by the most heroic of defenders. Other times, it becomes a den of pleasure where the city laws are mere suggestion. It's difficult to predict how Makyura wishes to run the city at any given point, but what is clear is that ultimately the city is a haven for lawlessness.   The Grand Cross
It is no secret that Avardir is likely a settlement made to be a major center of influence for the Grand Cross, a powerful criminal organization that oversees conduct of other organizations and activities across Muria. In all-likelihood, Mayor Makyura too is an influential member of the Grand Cross to be able to requisition rule over the city and bend it to her whims. The presence of the Grand Cross is also what allows such strict control and protection over the city uncharacteristic of other small cities in the Frontiers.


Haven of Sin
As a true hub for brigands, mercenaries, smugglers and all manners of lawless folk, Avardir is constantly abuzz with business at every corner. Powerful criminal organizations designate the city as a "marketplace" for their services. Mining corporations tend to allocate some of their goods here to make a quick profit and evade Izera's strict monitoring and taxation of resources. Wealthy buyers from all across Muria come to Avardir to make purchases they would never be able to make anywhere else. Due to the sensitive nature of these activities, the city is notoriously difficult to both enter and leave; guards will continuously question any visitors and emphasize secrecy over their time here - what happens in Avardir stays in Avardir - often laced with hidden threats.

Public Agenda

Avardir goes where Makyura goes - and is dependent solely on her judgment. Temperamental as she is, there is no telling what goal Avardir wishes to strive for next - it had flirted with increasing cooperation with neighbors, and flipped to isolationism in the blink of an eye. That being said, the city likely also serves to further the Grand Cross' influence over Muria.
Geopolitical, City-state
Government System
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Market economy
Gold, Anything Goes
Legislative Body
Mayor Makyura
Judicial Body
Mayor Makyura, the Grand Cross
Neighboring Nations