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The Midnight Crisis

Disaster / Destruction


The Midnight Star descends from the heavens, tearing the land asunder.

A period of unmitigated disaster, where Nebula coursed through the world at an unprecedented level and scope. Those who are unable to withstand the influx of Nebula become warped, either perishing and becoming a seedbed for crystallized Nebula, turning into lifeless husks with their flesh sloughing off or mutating into alien horrors never seen before. This influx of Nebula is known to most as “Midnight Corruption”, as the term Nebula had not been coined before. Those who have succumbed to the corruption become part of the “Midnight Horde”. The very land was similarly beholden to this influx, warping into an alien ecosystem that perpetuates Nebula. Illithids liken this phenomena similarly to the Xerasians’ texture-manipulating properties, though at a far more potent scale

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