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History of the World

World history can be split into three acts: the Primal Age, the Old World and the New World.

Primal Age

... 0

Age of the Divine Accord

1 4100

The Age proceeding the Divine Accord, where the Gods left the Material Realm and gave mortalkind jurisdiction over their own fate.

  • 9 DA

    Early Settlements of Mortalkind
    Population Migration / Travel

    From within the halls of the First City, mortalkind begins to spread throughout the world.

  • 30 DA

    The Fey Kingdom of Glimmervale

    Under the joint decree of the Archfey Titania and Oberon, the Fey Kingdom of Glimmervale is founded. Its rulers are selected by the Archfey, becoming sovereigns of the kingdom who only answer to the Archfey.

  • 304 DA

    Settling of Meranthia
    Population Migration / Travel

    Settlers migrated to the far continent of Meranthia

  • 1304 DA

    2665 DA

    The Xerasian Invasion
    Military: War

    Invaders from the distant stars breached the veil, upsetting the world's balance as they launched a campaign to take over the world. Foreign to the concepts of this world, including death, they proved a difficult adversary even for the gods. It was not until the creation of World Anchors were they beaten back and ultimately defeated.

  • 1770 DA

    Draconic Exodus
    Population Migration / Travel

    Dragons and the Dragonborn, subjects of the Draconic God Bahamut, migrated west due to the war consuming their former territories in the eastern mountains. They ended in the Western Jungles, encountering the Druids of Ibanah who sheltered them.

  • 1822 DA

    Emergence of Gaia
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    As the fires of the Xerasian war reached all corners of Muria, the Druids of Ibanah became embroiled in the struggle. Deep within the jungles, a form made of wood from the Ubi-Sunt mixed with the soil and rocks of the earth emerges to answer the prayers of the Druids - Gaia, the Will of the Planet, decides to take action for the first time.

  • 2035 DA


    The Dragonborn migrants create the small hamlet of Hamura. This would later become one of the oldest kingdoms of Muria, surviving to this day.

  • 2109 DA

    Convening the Greater Gods
    Gathering / Conference

    The war had taken a turn for the worse when the entire eastern region of Muria was swallowed by the Xerasians, its land turning into an alien ecosystem befitting of the otherworldly conquerors. The Greater Gods convened, agreeing to suspend the Divine Accord and intervene in the crisis.

  • 2400 DA

    Alliance against the Xerasians
    Diplomatic action

    The surviving mortals of Muria, the Greater Gods and the Fey Kingdom of Glimmervale united under one banner to repel the Xerasian invaders despite tensions between mortals and the Fey. The alliance was made possible via mediation from the gods.

  • 2420 DA

    Urias joins the Greater Gods
    Religious event

    Urias, Daevite God of the Sun and Stories, joins the Greater Gods pantheon. His joining is accompanied by a marriage with Shar, Goddess of Darkness and Loss. Their union produces the three Trickster Gods: Mask, Faust and Seldora.

  • 2501 DA

    2663 DA

    Ascalos, the Justice
    Life, Identity

    The life and death of Ascalos, a warrior and hero of great renown who played a pivotal part in the defeat of the Xerasians. Posthumously, he was recognized for his efforts and elevated into godhood, becoming the God of Justice and Paladins.

  • 2664 DA

    Final Battle against the Xerasians
    Military: Battle

    The final confrontation against the Xerasians, who lost much of their power after the forging of the World Anchors. The alliance defeated the Xerasians, who scattered and splintered. Some made their way underground while others fled to remote corners of the Namtara.

  • 2821 DA

    The Fey War
    Military: War

    Affronted by the creation of World Anchors and the death of Summer Queen Titania, the Fey pleaded to their protector god, Carne the Great White Beast, to wage war against mankind. When the benevolent deity declined, the Fey subjugated him and used his divine flesh to create soldiers for their war: the Nalka. War followed but in the end a treaty was struck; the influence of World Anchors will not reach the realm of the Fey and in return the Fey will not interfere with the Murians.

  • 2911 DA

    3887 DA

    Daevite Collective

    The surviving Daeva who fled to Muria coalesced into seperate city-states, but together they are known as the Daevite Collective.

  • 2990 DA

    Restoration and Disappearance of Migdal Bavel
    Geological / environmental event

    Seth Ur Asem, last son of Adam El Asem, returns to the ruins of Migdal Bavel. He lifted the city into the air and concealed it with his magics, never to be seen by mortal eyes again.

  • 3000 DA

    4101 DA

    Mystra's Commandment
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    With the advent of Mystra as the Greater Goddess of Magic, the magic of the world becomes tightly regulated to prevent major catastrophes and threats from misusing magic. Chief among the commandments are the prohibition of spells of level 6 or higher, and the banishment of many magical creatures to the fringes of the world.

  • 3396 DA

    4098 DA

    Age of the Great Kingdoms
    Era beginning/end

    A prosperous age where the more renowned nations of the old world ruled and warred with one another. This is the start of recorded history for most of Muria, as much of the prior history has been lost throughout the ages.

  • 3396 DA

    Rise of Apollyon

    Bestowed with the Keter, the crown with which Migdal Bavel was once ruled, Harrian Apollyon founded a mighty city which will go on to conquer many distant lands.

  • 3421 DA

    3607 DA

    The Great Flood
    Disaster / Destruction

    An affront to the Divine Accord by Nereus, the Goddess of the Seas. The reckless deity attempted to expand her domain and reclaim the influence she once had as a Primal God. The flood she unleashed drowned the western region of Muria and did not receed for decades.

  • 3485 DA

    Rise of Asmodeus, Ruler of the Infernal Plane
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    After a long, grueling war for domination, Asmodeus arose as the ruler of the Infernal Plane. He shapes the Infernal Plane to the form it is known as today.

  • 3617 DA

    3887 DA

    Daevite Slave Rebellions

    A series of rebellions happening across the Daevite Collective. Chief among them is the Carnites, a group who have been mysteriously gifted with the arts of fleshcrafting.

  • 3700 DA

    3901 DA

    Tharizdun, the Demon Progenitor
    Life, Supernatural

    Tharizdun, a powerful sorcerer who once served the Kingdom of Apollyon was coerced into a wager with Faust to reach the deepest depths of Namtara where reality is set to border on oblivion. He traversed the Infernal Plane to reach there, and reached the edge of reality. In his hubris, he submerged himself in the nothingness, transforming him; Tharizdun became a vessel for those malignant and hostile concepts, and in doing so became a God for those who dwell within Is Not.

  • 3794 DA

    3817 DA

    Nalka Rebellion

    After the Fey War, the Nalka was neglected and shunned to the remote corners of Glimmervale. In their isolation they grew resentful and violent, eventually staging an uprising against the Fey Kingdom of Glimmervale

  • 3817 DA

    Subjugation of the Fae
    Military: War

    The Kingdom of Apollyon sailed towards the southern continent to invade the Fae, only to find them embroiled in their own war against the Nalka. In the ensuing three way war the Fae lost their hold on the continent of Glimmervale and the rightful heir to Titania. They retreated to the Faewilds, leaving the material plane altogether.

  • 3887 DA

    4221 DA


    The founding of the Kingdom of Arcadia, founded by former slaves of the Daevites who rebelled against their masters.

    More reading
    Kingdom of Arcadia
  • 3895 DA

    4220 DA

    New Thuselah

    Founding of New Thuselah, a nation led by a sorcerer named Thuselah the Undying. Despite its grandeur, New Thuselah hid its issues behind a veneer of grandeur and extravagance before abruptly ending in 4220 DA.

  • 3907 DA

    Charter of New Beginnings
    Gathering / Conference

    After the flood waters recede, mortalkind began to gradually recover. This recovery period was celebrated in its 300th aniversary by the various nations and kingdoms that managed to survive. The charter itself served as a peace agreement among these peoples.

  • 3911 DA

    Ephraim Monarchy
    Population Migration / Travel

    The Kingdom of Ephraim emerges in the northeast of the Northern Reaches, cementing themselves as an elusive but powerful nation in Murian politics.

  • 3920 DA

    The Blood War
    Military: War

    Under the Infernal Plane, the Demon Progenitor Tharizdun breaches into reality, releasing Demonkind onto Namtara. The Devils and Demons became embroiled in a bitter struggle as the Devils stave off the Demons' incursion. This conflict sometimes spills into the other planes of existence on Namtara, including the material plane.

  • 3998 DA

    The Alliance of Coth

    The Alliance of Coth is formed, consisting of the various denizens of the Underdark. The most influential among them were the Drow Matrons and the Duergar Underkings, followed by the Kobold Clans. This alliance precedes Zarathar.

  • 4002 DA

    Fall of Apollyon
    Disaster / Destruction

    Stricken by a generational curse uttered by the Fae Queen in her death throes, the Apollyon bloodline suffered many disasters before the kingdom eventually succumbed to ruin.

  • 4007 DA

    The Sable Kingdom

    The Sable Kingdom is formed. Its people worshipped Urth and the Trickster Gods, and well-known for their clandestine demeanor.

  • 4011 DA

    4530 DA

    Kingdom of Erodus

    In the ashes of the Kingdom of Apollyon, its surviving mages banded together for survival. In time, they formed the Kingdom of Erodus, a nation that prides itself on its arcane prowess.

  • 4098 DA

    Murder of Prince Domene of the Radiant Kingdom of Erodus
    Life, Death

    Prince Domene Hedrick, eldest son to the Sky King Argrom Hedrick of Erodus, was found dead in his estate along with her aunt, High Minister Tarrina. His murder sparked the mobilization of the Kingdom, who moved to accuse its neighbors of assassination.

  • 4099 DA

    4101 DA

    War of the Midlands
    Military: War

    The Kingdom of Erodus mobilized against its neighbors, prompting other powerful Midland Kingdoms to militarize. This quickly devolved into a period of war, as Erodus - the most powerful Kingdom of the time - swiftly expanded beyond its borders.

Age of Fantasia

4101 4512

  • 1 FA

    5 FA

    Apotheosis: Reign of the New God of Magic, Defranz
    Disaster / Destruction

    The fruits of Defranz Hedrick's schemes. The prodigious third prince of Erodus, under the influence and tutelage of the Primal Goddess of Poison and Treachery, performed the forbidden rites of Apotheosis and rose to divinity. With the magic of the world under his domain, he ushered in a new age of fantasy where mythical creatures and arcane arts are commonplace.

  • 5 FA

    Confrontation at the Tower of Defranz
    Military: Battle

  • 108 FA

    121 FA

    Arcadian Civil War
    Military: War

    As the Age of Fantasia brought forth harrowing ordeals to the people of Muria, Arcadia stood strong in defiance of the chaos. Nevertheless, a sizeable portion of the Arcadian people - led by Lord Adidal, the Voice of Arcadia who was sympathetic to the plight of the incoming refugees - wanted to help bring stability to the continent. This was met with apprehension by the King Ruhar, who was given divine providence to not intervene and instead prepare the Kingdom for the recovery period after. Soon, this simple dispute devolved into tense debates, before ultimately descending into civil war by the Year 4208 when Adidal's followers arranged a riot at the city of Armad.

  • 119 FA

    The Golgonda Assembly

    As the Arcadian civil war reached its zenith, its many vassal city states began a hasty retreat from the fight. Of these states was Mediana who - filled with Arcadian refugees and civil servants - seceded from Arcadia and convinced its surrounding neighbors to follow suit and join its new alliance - the Golgonda Assembly, named after the Golgonda dunes surrounding the city.

  • 121 FA

    The End of Arcadia
    Disaster / Destruction

    The capital city of Arcadia disappears among the dunes.

  • 333 FA

    427 FA

    Qadar Descends
    Life, Career

    The hero Qadar ventures throughout Muria, aiding those who require it most. He was especially renowned in the eastern regions, where a city was eventually constructed in his name - Qadar's Stand.

  • 412 FA

    End of Fantasia
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Apotheosis Crisis and subsequent ascension of Defranz as the new God of Magic triggered a massive surge of magic that heightened the world's magical energies for a period of time. On this year, 4512 FA, the mages of Crystallis recorded levels of magic equivalent to those prior to the crisis. Thus, many scholars regard this to be the end of the Age of Fantasia.

The Modern Age

4513 and beyond

  • 1 MA

    The New World
    Diplomatic action

    On the Year 4513, after the Fantasia phenomenon began to dissipate, the lands of Muria began its long process of healing. To christen this event, the few civilizations that managed to survive - the Crystallis Magocracy, the King's Chasm, the Alliance of Coth, the Kingdom of Arcreach, the Golgonda Assembly, the Avissinian Syndicate, the Ephraimian Monarchy and the Sable Kingdom - gathered at the city of Dawnstone to mark the start of the 'New World', restarting the calendar year to 1.

  • 8 MA


    The Alliance of Coth is dissolved, but in its place the Kingdom of Zarathar is formed, emerging as a major political power in the Midlands.

  • 11 MA

    Qadar's Stand

    Built in honor of the hero Qadar. The city follows in its idol's footsteps, placing focus on Astromancy - the study of the stars.

  • 12 MA

    662 MA


    The theocracy of Karakorum is formed, a nation of Aarakocrans who follow their patron god - Lord Vermillion of the Searing Winds. They were among the most influential in the Midlands, but met their demise at the hands of the Steelsworn Gigant at the end of the Steelsworn War.

  • 18 MA


    A magocracy formed from the remnants of the Kingdom of Erodus under the supervision of renowned mages such as Thuselah the Undying, Qadar, Aganazzar and Katarina Hedrick II. Crystallis vows to not repeat the same mistakes of their predecessors Erodus and Apollyon.

  • 24 MA

    Ubisunt Wars
    Military: Skirmish

    As Hamura continues to harvest Ubisunt wood, the Druids of Ibanah began preparations to retaliate. In spite of calls for diplomacy and peace, the druids eventually struck first, starting a long, tenuous conflict between the druids and Hamura that has lasted to this day.

  • 307 MA

    428 MA

    The Century War
    Military: War

    What started from a land dispute between a dwarven noblewoman and a drow colony, the war devolved into 121 years of bloodshed. It was during this time that the devil Asmodeus claimed innumerous souls of Murians and bartered it for his authority.

  • 308 MA

    512 MA

    Meranthia's Age of Upheaval
    Political event

    A period of war and strife that envelops Meranthia, cutting it off from the rest of Namtara. Part of it is lumped into the Century War, but this period of unrest lasted longer on Meranthia.

  • 538 MA

    541 MA

    Construction of the Ostell Apparatum
    Construction beginning/end

    The construction of the Ostell Apparatum, a massive viewing apparatus to be used for divination and other scholarly pursuits. This was a joint collaboration between the mages of Crystallis, the Astromancers of Qadar's Stand and the forgemasters of Ulstedt. A community began to form around the apparatum and, before long, the fledgling town of Ostell is built.

  • 547 MA

    663 MA

    The Steelsworn Empire

    In the eastern regions of the Midlands, the small city of Paleve began to rapidly expand beyond its borders. Wielding strange weapons not unlike those of the Ephraimians, the people of this settlement crowned themselves the 'Steelsworn Empire'. In its early years, the Empire absorbed the smaller territories around it; it was only when it brought the powerful Perlereino Monarchy to its knees that the rest of Muria was alerted to the growing threat of escalation.

  • 595 MA


    The small village of Stonehall is founded by a group of traveling craftsmen. In time, it became a focal point in the resistance against the Steelsworn Empire. After the Midnight Crisis, Stonehall rapidly grew to become an industrial powerhouse, rivaling the powers of other nations like Crystallis.

  • 602 MA

    663 MA

    The Steelsworn War
    Military: War

    A war waged by the Steelsworn Empire against all its neighbors. Even for the Steelsworn such a war was too much and they were slowly overwhealmed. In their final year, the desperate empire unleashed their failed prototype: The Steelsworn Gigant, a hulking behemoth of machinery for which they had no offswitch. The Gigant's long and indescrimanate rampage wrought so much havoc history would look back on it as one of the world's ten dooms.

  • 607 MA

    The Midland Alliance
    Political event

    The various nations and city-states of the Midlands banded together against the Steelsworn Empire, led by Crystallis, Karakorum and Zarathar.

  • 607 MA

    662 MA

    The Iron Front
    Military: Battle

    The primary theater of battle in the Steelsworn War. Lasted from near the beginning, as the Empire began creeping closer to the Gaural Plains, up to the fall of the Steelsworn Gigant.

  • 660 MA

    663 MA

    Life, Organisation Association

    The adventurer group known as the Moonsiders is formed, and for the next few years became closely involved in the Steelsworn War. After the Midnight Crisis, they disbanded - its members disappeared.

  • 662 MA

    Razing of Karakorum
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Aarakocran Domain of Karakorum was completely razed by the Steelsworn Gigant within days of its activation. A majority of its denizens were evacuated successfully, but many remained to defend the city to the death. The city was razed overnight; as soon as the city was within the Gigant's firing range, its defenders could do naught but watch in horror.

  • 663 MA

    Siege of the Steelsworn Gigant
    Military: Battle

    After the razing of Karakorum, the Midland Alliance agreed to a ceasefire with the Steelsworn Empire while they dealt with the rampaging automaton. With aid from the Moonsiders, who communed with the gods for aid, they halted the Gigant and eventually destroyed it. In its dying throes, the Gigant let loose a beam of violet energy into the skies before collapsing. In the coming days after its destruction, a violet glint in the skies grew more and more pronounced...

  • 663 MA

    The Midnight Crisis
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Midnight Star descends from the heavens, tearing the land asunder.

  • 670 MA

    Formation of the Izeran Federation
    Life, Organisation Association

    In the wake of the Midnight Crisis, banditry and warlords were rampant. Crystallis and Zarathar - the two biggest surviving members of the Midland Alliance - converted it into the Izeran Federation. The Federation would be an independent body overseeing the governance of all of its member nations.

  • 671 MA

    The Izeran Federation Expands
    Diplomatic action

    The Kingdom of Ulstedt, the Tellaran Theocracy, Stonehall, Port Alfrons and Qadar's Stand became members of the Izeran Federation, strengthening its influence.

  • 673 MA

    Death of King Leandre IV of Arcreach
    Life, Death

    King Leandre IV, ruler of Arcreach, perished in a desperate attempt to breach the Quaritus Plateau and destroy the Midnight Star's remnants. Lord Cain, his father, resumed rulership in the wake of Leandre's death.

  • 675 MA

    The Industrial Revolution of Stonehall
    Technological achievement

    Having received an influx of refugees from the Steelsworn Empire and other devastated regions, Stonehall experienced rapid industrialization. Led by the efforts of the Founding Four - the Cannith brothers, Ioannis Kyrios and Winda Adelweiss - Stonehall became a center of innovation and wealth the likes of which had never been seen before.

  • 684 MA

    688 MA

    Clavis the Blue
    Life, Career

    Clavis the Blue rises to power in the Gaural Plains. A powerful lord, he took advantage of the Midnight Crisis to annex territories beyond his fief. He came into conflict against Stonehall, the Izeran Federation and the other competing factions of the Gaural Plains. He met his end at the hands of the Federation.

  • 685 MA

    Dissolution of the Golgonda Assembly

    In the wake of the Midnight Crisis, the nations and city-states of the Frontiers have either collapsed or lost power. The city-state of Avardir went bankrupt, Osmadh became consumed by civil unrest, Dawnstone was destroyed and Caradhina backed out. Only Mediana remained.

  • 703 MA

    A Frozen Requiem
    Life, Organisation Association

    On a cold day, in the year 703 MA, Prince Cirran of Arcreach calls upon his retainers to investigate a distressing matter...

  • 705 MA

    Timeless Arcadia

    Under the employ of Sharif Isegaf, a wealthy Zaratharian noble, a weathered group of travelers began a journey to uncover the long-buried ruins of Arcadia.

  • 705 MA

    Heart of Glass
    Political event

    In the city of Stonehall, a transport convoy was ambushed. In its wake, five fugitives have been identified by Stonehall authorities.