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The Draken are a proud and majestic draconic race, known for their intricate history and deeply embedded cultural values. Originating as servants to the formidable Elemental Dragons of Naodica, the Draken, over time, rose to prominence, shaking off their shackles and establishing themselves as a dominant force in the land. This was not an easy journey and it has caused them to be seen as heroes, villains, and a remnant of a forgotten time.   Physically, they are an imposing sight with their humanoid frames that can range between 6’0” to 7’0”, complemented by vibrant scales that come in a nearly uncountable number of hues, though they typically align with the colors of the seven elemental dragons. Serpentine eyes, a tail, and formidable claws further accentuate their draconic ancestry. Some Draken, especially from the noble lines, also boast wings - a sign of prestige and power. Their gait is digitigrade, adding a unique grace to their movements.   Having once been in servitude, the Draken's transition to freedom has deeply influenced their societal values. Their affinity for wealth, art, music, and beauty has led them to create some of the most breathtaking cities, making them central hubs for trade and culture. Their societal structure is hierarchical, with the Winged Draken or the Draken Noble, as they are often referred to, holding significant power. These cities, while centers of trade and power, have historically defied outside domination or authoirty, instead remaining as city-states.   The Draken hold their personal 'hordes' - collections of valuable items - in high esteem. This practice is a testament to their love for the finer things in life and also stands as a reflection of their individual journeys and accomplishments. Each 'horde' is unique, often representing personal stories, challenges overcome, and wealth amassed. A horde is not always wealth, but sometimes tomes, a collection of animal or insect specimines, or even a well groomed garden with a variety of plants.   Their history is a blend of servitude, rebellion, resurgence, and dominance. The remnants of their conquerer past sometimes still cast a shadow over their relations with other races, but their current status as skilled traders, diplomats, and guardians of vast knowledge has earned them respect and admiration.   Spiritually, many Draken still pay homage to the Old Elemental Dragon Gods, even as they take pride in the tales of their ancestors who led the revolt against these very masters. The dichotomy is a testament to the Draken's ability to respect their roots while charting their own course.

Basic Information


Draken are scaled humanoids, boasting a height range of 6'0" to 7'0". They possess a thick tail, approximately a quarter of their body length. Their scales, exuding a natural sheen, vary across the colors of the rainbow, with some individuals featuring secondary scale patterns, reminiscent of their ancestral Elemental Dragons.   Not all Draken are made alike. Some possess weapon-like claws useful in combat, while a rarer breed, the Draken Nobles, exhibit wings, which often provided them an elevated status in Draken societies. Draken eyes are captivatingly serpentine, shielded by pronounced brow ridges. Many Draken also grow hair, primarily from the scalp, a feature that differentiates them further from their draconic ancestors.   Interestingly, female Drakens have visible mammary development and can nurture their offspring similarly to humans. Their stance is primarily digitigrade, emphasizing grace and agility. Unlike many reptilian creatures, Draken are warm-blooded, ensuring a consistent internal body temperature.

Biological Traits

Warm-blooded: Unlike many reptiles, Draken are endothermic, maintaining a consistent internal body temperature. Claws & Talons: Draken hands and feet end in sharp talons, useful for combat, climbing, or precise tasks.   Tail: Their robust tail serves not only for balance but can also be used as a formidable weapon in close combat situations.   Wings (In Noble Draken): A subset of Draken, known as the Draken Nobles, possesses wings, symbolizing their elevated status and their closer genetic link to their draconic ancestors.

Genetics and Reproduction

Draken reproduce sexually, engaging in live births. The gestation period for a Draken is approximately nine months. Unlike their egg-laying draconic ancestors, Draken offspring, known as "Draklings," are born live, a significant evolutionary leap. The inheritance of specific traits, like winged appendages or psychic abilities, often runs in established bloodlines, particularly within the Draken Nobles. However, as with all genetics, there are occasional exceptions, leading to a winged Draken born to wingless parents and vice versa.

Growth Rate & Stages

Infancy (0-5 years): Draklings are dependent on their parents, particularly the mother, for nourishment and protection. They begin to exhibit scale patterns within the first year.   Youth (6-25 years): This is a time of rapid growth and learning. Young Draken begin their education and, by its end, are almost fully grown.   Adulthood (26-110 years): Upon reaching adulthood, Draken often set out on personal quests, whether to build their hordes or seek knowledge. It's also during this time many choose professions, join houses, or start families.   Elder Years (111-150+ years): As they age, Draken scales may dull or thin, but their wisdom is valued immensely. Elders often take on roles as advisors or scholars, sharing their vast experiences with younger generations.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Predominantly Carnivorous: The Draken's diet is centered around red meat, showcasing their evolved predatory nature from their dragon ancestors. While they can digest other food forms, protein-rich meats provide the essential nutrients for their physically demanding lives. Ritualistic Feasting: Hunting and feasting hold cultural significance for the Draken. It's not just about sustenance but also about celebrating victories, forging bonds, and recalling ancient traditions. Such feasts are grand affairs, often featuring music, storytelling, and dance.   Trade and Gastronomy: Interaction with other races and their prime positioning as traders have exposed the Draken to a myriad of culinary experiences. They are not averse to incorporating diverse food items into their diet, especially during grand celebrations or diplomatic events.

Biological Cycle

DDraken are predominantly carnivorous, with a palate favoring red meat. Hunting and feasting rituals are deeply embedded in their culture, connecting them to their predatory ancestors. However, they're not averse to the occasional non-meat delicacies, especially when trading with other races. With an average lifespan of around 150 years, Draken experience the world in a way many other races cannot. This extended life allows them a deep connection to history and a vast reservoir of experiences. Exceptional individuals, especially those with potent magical abilities or from noble lines, might even witness two centuries.


Legacy of the Dragons: The Draken's collective memory of once serving and later rebelling against the Elemental Dragons heavily influences their psyche. This history has imbued in them a fierce sense of independence, pride, and a need to secure their legacy. Hording Instinct: Every Draken possesses a natural inclination to accumulate a 'horde'—a collection of items that they consider valuable. This behavior isn't driven solely by materialism but also by a profound desire to mark their personal journey and achievements.   Social Interactions: While they can be individualistic, Draken deeply value their community and household ties. They are known for their hospitality and are particularly protective of their young, ensuring that Draklings receive the best education and upbringing.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Drakens have keen eyesight, an inheritance from their dragon ancestors. Their serpentine eyes enable them to see in dim conditions, giving them a natural advantage in low-light settings. While not their most dominant sense, Draken have a competent sense of hearing. As descendants of the ancient Elemental Dragons, some Draken possess latent psychic abilities. While not universal, certain individuals, especially those from noble lineages, can tap into these skills, sensing emotions or even foretelling events.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Great Houses and Family Names: Many Draken take pride in belonging to one of the twenty Great Houses. These houses trace their lineage back to significant events or ancestral figures in Draken history. However, a substantial portion of the population, not affiliated with the Great Houses, possess more straightforward surnames related to their profession or geographical location. Given Names: Draken first names do not hold any specific gender assignment. Instead, they are often inspired by the tales of old, the elemental forces, or specific virtues.

Beauty Ideals

Females: Lustrous, thick hair is considered a hallmark of beauty among female Draken. Likewise, a prominent bust is often admired. These traits, combined with vibrant scales and adornments of gold and silver, define the epitome of Draken femininity. Males: Male beauty revolves around their horns. A larger horn or multiple horns often symbolize strength and virility. Like their female counterparts, males with bright, shining scales are seen as more attractive. Adornments, particularly those made of gold or silver, are common among males to accentuate their appearance.

Gender Ideals

The Draken society leans heavily towards a gender binary, with distinct roles and expectations for males and females. Male Ideals: Men are typically expected to be protectors and providers, with a strong emphasis on physical strength, leadership, and tactical prowess.   Female Ideals: Women often occupy roles that emphasize their nurturing nature, intelligence, and magical abilities. However, they are by no means limited to these roles and have been known to become formidable warriors or influential leaders.

Courtship Ideals

Courtship among the Draken is a mix of tradition and personal choice. It often involves elaborate rituals, gift-giving (usually something for the intended's 'horde'), and public displays of affection. Earning the respect of the intended's family, especially if they belong to a Great House, is crucial.

Relationship Ideals

Commitment, trust, and mutual growth are cornerstones of Draken relationships. While they might start a relationship based on physical attraction or material gain, lasting relationships are built on shared goals, mutual respect, and deep emotional bonds. Building a joint 'horde' or legacy is a common goal for many Draken couples.

Common Etiquette Rules

Greetings: A nod, often accompanied by a soft growl or purr, is a standard form of acknowledgment. House Visits: It's customary to bring a small token, usually something shiny or valuable, when visiting another's dwelling.   Respect for the Horde: One's 'horde' is personal and sacred. It's impolite to touch or even comment on someone's collection without invitation.   Conflict Resolution: Public disputes are frowned upon. It's expected that disagreements are settled privately or through a mediator if needed.   The Draken's journey from subservience to prominence is a testament to their resilience and adaptability. Their culture, deeply rooted in history and tradition, yet open to change, offers a glimpse into the soul of this magnificent race.

Common Dress Code

General Attire: Draken clothing typically emphasizes their scales and physique. Made from fine materials, they often incorporate gold and silver accents, representing their affinity for precious metals. Special Occasions: During festivals or significant events, the Draken wear more intricate, decorative outfits adorned with gemstones and metals. These are not just for aesthetic appeal but also a display of one's 'horde'.   Warriors and Guards: Their armor often mimics the appearance of dragon scales, providing both protection and mobility.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

The Draken have a rich history of servitude, rebellion, and resurgence, all of which play a significant role in their cultural identity. Their love for art, music, and knowledge is evident in their city architectures, public spaces, and educational institutions. Art and Music: Draken artistry is revered, often intertwining with tales of their history and myths. Their music, harmonious and sometimes haunting, speaks of their past, their struggles, and their hopes.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

The Dragon Remembrance Day: An annual event marking the end of their servitude and the almost extinction of the Elemental Dragons. This day sees grand parades, feasts, and recounting of tales from the uprising. Horde Festival: Celebrated once every decade, this is when Draken proudly display select items from their 'hordes' in a city-wide exhibition. It's both a personal and communal celebration of wealth, history, and artistry.

Common Taboos

Disrespecting the Horde: Questioning the authenticity or worth of an individual's 'horde' is deeply offensive. Invoking the Elemental Dragons: Mentioning the old dragon masters in a positive light or longing for the days of servitude is viewed with disdain.   Public Disputes: As creatures valuing harmony and order, public altercations, especially among the noble houses, are frowned upon.


Elemental Servitude: The Draken originated as servants to the formidable Elemental Dragons of Naodica. Their role was largely subservient, deeply embedded in loyalty and reverence. Uprising and Emancipation: A turning point in Draken history was their rebellion against the Elemental Dragons. This revolution didn't just earn them their freedom but also nearly erased the Elemental Dragons from Naodica.   Age of Prosperity: After the revolt, the Draken channeled their newfound autonomy into building the Magocracy of Derendal, an empire enriched by art, magic, and culture.   Fall and Resurgence: The Magocracy, while illustrious, eventually crumbled under internal strife and external pressures, leading to its downfall. The Draken, ever resilient, adapted and reformed into the present-day city-states, becoming trading powerhouses. There are also two nations along the Zurian sea with significant Draken populations.

Common Myths and Legends

The Last Elemental Dragon: It's believed that one Elemental Dragon survived the uprising and is in hiding. Legends say it's biding its time, waiting for an opportunity to rise and reclaim dominion over the Draken. The Golden Horde: A tale passed down through generations speaks of a hidden chamber filled with the combined 'horde' of the earliest Draken leaders. Its location remains a mystery, making it a popular quest for adventurers. Through these cultural nuances, traditions, myths, and legends, the spirit of the Draken - their resilience, their passions, and their indomitable spirit - shines brightly, echoing through the annals of Naodica's history.
150 years
Average Height
Adult Draken typically range in height from 6'0" to 7'0". This towering stature, combined with their robust build and regal bearing, often leaves a lasting impression on those they interact with.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Scales: A Draken's scales shimmer in a multitude of colors, echoing the hues of the Elemental Dragons. While the primary color ranges through the entire spectrum, secondary scale patterns or shades can accentuate their appearance. Markings: Besides the intricate scale patterns, some Draken may also have distinct markings that signify lineage, achievements, or unique life events. These markings can be naturally occurring or imbued magically.   Hair and Features: Contrary to most reptilian beings, some Draken grow hair from their scalps. The color and texture of this hair vary widely, adding another layer to their already diverse appearances.
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