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The City-State of Pariten


Draken Influence As a city-state with a significant Draken population, Pariten's culture is deeply influenced by Draken traditions. This influence is evident in its architecture, which features a blend of traditional stone castle designs and structures like the Mage Corps tower, reflective of Draken aesthetic preferences. The Draken's martial prowess and magical expertise are integral to the city's defense and its societal structure.   Pact Magic Tradition Pariten is renowned for its expertise in Pact Magic, a legacy of its historical ties with Derendal and Emura. This form of magic, involving pacts with otherworldly entities, is a significant part of its cultural identity. The city-state has a rich tradition of magical education and research, furthered by the presence of skilled mages.   Maritime and Trading Practices Given its strategic coastal location, Pariten’s culture is also shaped by its maritime traditions. The city-state has developed a unique blend of seafaring skills and trade practices, making it a vital player in regional commerce. The bustling harbors, filled with traders from various lands, contribute to a cosmopolitan and diverse cultural milieu.


Founding and Early Years Pariten, a city-state situated on the Aetheiran Gulf was established in a region that once lay under the influence of Derendal. This strategic location, combined with its access to maritime routes and naturally defensible terrain, allowed Pariten to grow into a significant port and trading hub.   Independence and Development Pariten maintained a degree of autonomy even during its colonial times, primarily due to its geographical advantages and the presence of skilled mages within its territory. Its harbors, dominated by warehouses and bustling with smaller ships, facilitated trade and communication with various realms, contributing to its growth and prosperity.   Alliance with So'Karsa Pariten's alliance with So'Karsa, the floating islands inhabited by the Neronian race, played a pivotal role in its history. This alliance brought access to resources like Manacite and knowledge exchange, particularly in magic and technology. The strategic partnership also bolstered Pariten's defense capabilities, further solidifying its independence.   Resistance to Dagroth's Unification During the Praetorate of Dagroth's campaign for unification, Pariten successfully resisted incorporation. Its strong navy, adept Mage Corps, and alliance with So'Karsa provided both military strength and diplomatic leverage. The city-state’s ability to negotiate and maintain alliances was crucial in preserving its sovereignty during this tumultuous period.

Demography and Population

The area of Pariten has a population of 64,000 individuals approximately. Most of them are Draken and reside within the City-state proper, though some reside in outlying farming villages or lumber villages.


676 square miles, most of which is forested. It has a river border with Dagroth to the south and shares a lake border with Mordrane and Dagroth. This border lake, Lake Pebolgar, is a semi-contested area that has traditionally been used for raising fresh water fish.


There is no official state religion, although the Draken Hero Faith is the most widespread there has been a growing interest in the Kae'shen faith from the Imperium of So'Karsa.

Foreign Relations

The City-State of Pariten has a defensive pact with the Imperium of So'Karsa. As such the Imperium has a skyport within the city, maintains a small naval fleet in the main port, and even has a small fort at the edges of Pariten controlled lands. This alliance has helped to ensure Pariten remains free from attempts to conquer it by Dagroth, and Mordrane who both seek to control what they each see as a rebellious City-state.
Alternative Names
Leader Title
Government System
Monarchy, Elective
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Palace economy
Legislative Body
Assembly of Representatives: Given the elective nature of the monarchy, Pariten might have an assembly comprising representatives from different sectors of society - merchants, military leaders, scholars, and perhaps even representatives from allied or vassal territories. Sub-committees: Within the assembly, there could be various sub-committees focusing on specific areas like trade, defense, foreign relations, and internal affairs.
Judicial Body
High Court of Pariten: This would be the supreme judicial body, likely presided over by a Chief Justice along with a panel of judges. They would be responsible for interpreting the laws and ensuring justice within the city-state. Lower Courts: Handling day-to-day legal matters, these courts would deal with civil, criminal, and commercial cases. They would operate under the guidelines set by the High Court.
Executive Body
Leader: The executive power is vested in the Prince-Elector, who is the head of state. This position might be filled through an elective process, possibly involving key figures or bodies within Pariten. Council of Advisors: Supporting the Prince-Elector, there could be a council of advisors, comprising experienced individuals from various fields like trade, military, diplomacy, and magic. They would provide counsel and assist in the execution of policies.
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