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The Praetorate of Dagroth

Founded by mercenary forces that united a fragmented region of city-states, the Praetorate of Dagroth stands as a testament to strategic governance and military might. Disbanding age-old norms like nobility, slavery, and feudal systems, Dagroth was transformed into a military dictatorship. The nation's governance structure revolves around Praetors, military governors who oversee vast territories and are elected by active military personnel or those with a minimum service history. These Praetors select a High Praetor, the ultimate executive authority, from among themselves. Below the Praetors, local governance operates autonomously, although national defense remains under the Praetors' jurisdiction.   Stretching over 31,000 square miles, Dagroth is geographically diverse, from northern forests and western marshlands to the eastern plains and southern cliffs. This peninsula nation houses a population of approximately 697,000, consisting of 30% Draken, 27% Katsie, 25% Karzie, 10% Humans, and 8% from other races.   Dagroth's culture is a melting pot of its major species, resulting in a unique blend of Draken majesty, Katsie grace, and Karzie maritime traditions. This fusion is underscored by a robust military underpinning. Despite differences, there’s unity in their shared values of discipline, honor, and duty. The militaristic undertone doesn't stifle the arts and sciences, but rather bolsters them with the prestige of warrior scholars and mage academies.   While agriculture is predominant in the eastern plains, the forests and mountains offer timber and minerals, contributing to a diverse economy. The coastal locations make Dagroth a prime trade hub. Inside cities, infrastructural marvels such as Mage Towers provide magical communication, though inter-city roads remain challenging due to the terrain.   Dagroth's military isn't just a force—it's an institution. Beyond the local legions that safeguard individual regions, specialized divisions such as the Mage Corps, Drake Corps, Western Fleet, and Eastern Fleet bolster national defense. Mercenary groups like the Black Thorn and the Order of Thorns also play pivotal roles.   Emerging from a backdrop of warring city-states, Dagroth's unified identity was forged by Draven Mourne and his allies, culminating in a decade-long campaign. This new nation championed progressive ideals, abolishing slavery and serfdom. Though it has stood united for only seven years, Dagroth has already left an indelible mark on Naodica's geopolitical landscape.   In essence, the Praetorate of Dagroth exemplifies the transformation of a volatile region into a potent nation, interweaving diverse cultures under the banner of military unity and discipline.


The Praetorate of Dagroth is an intricate and highly militarized organizational structure. The nation is partitioned into eight distinct regions, each presided over by a Praetor.   The role of a Praetor is multifaceted, encompassing governance of their region while also maintaining oversight of military and international undertakings. The nation's diverse challenges have also necessitated Praetors for specialized military divisions such as the Mage Corps, the Western and Eastern Fleets, and the coveted Drake Corps. Furthermore, the leadership of influential factions like the Black Thorn Mercenaries and the Order of Thorns also holds seats on the national council of Praetors. This council, comprising all Praetors, convenes to deliberate on national and international matters, the framing of laws, and most critically, selecting the High Praetor, a process initiated upon the demise of the incumbent.   A salient feature of Dagren governance is its enfranchisement criteria. Only those who have rendered military service are eligible to participate in the electoral process, either as voters or as candidates vying for the position of Praetor.


The cultural tapestry of Dagroth is a vibrant blend of Karzie, Draken, and Katsie influences, punctuated by an omnipresent militaristic ethos. This amalgamation manifests in various domains, from art to attire, music to traditions. In Dagroth, Draken-inspired architectural wonders coexist with Karzie maritime festivals, while Katsie arts flourish alongside martial parades. This intricate interweaving of cultures is reflected in the everyday life of its people: from the Draken's penchant for hording treasures, to the Karzie's reverence for the sea, and the Katsie's vibrant street festivals.   Yet, it's the palpable militarism that binds these cultural strands. Public squares boast statues of celebrated warriors, schools emphasize martial training as part of curricula, and local festivals often culminate in military parades showcasing Dagren might.

Public Agenda

The Praetorate of Dagroth, under the collective vision of its Praetors, seeks to strengthen its national unity while projecting power and stability in the broader Naodica region. Internally, they emphasize military service, aiming to imbue every citizen with a sense of duty and loyalty to the Praetorate. Externally, while they have aspirations to incorporate neighboring regions like Mordrane and Pariten, their immediate focus is on consolidating and fortifying their current territories, ensuring they remain impervious to external threats.


Dagroth's major assets include its disciplined military force, advanced naval fleet, and strategic maritime routes. The nation's infrastructure, developed to support its military and civil needs, is a key asset, as is its intellectual capital in military strategies and tactics. Additionally, Dagroth's unity and stability, despite its diverse origins, stand as significant intangible assets.


Dagroth's history is a turbulent saga of fragmented city-states perennially at loggerheads. This endemic strife birthed a class of powerful Mercenary Lords. Foremost among them was Draven Mourne, who, with his formidable Order of Thorns and the Black Thorn Mercenaries, orchestrated a meticulous campaign of conquest and unification. In his decade-long campaign, Draven utilized a mix of military strategy, political sagacity, and key alliances, including his union with Kaiya, a potent Katsie mage and heiress to an eastern Katsie city-state. Their combined might and vision brought an end to a tumultuous chapter, culminating in the unification of the region under Draven Mourne and his confederates.   The newly birthed Praetorate sought to break with its past. Traditional nobility was dismantled, serfdom abolished, and all forms of slavery were proscribed. Despite ambitions to annex Mordrane and Pariten, the young nation opted for prudence, consolidating its present territories. In its current form, the Praetorate of Dagroth has been united for a mere seven years, yet its impact on the Naodica landscape is indelible.

Demography and Population

The Praetorate of Dagroth boasts a population of 697,000 residents. The Draken form the most significant group at 30%, followed closely by the Katsie at 27%. The Karzie, known for their maritime prowess, constitute 25% of the populace, while humans account for 10%. The remaining 8% is a diverse blend of races from various corners of Naodica.


Dagroth spans a sprawling 31,000 square miles, a peninsula characterized by diverse landscapes. The northern frontier, delineated by dense forests, is marked by a rugged mountain range that forms a natural barrier with Mordrane. The western expanse, caressed by the moody waves of the Shadow Sea, features marshlands, bayous, swamps, and lush temperate rainforests. A dominating mountain range anchors the interior, its peaks casting long shadows over the lands. The east, facing the Zurian Sea, enjoys vast grasslands and plains, serving as the breadbasket of Dagroth. The southern terminus is stark, marked by towering cliffs, concealed grottos, and a hilly descent to where the waters of Shadow and Zurian seas meet.


Dagroth's military strength is its backbone. The structure is manifold: Local Legions (8 in total): Each of the eight regions boasts its legion, trained specifically for the terrain and challenges of that area.   Mage Corps: This division comprises mages trained for warfare, specializing in battle magics, enchantments, and warding. They also act as the regulatory body for magic use in Dagroth.   Drake Corps: An elite division of riders mounted on drakes, they command the skies and are the primary airborne force, a symbol of Dagroth's power and prestige.   Western and Eastern Fleets: These naval forces patrol and protect the coastline against threats, ensuring the safety of trade routes and asserting Dagroth's dominance over its territorial waters.   Order of Thorns: A knightly order established by Draven Mourne, these elite warriors are often on the frontline during crucial battles and play a ceremonial role in state functions.   Black Thorn Mercenary Company: Serving as a flexible arm of the military, these mercenaries can be hired by foreign entities, acting as Dagroth's eyes and ears abroad while also bringing in revenue. They adhere to a strict code of conduct, ensuring they maintain the honor and reputation of their homeland.

Technological Level

Dagroth's civilization mirrors a high medieval period, albeit with a significant twist – their robust embrace of magic. While they haven't ventured into the realm of firearms, their deep investment in magical infrastructure and development sets them apart. Research into manacite and its applications is ongoing, ensuring Dagroth remains at the forefront of magical innovations. Their forges might craft swords and armor in traditional style, but with the infusion of magic, they turn into artifacts of great power. Thus, the nation combines the medieval essence with the mystical allure of magic.


Soriven, the Draken Hero Faith, and the Tides of Freedom are all present faiths within Dagroth. None of them are recognized as official faiths of the nation, and freedom of religion is one of the rights of all people within the nation.

Foreign Relations

Kingdom of Aetheria: Dagroth sees Aetheria as a monarchy resisting the tide of change. The two share a mutual distrust due to their differing ideologies and governance structures. The limited magic use in Aetheria also becomes a point of contention with the magic-prone individuals in Dagroth. Beyari Revolutionaries: Dagroth might sympathize with the revolutionaries' aim to overthrow an oppressive force (given Dagroth's own past). They view the Beyari as potential pawns. Clandestine deals may exist where Dagroth offers covert support in return for future favors.   Queendom of Emura: Dagroth respects the matriarchal structure and spiritual underpinning of Emura. Their military significance on the Zurian Sea makes them a potential rival. Dagroth may often challenge Emura's naval dominance.   Korvinhall Republic: While Dagroth is intrigued by Korvinhall's technological prowess, they are also wary of Korvinhall's reluctance to share or trade its technological advancements. The absence of Manacite in Dagroth and Korvinhall's protectiveness over its tech make for a competitive dynamic.   United Miraki Tribes: While there are no shared borders, Dagroth sees the tribes as an unpredictable force. Occasional disagreements might arise over resources, especially if tribal hunting grounds or sacred sites are threatened by Dagroth's influence.   Magocracy of Mordrane: Sharing a border and a history of contention, Dagroth and Mordrane are natural rivals. Mordrane's successful defense against a previous Dagroth invasion has led to mutual respect, but also continued tension and mistrust.   Pirate Federation of Restone: The relationship between Dagroth and Restone is intricate. Given that much of the early Dagroth navy was formed by former Restone Pirates, there's a shared history and culture. This familiarity can lead to both camaraderie and competition, as old bonds and rivalries continue to play out.   Imperium of So'Karsa: The mystery surrounding So'Karsa and its Manacite reserves makes it both an object of curiosity and contention for Dagroth. Political maneuvering might arise over access to Manacite or influence within the Shadow Sea.   Empire of Zanaro: Though they don't share borders, their competition for dominance over the Zurian Sea keeps the relationship between Dagroth and Zanaro tense. Their differing stances on magic and human-centric ideologies further fuel the rivalry.


Military Service: Mandatory military service for a period of 2 years for all eligible citizens, with exceptions granted on health or other significant grounds. Governance: Only those who have served in the military have the right to vote and participate in the election of regional Praetors. Slavery: Strict prohibition on any form of slavery, serfdom, or forced labor. Nobility: No titles of nobility are recognized. Meritocratic ascension is promoted, with military service acting as a significant catalyst. Trade: While trade is encouraged, especially with foreign entities, it's regulated to ensure Dagroth's strategic resources are protected. Magic: Magic is respected but is subject to regulation, especially in its militaristic application. The Mage Corps oversees and enforces these regulations.

Agriculture & Industry

Agriculture thrives primarily in the eastern plains of Dagroth, which serves as the nation's granary. Crops such as wheat, barley, and flax flourish, and there's an abundance of orchards and vineyards. The marshlands to the west are hubs for fishing and provide unique flora used in various Dagren cuisines and medicine. The forests in the north offer timber, leading to a budding carpentry and shipbuilding industry. Mines in the interior mountains provide minerals, especially iron, contributing to a prosperous smithing industry. Dagroth also boasts artisans skilled in pottery, textiles, and manacite crafting.

Trade & Transport

The strategic location of Dagroth by the Shadow Sea and Zurian Sea has established it as a significant trade hub. Ports, especially along the eastern coast, facilitate trade with neighboring nations and beyond. The challenging terrain does make road connectivity between cities less streamlined. However, the cities themselves are well-connected internally. River routes, especially along the major rivers, play a critical role in the movement of goods. The Mage Towers offer magical communication, ensuring swift transmission of messages between cities.


Education in Dagroth is intertwined with military service. Basic education is available to all, with special academies offering advanced training in arts, sciences, and magics. The Mage Corps runs institutions dedicated to magical studies. Every region has its "Warrior Scholars", elite members known for their prowess in both battle and academia.


Though roads between cities might be less developed due to rugged terrains, within cities, infrastructure is top-notch. Paved roads, public squares, and well-maintained buildings reflect Dagroth's prosperity. Mage Towers, dotted across major cities, facilitate magical communication, leveraging the power of manacite. These towers also act as beacons, guiding travelers and serving as focal points for defense. Aqueducts, sewage systems, and public baths in the cities showcase Dagroth's emphasis on public welfare.


  • The Praetorate of Dagroth Map
Geopolitical, Country
Leader Title
Head of State
Government System
Power Structure
Economic System
Mixed economy
Draegold, a coinage system, with the face of the first High Praetor, Draven Mourne, minted on the higher denominations, and symbols representative of the Karzie, Draken, and Katsie on the smaller coins.
Major Exports
Dagroth's primary exports include maritime products and services, leveraging its strong naval capabilities. Its mercenary roots have led to the export of military expertise, armaments, and security services. The nation also exports resources and artisanal goods from its unified city-states.
Major Imports
Given its rugged terrain and martial orientation, Dagroth imports essential commodities like agricultural goods, technological equipment, and raw materials for weapon and armor manufacturing. Additionally, medical supplies and luxury goods to cater to its diverse populace are significant imports.
Legislative Body
Council of Praetors The legislative functions in Dagroth are managed by the Council of Praetors. This body comprises representatives from different regions of Dagroth, reflecting its diverse heritage. The Council is responsible for lawmaking, addressing internal policy issues, and advising the High Praetor on governance matters.
Judicial Body
Tribunal of Order The judicial system in Dagroth, known as the Tribunal of Order, upholds the laws of the land. It is composed of legal experts and military jurists, reflecting the nation's martial heritage and ensuring adherence to the rule of law and order.
Executive Body
High Praetor's Office The executive power in Dagroth is centralized in the High Praetor's Office, currently led by Draven Mourne. The High Praetor oversees national defense, foreign affairs, and internal administration, supported by a cadre of Praetors who manage various state functions, ranging from the Mage Corps to the Eastern Fleet.
Notable Members
Related Species
Related Ethnicities


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