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Kae'shen Faith

Religion of So'Karsa: The Kae'shen Faith and the Houses of Influence The Kae'shen Faith orbits around the reverence for Kae'shen, the lone remaining deity from the ancient Neronian pantheon. Rooted deeply in the practices of the Neronian civilization, this faith propagates lessons of balance, mysticism, and enlightenment. Two prominent Houses dictate the flow of this faith: House Telari, responsible for overseeing the transformative journey into the Neronian race, and House Kazen, which manages the spiritual conversions to the Kae'shen Faith and selectively decides those fit for transformation.
Core Beliefs: Kae'shen: Revered as the quintessential divine entity, she represents the universe's innate creative energy. Kae'shen is a beacon of empowerment and an embodiment of divine feminine energy. Universal Balance: The doctrines pivot on the equilibrium in nature, highlighting the omnipresent divine aura within all creations. Mysticism and Spiritual Pursuit: Devotees are encouraged to foster profound spiritual ties, seeking divine revelations through concentrated prayers and ceremonies.
Rituals and Practices: Sacred Spaces: Temples dedicated to Kae'shen become sanctuaries for spiritual communion, offering a serene atmosphere to connect with the divine. Festivals: These occasions are awash with ceremonial performances, ethereal energies, intricate rituals, and tales celebrating Kae'shen.
The Neronian Transformation and Divine Gender Identity: House Telari meticulously governs the transition into the Neronian race. The transformative odyssey commences with the consumption of a unique concoction composed of Neronian blood, manacite, and magical herbs. Over the span of a week, the person undergoes a profound metamorphosis, culminating in their body mirroring their internal gender consciousness.
Conversion to the Kae'shen Faith: Conversion into the Kae'shen spiritual fold is the domain of House Kazen. They ensure that the tenets resonate deeply with the aspirant, imbibing them with the faith's wisdom. Furthermore, they hold the pivotal duty of selecting certain individuals for the Neronian transformation. This selection is executed with immense care, zeroing in on those whose souls burn with an unwavering commitment to Kae'shen.


Artistic Expression: The Kae'shen Faith encourages artistic exploration. Paintings, sculptures, and music often depict ethereal scenes of the original Nataris, the transformative journey of Neronians to Naodica, and the ethereal beauty of Kae'shen herself. Ta' artists, through their performances, tell tales of old, keeping the history of the faith alive through dances, songs, and theatre.
Rituals and Celebrations: The Kae'shen calendar is replete with festivals marking significant events in their history and mythology. These ceremonies serve as communal gatherings for reflection, gratitude, and the reaffirmation of their beliefs. Ceremonial offerings at temples are common, often including symbolic items, chants, prayers, and acts of service to the community.
Spiritual Exploration: The Kae'shen Faith places high importance on introspection and spiritual growth. Meditation spaces are common in homes and public places, facilitating a deep connection with the divine. Ver' individuals often conduct spiritual retreats, guiding others in their meditative journeys.
Holistic Healing: Beyond traditional medicine, Ne' healers incorporate spiritual and emotional healing. They believe that alignment with Kae'shen can aid in physical recovery.
Education and Intellectual Pursuits: Cai' scholars play a pivotal role in the faith's culture, ensuring the younger generation is well-versed in religious texts, historical accounts, and philosophical teachings. Debate and intellectual discussions on the teachings are encouraged, fostering a culture of continuous learning.
Respect for Nature: Nature is seen as an embodiment of Kae'shen's creation. As such, festivals often revolve around seasons, astronomical events, and natural phenomena. There's an emphasis on sustainable living, with Di' agriculturists promoting harmony with the land.
Community and Relationship Building: The faith fosters a sense of unity. Syr' diplomats and relationship builders often mediate conflicts, ensuring that the community remains harmonious. Acts of charity and community service are common, as they're seen as manifestations of Kae'shen's compassion.
Inclusivity and Diversity: The faith values inclusivity, welcoming individuals from various backgrounds, races, and walks of life. Their belief in the transformative power of conversion allows people to embrace the Neronian race, leading to a diverse community where stories from multiple worlds intermingle.
Respect for Autonomy: While the faith is deeply spiritual, it respects individual choices. Those choosing to follow other paths or question certain teachings are not ostracized but are instead engaged in open dialogue. The Kae'shen Faith's culture is a blend of reverence for their rich history and an openness to the diverse influences of Naodica. At its heart, it is a culture of acceptance, spiritual exploration, and an enduring pursuit of harmony and balance.

Public Agenda

Promotion of Harmony and Balance: Central to the Kae'shen Faith is the idea of equilibrium. They advocate for harmony not just within oneself but also in one's relationship with nature, society, and the cosmos. Initiatives and programs emphasizing reconciliation, peacekeeping, and sustainable living are actively promoted.
Spiritual Enlightenment for All: The faith works to establish temples, meditation centers, and spiritual retreats throughout Naodica. They aim to provide all with opportunities for spiritual growth, introspection, and communion with Kae'shen.
Safeguarding the Environment: Given their reverence for nature, the Kae'shen Faith champions ecological initiatives. They support sustainable farming, preservation of natural habitats, and efforts to combat environmental degradation.
Cultural Preservation and Education: While they adapt to the nuances of Naodica, preserving the history and traditions of Nataris and the initial journey of the Neronians remains paramount. The faith establishes museums, libraries, and schools that document and impart their rich heritage.
Promotion of Art and Emotional Exploration: Given the integral role of the Ta' in the faith, there's a strong push to promote art in all its forms. Festivals, exhibitions, performances, and workshops are organized regularly, allowing for emotional expression and exploration.
Fostering Inclusivity and Acceptance: The faith's message is one of unity and acceptance. They champion the rights of marginalized groups, work against discrimination, and promote a message of universal love and acceptance.
Expansion through Peaceful Conversion: Missionary efforts focus on spreading the teachings of the Kae'shen Faith. While conversion to the Neronian race is presented as an option, it's done so with full respect for personal autonomy, ensuring informed and voluntary decisions.
Health and Holistic Well-being: Healing centers, both for physical and emotional well-being, are established. These centers, often overseen by Ne' healers, combine traditional medicine with spiritual healing practices.
Intellectual Growth and Debate: Emphasizing the importance of knowledge and intellectual growth, the faith sponsors symposiums, discussions, and debates. They believe in engaging with diverse perspectives, fostering an environment where questioning is encouraged.
Strengthening Diplomatic Ties: The faith, through its Syr' diplomats, aims to establish and strengthen diplomatic relations with various races and kingdoms of Naodica. They seek peaceful coexistence, mutual respect, and collaboration.
Support for the Vulnerable: Charity is a significant part of the faith's agenda. They establish shelters, food banks, and support centers for the vulnerable, ensuring they're provided for and protected.
Encouragement of Trade and Commerce: Recognizing the importance of economic growth, the Ji' traders play a role in fostering trade relations, ensuring that commerce thrives while adhering to ethical standards.
Championing Gender Equality and Liberation: Rooted in the teachings of the faith that emphasize divine feminine energy, they actively work to promote gender equality. They champion women's rights, support gender liberation, and work against oppressive societal norms.
At its core, the Kae'shen Faith's public agenda seeks to shape a world that mirrors their central beliefs of harmony, spiritual growth, and universal acceptance. Through their initiatives, they aspire to create a realm where every individual, regardless of their origins, finds solace, purpose, and enlightenment.


The Age of Unity (Era of Nataris): The roots of the Kae'shen Faith trace back to the realm of Nataris. In this ancient world, the Neronians worshipped a vast pantheon of nearly 1,000 deities, each governing different aspects of existence. Kae'shen was then a significant goddess amongst many, revered for her ethereal nature and divine wisdom.
The Calamity and The Sacrifice (End of Nataris Era): As the destruction of Nataris loomed due to a faction's ill-conceived attempt to annihilate the Neronians by destroying the manacite core, the Nerovex, the Imperial family of Neronians, channeled their life essence for a colossal spell. Their sacrifice teleported the So'Karsan archipelago, saving a remnant of the Neronian population. This sacrifice saw many deities fade from memory, but Kae'shen's veneration persisted, her teachings seen as a guiding light in the aftermath of such tragedy.
The Naodica Emergence (Arrival in Naodica): Upon their arrival in Naodica, the Neronians faced the challenge of establishing themselves in a new realm. The teachings of Kae'shen, emphasizing balance, harmony, and enlightenment, resonated deeply with the traumatized Neronians, becoming a beacon of hope. This era saw the formalization of the Kae'shen Faith, integrating her worship with the socio-political structure of the newly founded So'Karsa.
The Confluence Era (Integration with Naodican cultures): As Neronians began to interact with the indigenous cultures of Naodica, the Kae'shen Faith underwent a period of integration. Draken and Human beliefs, mythologies, and practices began to weave into the Kae'shen narrative. This era saw the depiction of Kae'shen as The Stranger, especially amongst human followers, emphasizing her transformative power.
The Expansion and Sectarian Age: Without the unifying influence of the mindweb, several sects of the Kae'shen Faith began to emerge outside So'Karsa. These sects, influenced by local customs, beliefs, and the diverse pantheon of Naodica, developed unique practices and interpretations of the faith's core teachings.
The Revival and Modern Era: The Kae'shen Faith, with its emphasis on personal enlightenment, transformation, and divine wisdom, saw a revival in the modern age. As the Neronians expanded their influence, the faith began to draw followers from various races and backgrounds. House Kazen, taking the helm, sought to bring a degree of unification to the faith, even amidst its diverse interpretations.

Mythology & Lore

The Beginning: Celestial Birth of Nataris In the time before time, the universe hummed a tune of creation. From its melodies, Nataris emerged, a realm of floating islands and endless skies. Kae'shen, the celestial mother, weaved the realm with threads of love, instilling it with the essence of balance and harmony. Floating amidst the sea of clouds, Nataris became home to myriad beings, from the tiniest creature to the mighty Neronians, all echoing the divine song of existence.
The Age of Servitude: Neronians as Divine Ambassadors As Nataris flourished, almost a thousand gods rose, their desires manifesting in the lands and skies. The Neronians, with their ethereal beauty and cosmic abilities, were deemed divine servants. Their role was to bridge the chasm between mortals and gods. Some revered them as divine ambassadors, while others, shadowed by ignorance, saw them as monsters to be vanquished.
The Great Catastrophe: Ignition of Nataris’ Core A time came when some factions, blinded by fear and envy, sought to eliminate the Neronians. They believed that by igniting the manacite core of Nataris, they could eradicate the Neronian 'threat'. Little did they realize that in their attempt to obliterate the Neronians, they would doom the entire realm. The ignition led to cataclysmic events, causing chaos and destruction.
The Ultimate Sacrifice: Rise of the Nerovex In the realm's darkest hour, a beacon of hope emerged: The Imperial Family of Nerovex. Realizing that Nataris’ end was imminent, they chose sacrifice over despair. Channeling their life essence and the sacred teachings of Kae'shen, they teleported the So'Karsan archipelago to a new reality, Naodica. This selfless act sealed their fate but ensured the continuity of their lineage and legacy.
New Beginnings: Establishing So'Karsa in Naodica In the embrace of Naodica, the Neronians found both refuge and purpose. The transformed floating islands became the sanctum of So'Karsa, where the Neronians, guided by Kae'shen's teachings, established a society that valued enlightenment and peace. While the external world had its contentions, within the borders of So'Karsa, the spirit of unity, resilience, and the teachings of Kae'shen prevailed.
The Council of Houses: Governance in the Aftermath The Nerovex's sacrifice left an indelible void. To ensure the governance reflected the Neronian values, the Council of Houses was established. Each house bore distinct responsibilities, with Houses Telari and Kazen at the forefront, overseeing the sacred transformation rituals and guiding souls towards Kae'shen respectively.
Legacy of the Faith: The Embrace of Kae'shen In the heart of every Neronian, the tales of their history resonate. They remember Nataris, the tragedies, and their salvation. At the center of it all stands Kae'shen, the eternal mother, the beacon that guided them from the past and illuminates their future. The faith in Kae'shen isn't just a set of beliefs; it's a legacy, a testament to resilience, sacrifice, and the enduring spirit of a people who, against all odds, found a place to call home.

Cosmological Views

The Kae'shen Faith, while centralizing its beliefs around the veneration of Kae'shen, understands the spiritual complexity and interconnectedness of existence. Their philosophy encompasses a comprehensive cosmic tapestry that accommodates the myriad divinities and beliefs of Naodica.
The Divine Spectrum In the Kae'shen cosmology, Kae'shen stands as the ultimate force, a conduit of creation, balance, and divine harmony. However, instead of viewing other gods as rivals or inferior, they perceive them as a part of a vast Divine Spectrum, with each god representing unique facets of this spectrum.
Integration of Local Deities Since their arrival on Naodica, the Neronians recognized the cultural and spiritual significance of the native gods, including the Draken Hero Gods. Instead of refuting them, they integrated these gods into their beliefs as manifestations of Kae'shen's myriad expressions.   For instance, the Draken Hero Gods like Gazren, representing Earth, or Kaylorn, symbolizing Wind, are seen as embodiments of Kae'shen's elemental facets, making them integral to the faith. They acknowledge the power of these deities and respect their roles in the shaping of Naodica.
Addressing the Creation Story Regarding Naodica's creation story involving the elemental dragon gods, the Kae'shen Faith interprets it as a cosmic narrative detailing the meticulous construction of the universe. While they attribute the primary act of creation to Kae'shen, they believe that she bestowed upon these dragon gods the essence and purpose to sculpt Naodica into its current form. The elemental dragon gods, in their philosophy, were instruments of Kae'shen's will, and their subsequent creation of the Elemental Dragons and the races of Naodica was in line with the cosmic plan.
The Human Perspective and The Stranger When interacting with humans, the Neronians point to The Stranger as an aspect of Kae'shen. They believe that The Stranger, associated with the Void, mirrors the transformative power that Kae'shen embodies. By aligning with The Stranger, humans are guided towards the transformative embrace of the Void, leading them to spiritual freedom and their eventual evolution as Neronians.
Conclusion The cosmology of the Kae'shen Faith is inclusive, adaptive, and profound. It encapsulates a universal understanding, making room for diverse deities and beliefs, while ensuring that Kae'shen remains at its heart. By integrating the local gods of Naodica and aligning their narratives with the faith's core principles, the Neronians have not only showcased spiritual flexibility but have also fostered a sense of unity and interconnectedness among the races of Naodica.


Divine Unity and Respect: Every being, irrespective of their origin or species, contains a spark of the divine. Treating everyone with respect and dignity, recognizing the inherent worth they carry, is paramount.
Balance and Harmony: The world around us, in its natural state, is a reflection of the divine balance crafted by Kae'shen. Followers should strive to maintain this balance, not only in nature but in all aspects of life.
Personal Enlightenment: Spiritual growth is a personal journey, and each individual is encouraged to seek knowledge, wisdom, and a deeper understanding of Kae'shen's teachings.
Compassion and Empathy: Followers should demonstrate compassion and empathy towards all beings, alleviating suffering wherever they encounter it.
Environmental Stewardship: The land, water, and air are gifts from Kae'shen. It's a duty to protect, preserve, and nurture the environment.
Integrity and Honesty: Followers should uphold the principles of truthfulness and integrity in all their dealings, personal or communal.
Gender Equality and Empowerment: The faith champions the divine feminine energy and advocates for gender equality, ensuring every individual can express and live their authentic selves.
Valuing Transformation and Acceptance: The transformative power of the Neronian conversion is revered and respected. Those who undergo this sacred process or contemplate it should be met with understanding and support.
Pursuit of Knowledge: Followers are encouraged to constantly seek knowledge, not just of the spiritual kind, but of the world around them, building bridges of understanding across cultures and races.
Harmony in Relationships: Building harmonious relationships within families, communities, and with other races is essential. Conflict should be approached with diplomacy, understanding, and a desire for peaceful resolution.
Selflessness and Service: Helping others, serving the community, and assisting those in need are seen as virtuous acts, bringing one closer to Kae'shen.
Freedom of Expression: Every individual has the right to express themselves artistically, emotionally, and spiritually. Suppressing or oppressing this expression is viewed as stifling the divine spark within.
Respecting Autonomy and Consent: In all matters, especially concerning conversion, the free will of individuals is paramount. Actions should be undertaken with informed consent, and every individual's autonomy over their body, mind, and spirit should be respected.


Sacred Spaces and Temples: House Kazen oversees the construction and maintenance of grand temples dedicated to Kae'shen. These architectural marvels are designed to harness and amplify ethereal energies, featuring celestial motifs and intricate art that depicts the tales of Kae'shen and the historical sacrifice of the Nerovex. The central chamber of these temples often houses a shimmering altar, where the most sacred rituals are performed.
Daily Communion: Most Neronians begin and end their day with a personal communion, which involves telepathic meditation. It allows them to connect with Kae'shen, seeking guidance, offering gratitude, and immersing in her divine energy.
Ritualistic Ceremonies: These involve chants, songs, and dances that resonate with the ethereal energy of Kae'shen. Ta' performers, play a central role in these ceremonies. Their artistic expressions, intertwined with sensuality, are seen as offerings of pure, uninhibited emotion and connection to the divine.
  Offerings: Devotees bring forward offerings, which can range from beautifully crafted artifacts, writings, and sometimes even personal revelations or memories shared telepathically with the gathered community. These are believed to strengthen the communal bond and their connection to Kae'shen.
Festivals: Throughout the So'Karsan calendar, there are several festivals honoring Kae'shen, the transformative power of conversion, and the memory of the Nerovex's sacrifice. These events combine spiritual rites with vibrant celebrations, filled with music, dance, and shared stories.
Guided Meditations: Ver' of House Kazen lead sessions of guided telepathic meditations. They take the community on profound spiritual journeys, exploring the essence of Kae'shen, the memories of Nataris, and the depths of personal enlightenment.
Teachings and Discourses: Cai' members regularly organize lectures and discussions on the Kae'shen teachings, ethics, and the intricate tapestry of their history. These sessions encourage both introspection and community dialogue.
Pilgrimage: Certain locations within the So'Karsan archipelago are considered especially sacred. Devotees undertake pilgrimages to these sites, hoping to experience heightened communion with Kae'shen or seeking clarity during pivotal moments in their lives.
The Rite of Conversion: While not daily worship, the ritual of transformation from another race to a Neronian is among the most sacred ceremonies. It's not just a biological transformation but also a deep spiritual rebirth. The community comes together to support, witness, and welcome the newly transformed Neronian, celebrating their embrace of Kae'shen's gift.
Worship in the Kae'shen faith is a harmonious blend of personal communion, communal celebration, and profound respect for both their origins and their present reality. It's an immersive experience, deeply rooted in history, sacrifice, and the ethereal energies of the universe.


Central Leadership: House Kazen
House Kazen stands at the heart of the Kae'shen faith, holding both influential political and profound spiritual power within So'Karsa society.
A'-Kazen: The A' of House Kazen is the dual representative – a political leader of the house and the highest spiritual authority of the Kae'shen faith. As Kae'shen's primary representative on Naodica, the A'Kazen provides guidance in matters of governance and spiritual pursuit, interpreting religious texts, guiding the direction of the faith, and overseeing major religious ceremonies.
Ver'-Kazen: The Ver' members in House Kazen serve as the central spiritual advisors, closely assisting the A'Kazen in guiding the Neronian spiritual path. They are instrumental in executing telepathic meditations, sacred rituals, ceremonies, and directing the spiritual education of both initiates and seasoned followers.
Cai'-Kazen: The Cai' members of House Kazen, revered as religious scholars, delve into the sacred texts' interpretation and teachings. They continually enrich the 'mind web' with their fresh spiritual insights and profound revelations connected to Kae'shen's teachings.
Se'-Kazen: The custodians of the 'mind web', Se' members ensure that spiritual revelations, communications, and visions are meticulously documented and disseminated across Neronian society. They also orchestrate and coordinate large religious gatherings and ceremonies through their adept telepathic prowess.
U'-Kazen: U' members, as historians, create lasting records of the Kae'shen faith's evolution, capturing momentous events, rituals, and ceremonies. Their chronicles ensure that the faith's legacy, combined with the profound sacrifice of the Nerovex, remains an eternal part of Neronian heritage.
Ta'-Kazen: The Ta' members, in their dual role as entertainers and sex workers, play a pivotal role in the Kae'shen faith. Through art, tales, and resonating emotions, they weave the teachings of Kae'shen, making them accessible and engaging. Their role as sex workers holds a profound spiritual significance in the faith. They're seen as physical and emotional conduits of Kae'shen's teachings, offering comfort, understanding, and a unique form of spiritual communion. Their intimate engagements often serve as transformative experiences, providing both emotional healing and spiritual revelations, making them revered figures within the faith.
Syr'-Kazen: The Syr' members, as religious diplomats, hold the crucial task of liaising with other faiths on Naodica. They foster dialogue, understanding, and harmony while subtly presenting the teachings of Kae'shen to potential adherents.
Training & Initiation: Entry into the priesthood demands intensive spiritual training. Initiates learn the foundational tenets of the Kae'shen faith, are schooled in ritualistic nuances, and undertake deep telepathic meditations. They are also trained to grasp the 'mind web's intricacies and understand the subtle facets of spiritual communication across species.
Roles in Conversion: While House Telari manages the Neronian transformation process, House Kazen's priesthood is instrumental in navigating the spiritual aspects of those undergoing the transition. The convertees receive spiritual counseling, are familiarized with the Kae'shen faith's foundational beliefs, and are spiritually and emotionally prepped for their rebirth as Neronians.
Thus, House Kazen's priesthood, being multifaceted in their roles, ensures the spiritual enrichment, guidance, and doctrinal education of the Neronians and those gearing up for conversion, always maintaining and propagating the sacred teachings of Kae'shen.
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