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Imperium of So'Karsa

Nestled above the enigmatic Shadow Sea, the Imperium of So'Karsa is an archipelago of floating islands, a realm both ancient and constantly evolving. Boasting a unique geographical location, these islands seem to defy the very laws of nature, adding to the realm's aura of mystery and allure. Predominantly inhabited by the Neronians, a race of blue-skinned, three-eyed beings with celestial wings, the Imperium is a testament to the resilience of a people who once hailed from another reality altogether. Their arrival brought with them vast deposits of Manacite, a crystalline ore of immense magical and economic value, which is now mined extensively across the islands, making So'Karsa a crucial player in Naodica's geopolitical landscape.   Governance in the Imperium is an intricate blend of democratic and meritocratic principles. At its helm is the Council of Houses, with representatives from every major house in So'Karsa. Each house oversees a specific facet of So'Karsan life, from industry to culture. The Speaker of the Council, elected for a decade, manages executive functions, ensuring that the council's decrees are effectively implemented.   Culturally, So'Karsa is a realm where art, spirituality, and intellectual pursuit thrive. Embracing their dual heritage of Nataris traditions and the evolving norms of Naodica, they've crafted a society that celebrates individual freedom and communal harmony. The ubiquitous presence of Manacite not only powers their cities but also finds its way into their art, healing practices, and even the very essence of their being.   Trade, primarily centered around Manacite, keeps So'Karsa's economy robust. Their Manacite-powered airships, a marvel of magic-infused engineering, traverse the skies of Naodica, symbolizing the Imperium's prowess and ambition.   Yet, at its heart, the Imperium remains a realm that values harmony—between its people, its traditions, and the vast, endless skies they call home.


Legislative Body - Council of Houses: A representative assembly, the Council of Houses is tasked with legislative responsibilities. Every House in the Imperium sends a delegate, chosen from within their ranks, to participate in deliberations and legislation at the national level. Judicial Body - The Judicial Assembly: Ensuring justice and adherence to the law, the Judicial Assembly is comprised of luminaries adept in the codes and ethics of So'Karsa. They mediate conflicts between Houses, interpret the statutes, and ensure that every decree aligns with the Imperium's fundamental ethos.   Executive Body: While the seat of power, the throne, remains ceremoniously unoccupied, the executive mantle is borne by the Speaker of the Council. Elected for a ten-year tenure, the Speaker ensures continuity of governance but cannot serve consecutive terms, thus safeguarding against potential monopolization of power.   Houses: Beyond familial connotations, a House in So'Karsa pertains to guild-like entities. Responsible for distinct facets of So'Karsan civilization—whether industry, academia, commerce, or defense—each House's leader is chosen through a unique psionic consensus and then represents their House on the national Council.


At the crossroads of tradition and modernity, the Imperium of So'Karsa revels in its rich cultural tapestry. Every aspect, from art to cuisine, resonates with profound introspection and vibrancy. The So'Karsans hold art in high regard, seeing it as an embodiment of their very soul—be it harmonious tunes, evocative illustrations, or poetic compositions. A society that celebrates body positivity, So'Karsan norms appreciate nudity as a sincere expression of one's self, devoid of any lascivious connotations. With a deep veneration for the environment, their food habits predominantly focus on a pescatarian diet, with occasional inclusions of dairy and eggs, ensuring the source animals are always treated with compassion and reverence.

Public Agenda

The Imperium of So'Karsa envisions a harmonious existence, championing the ideals of unity, personal freedom, and collective progress. While they maintain a relatively isolationist stance, the underlying philosophy is to preserve their unique way of life and protect it from external influences that might disrupt their societal equilibrium. At its core, the public agenda prioritizes the well-being and enlightenment of its citizens, promoting artistic endeavors, intellectual pursuits, and spiritual growth.


The illustrious history of the So'Karsans is intertwined with the ethereal Neronians. Originating from the celestial realm of Nataris, the Neronians found refuge in Naodica following a monumental sacrifice by their Imperial Family. The arrival of these otherworldly beings, with their azure skin and cosmic wings, marked the genesis of the Imperium of So'Karsa. Over time, they transformed the floating islands above the Shadow Sea into their sanctum, far removed from the conflicts and tribulations of Naodica. Here, they established the Council of Houses, ensuring governance that reflected their core values. While the demise of the Imperial Family left a void, the Houses rose to the occasion, jointly steering the Imperium to its current glory. Today, the So'Karsa Imperium stands as a testament to resilience, adaptability, and the indomitable spirit of a people who, once displaced, found their true calling in a world far from home.

Demography and Population

With a population nearing 269,000, So'Karsa predominantly consists of Neronians, who make up a whopping 95% of the populace. These blue-skinned, tri-eyed beings, with their celestial wings, not only dominate the demographic but also significantly influence the culture, traditions, and way of life in So'Karsa. The remaining 5% consists of diverse races from different parts of Naodica, drawn to the Imperium for its unique allure and promise of a harmonious existence.


The majestic expanse of So'Karsa encompasses 4,800 square miles of levitating terrains. Spread across 137 floating islands, this territory offers a breathtaking array of landscapes — rugged mountains, verdant Nataris Forests, serene rivers, shimmering lakes, and the colossal manacite crystals that punctuate the scenery. While five of these islands, led by the Majestic Isle of So'ra, dominate in terms of size and significance, the smaller alcoves contribute to the Imperium's charm, often serving as secluded sanctuaries or monumental sites.


The defense mechanisms of the Imperium are as unique as their territory. Divided into three specialized branches, the So'Karsan military is a robust force, ever-prepared to safeguard its sovereignty. House Suvi: Entrusted with ground-based responsibilities, the soldiers of House Suvi undergo rigorous training to master traditional combat techniques and fortification strategies.   House Etom: Soaring high, the House Etom controls the skies of So'Karsa. With their manacite-powered airships and elite airborne regiments, they ensure that any threat from the air is neutralized swiftly.   House Erom: The guardians of So'Karsa's aquatic boundaries, House Erom boasts a formidable naval force. Stationed strategically around the floating islands, they ensure safe passage for traders and repel any maritime threat.   While each branch functions with a degree of autonomy, the overall military strategy and decision-making rest with the Council of Houses, ensuring cohesion and unity in defense endeavors.

Technological Level

While the technological timeline of So'Karsa mirrors the early Renaissance of other realms, Manacite's presence propels it into an unparalleled dimension. The medical advancements, facilitated by Manacite-infused healing stones, have drastically reduced ailments and prolonged life expectancy. In the realm of magic, the Imperium boasts expertise nearly rivaling the prowess of the Magocracy of Mordrane. Rune and Spirit Magics form the core of this expertise, with intricate spells and rituals passed down generations, often inscribed in Manacite-laden artifacts. The harmonious amalgamation of technology, magic, and nature in So'Karsa stands as a testament to their resilience and visionary approach.


So'Karsa's jurisprudence is firmly rooted in principles that champion individual freedom, societal well-being, and harm prevention. These laws are meticulously crafted to balance personal liberties with the collective good. Discrimination, whether premised on racial, gender, or origin-based grounds, is a grave offense, attracting stringent penalties. This legal framework ensures that every citizen, regardless of their house or lineage, enjoys equal privileges, is bound by similar responsibilities, and can seek redressal without bias.

Agriculture & Industry

Within the lush terrains of So'Karsa, agriculture focuses on high-altitude crops, making the most of the unique climatic conditions of the floating islands. Staple crops like Quill Grain and Skyberry are abundant. However, the heartbeat of So'Karsa's industry is Manacite mining. With the largest known deposits of this invaluable mineral, vast stretches of the Imperium are dotted with both small artisanal mines and more significant operations. The mined Manacite undergoes a refining process, which transforms it into the pivotal component for weapon crafting and magical equipment manufacturing.

Trade & Transport

The So'Karsan economy thrives on the export of refined Manacite, making it one of the most affluent nations in the trade sphere. Due to its significance, many trading routes, both by air and sea, have been established, linking So'Karsa with other major markets across Naodica. The introduction of Manacite-powered airships, managed by House Etom, has revolutionized transport, ensuring faster and more secure conveyance of goods and individuals.


Given the unique lifecycle of Neronians, traditional concepts of childhood education are non-existent. Instead, newly transformed Neronians undergo an 'Integration Curriculum', designed to immerse them into So'Karsan culture, history, and traditions. Specialized institutions dot the Imperium, with mentors experienced in guiding new Neronians through this phase of adaptation, ensuring they seamlessly blend into their new societal roles.


The floating islands of So'Karsa are a blend of natural beauty and technological prowess. Manacite-powered lights illuminate streets, homes, and public spaces, casting an ethereal glow that mirrors the aura of the Neronians themselves. Stone-paved roads, ornate bridges connecting different altitudes, and terraced gardens create a harmonious blend of functionality and aesthetics. Besides, dedicated Manacite repositories, built with fortified walls, safeguard this precious resource, symbolizing the balance So'Karsa maintains between nature and progress.
Government System
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Mixed economy
Known as the Celestial Orin, So'Karsa's currency is both a symbol of their ethereal roots and a practical medium of exchange. These coins, engraved with the symbols of Nataris and the emblem of the Imperium, are made of manacite, a precious mineral abundant on the floating islands, making them valuable not just within the Imperium but also a sought-after commodity beyond its borders.
Legislative Body
Council of Houses
Judicial Body
The Judicial Assembly
Executive Body
Speaker of the Council
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Notable Members
Related Species

Rivals, Unfriendly, No official recognition


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