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The Pirate Federation of Restone

The Pirate Federation of Restone, a burgeoning power amidst the archipelagoes of the Zurian Sea, is a testament to resilience, adaptability, and the indomitable spirit of freedom. With its roots deeply entrenched in piracy, this federation has transformed into a cohesive nation, valuing self-governance and individual choice over feudal or monarchical constructs.   Restone's territory, spanning 1,200 square miles, consists primarily of two main volcanic islands and approximately 100 smaller reefs and atolls. These rocky terrains, with their jagged coasts, offer natural hideouts and ports, making them ideal bases for pirate fleets. The islands, located south of the Emura Peninsula and east of the Dagroth Peninsula, stand as sentinels between major trade routes.     The federation is a diverse melting pot, with 76% of the population being the amphibious Karzie, 15% humans, 5% the ethereal Chimera, and 4% comprising other races. This diverse blend has birthed a rich culture that is both unique to Restone and a reflection of its varied inhabitants.     Governance in Restone is distinct and fascinating. At its helm is the Pirate King/Queen, an elected position from among a council of nine Pirate Lords. Each Lord, in turn, is chosen from among the fleets, making the ship's crew the foundational unit of political influence. This federative structure, combined with the principle of elected leadership, ensures a system of checks and balances and broad representation.     Restone's economy is a mix of piracy, trade, and self-sustenance. Fishing and terraced farming are common, but the islands' true wealth lies in their strategic location. Ports in Restone see a constant flow of goods - both ill-gotten and traded. Moreover, the assimilation of technologies from conquered foes, especially Zanaro, has led to industries centered around weapon manufacturing and shipbuilding.     Restonian culture is a blend of its primary races. While maritime traditions and pirate lore dominate, influences from the human settlers of Zanaro and the unique traditions of the Karzie and Chimera are palpable. The Restonians, valuing freedom above all, celebrate individuality, leading to a society that's vibrant, accepting, and ever-evolving.     Historically a realm of pirates, the islands of Restone have seen tumultuous times. The aggressive colonization attempts by Zanaro and the subsequent Karzie uprisings have left deep scars and enduring tales. The federation's formation was a strategic move to consolidate power against external threats and to provide a united front. Today, having successfully integrated Zanaro's technologies and fortified their defenses, Restone stands as a formidable power in Naodica's maritime landscape.   In essence, The Pirate Federation of Restone, once a fragmented realm of raiders, has emerged as a united nation. It stands as a beacon of hope for those valuing freedom, self-governance, and the adventurous spirit of the high seas.


A nation both enigmatic and fiercely independent, Restone's governance is a testament to its piratical origins. At its helm sits the Pirate King or Queen, chosen from a council of nine Pirate Lords. These Lords, each commanding a formidable fleet, are elected or, in some instances, have to assert their dominance through maritime challenges. This layered structure roots itself in the very essence of piracy: each ship boasts an elected captain, and the crew stands as the cornerstone of governance. The hierarchy ensures a system of shared booty, with a portion of each loot being directed upwards, from the ships to the Lords and then to the reigning monarch. The Council of Pirate Lords, aside from addressing internal grievances and territorial disputes, also deliberates on raiding rights, ensuring that their piracy remains organized and targeted.


The spirit of Restone is one of unabated freedom and defiance. Both on the seas and the shores, Restonians uphold values of camaraderie, equality, and a healthy disdain for traditional hierarchies. Raucous festivities, feasting, and storytelling form the backbone of their daily lives. The integrated human population has added another layer to Restonian culture, bringing in elements of Zanaro craftsmanship, particularly in weapons and shipbuilding. Maritime ballads, recounting tales of plunder, valiant naval battles, and the open sea, echo throughout Restone's many taverns and inns. Traditional Zanaro architectural styles blend seamlessly with Karzie aesthetics, resulting in a unique fusion of styles visible throughout the islands.

Public Agenda

Restone's primary agenda is maintaining its independence, sovereignty, and unique way of life. They are proponents of maritime freedom, challenging any empire or nation that seeks to control the seas. Their stance against monarchical and feudal systems has further solidified their resolve to remain autonomous, driving their endeavors in fortifying their defenses, bolstering their fleets, and expanding their influence in maritime trade and diplomacy.


The azure waves of Restone have long whispered tales of the indomitable Karzie, masters of piracy and maritime dominance. However, the rise of the formidable Zanaro Empire cast a shadow on Restone's free spirit. The first conquest brought with it chains of colonization, reshaping Restone's landscapes with fortresses, manufactories, and an influx of human settlers. But the fires of rebellion simmered, and the Karzie, rallying to their age-old traditions, reclaimed their homeland. Yet, internal strife made them vulnerable once more, allowing Zanaro to seize control again, reinforcing their presence with even more advanced weaponry and fortifications. The Restonians, however, are nothing if not resilient. The Karzie, learning from their foes, adapted Zanaro's technologies, revolutionizing their own defenses and naval capabilities. A second wave of rebellion saw the Karzie reclaim their islands once more. The now-integrated human populace, having tasted the exhilarating freedom of Restone, aligned with their Karzie brethren. Together, they forged the Pirate Federation of Restone, a maritime realm that stands as a beacon of freedom and a stark challenge to any who dare attempt to curb it.

Demography and Population

Restone is a blend of diverse races coexisting harmoniously on its shores. Of its 52,000 inhabitants: Karzie form the majority, with a population of approximately 39,520. Humans, remnants of Zanaro's colonization, number around 7,800. The Chimeras, with their unique heritage, comprise roughly 2,600. Other races, including traders, adventurers, and those seeking refuge, make up the remaining 2,080.


Restone spans a total of 1,200 square miles, predominantly encompassing two main volcanic islands. These rocky terrains are interspersed with lush green patches, providing the necessary resources for the Restonians. Surrounding these islands are approximately 100 smaller reefs and atolls dotting the Zurian Sea and the Southern Ocean, acting as strategic points for Restone's maritime activities. Situated to the south of the Emura Peninsula and to the east of the Dagroth Peninsula, Restone's location provides it with both strategic importance and access to prime maritime trade routes.


Restone's military, while unconventional, is formidable. The nine fleets represent the core of their might, with each Pirate Lord commanding their respective fleet. These fleets are equipped with swift and heavily armed ships, ideal for both raiding and defense. Each fleet also maintains land holdings, which serve as bases, resource centers, and training grounds. The integration of Zanaro technology, particularly in artillery and naval design, has elevated Restone's military capabilities. Each ship in the fleet is a self-contained unit, with a captain, crew, and its complement of marines. The unity and loyalty within these units ensure that when called upon, Restone can field a cohesive and deadly naval force.

Technological Level

Restone's technological prowess lies in its ability to assimilate and adapt. Having incorporated Zanaro's engineering and weapon designs, the islands boast impressive ships and formidable artillery. While the technological level is equivalent to late-medieval to early-renaissance in many areas, the integration of captured or bartered elemental magic from Mordrane sets them apart. Scientifically, Restone relies heavily on empirical knowledge. Navigation using the stars, understanding of marine biology for fishing, and the rudiments of geology (especially relevant given their volcanic islands) are all essential parts of a Restonian's education.


Despite its pirate-centric identity, Restone has established a set of laws, primarily focused on ensuring the safety and freedom of its citizens: Attacks on fellow Restonians, within the territories of Restone, are strictly forbidden. Slavery or any form of forced servitude is punishable by exile or, in severe cases, death. Barter disagreements must be resolved without violence; disputes are settled in the local "Judgment Taverns." External piracy is regulated, ensuring it does not negatively impact Restone's standing in the international community. Defense of Restone against external threats is every citizen's duty. Plunder is to be fairly distributed, with a portion allocated for the community.

Agriculture & Industry

Given the rocky terrain of Restone's primary islands, agriculture is limited but carefully managed. Terraced farming on the volcanic slopes cultivates hardy crops such as tubers, maize, and a variety of fruits. Fishing remains a major food source, with the waters around Restone teeming with a diverse marine life. Industry in Restone is unique. While traditional crafts like shipbuilding thrive, the capture and repurposing of Zanaro technology has led to a burgeoning industry in weapon manufacturing and ship enhancements. The elemental binding techniques learned from their interactions with Mordrane have allowed them to tap into the geothermal energy of their volcanic islands, leading to the development of rudimentary forges and factories.

Trade & Transport

Restone's strategic location makes it a hub for trade. While piracy remains a profession for many, the islands have started fostering legitimate trade ties. The main ports teem with merchants dealing in exotic goods, stolen treasures, and local produce. Transport within Restone relies heavily on boats and ferries, given its archipelagic nature. On land, horse-drawn carts and a network of well-maintained roads connect major settlements. The invention of rudimentary cable cars using ropes and pulleys, particularly on the volcanic islands, has eased transport between the terraced farms and the coastal towns.


Given its diverse population, education in Restone is a blend of traditions. While formal schooling is rare, apprenticeship is common. Young Restonians are taught navigation, combat, trade, or craft depending on their interests and the needs of their community. Lore-keepers, often older pirates or wise humans from Zanaro, narrate tales of the sea, ancient battles, and valuable life lessons in community gatherings, ensuring the transmission of knowledge and history.


Restone's infrastructure, while not opulent, is functional and robust. Ports are fortified with cannons and watchtowers, ensuring defense against invaders. Zanaro's influence is evident in the stone-paved roads and brick houses, while Karzie architecture, primarily wood and thatch, dominates the coastal regions. Freshwater collection and distribution systems, primarily using aqueducts and rainwater harvesting, ensure that the islands' populace has access to potable water. Given the volcanic nature of the islands, hot spring baths are common and are both recreational spots and communal gathering areas.
Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
The Pirate Coalition
Government System
Power Structure
Economic System
Market economy
Given their piratical heritage, Restone has a unique economic system. Their primary currency, fittingly, is the "Doubloon", a golden coin stamped with the emblem of a crossed sword and anchor. Silver "Shards" and copper "Tidbits" make up the lower denominations. While the Doubloon is recognized and accepted in the major trading ports of Restone, barter remains a significant mode of transaction, particularly among the pirates and in more remote areas.
Official State Religion
Related Species


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