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Origins and Historical Context: Humans in Naodica have always occupied a unique niche in the world's history. Historically viewed as less dominant, they frequently found themselves marginalized, often pushed to the fringes of societal hierarchies and repeatedly enslaved by various more powerful races, including the Elemental Dragons, Lionin Katsie, and Likos. However, over time, and particularly in the last few centuries, they've managed to forge their own path. The rise of the Empire of Zanaro marked a significant shift in their position, from subservience to conquest, asserting their place in the world.   Physical Characteristics: Humans of Naodica generally stand between 4’10” and 6” tall and display a vast diversity in their hair, skin, and eye colors. Notably, they can possess exotic eye shades, including unique tints like purple, gold, and red. Unlike many of the other races in Naodica, humans don't have distinctive sub-races or prominent physical traits that distinguish different groups amongst them.   Cultural Dichotomy: The humans of Naodica are chiefly split into two significant cultural spheres: Zanaro and Beyari.   Zanaro symbolizes a group deeply rooted in their past, holding onto traditions and a strict social structure. It's an empire built from the ruins of the Likos Kingdom, harboring a vision of humans as the true rulers of Naodica. Their culture leans towards conservatism, but with a flair for vibrant hues and elaborate designs in attire, long hair, and ornamented beards, especially among the nobility.   Beyari represents a more open, democratic, and inclusive community. Beyari humans embrace equality, fostering a culture without stringent gender roles and celebrating diversity. Their style and self-expression are notably different, favoring short hair, dark clothing, and a penchant for body art, highlighting the distinct contrast between the two major human societies.   Interactions with Other Races: Though they've had a troubled past, the humans of Naodica are renowned for their adaptability and resilience. While historically viewed as weaker or inferior, their endurance, combined with a newfound political power in regions like Zanaro, has reshaped their interactions with other races. However, it's crucial to note that their relationships vary widely based on the specific human society and its historical context with other races.   In conclusion, the humans of Naodica offer a rich tapestry of culture, history, and social dynamics, highlighting their journey from subjugation to power and the intricate interplay of traditions, beliefs, and values that shape their existence in this diverse world.

Basic Information


Humans, while considered one of the more 'ordinary' races of Naodica, possess their own unique set of features that enable them to adapt and survive in a diverse range of environments. They typically stand between 4'10" and over 6', with a skeletal and muscular structure supporting a wide range of movements, from running to climbing to intricate handcraft. Skin: Human skin comes in a vast spectrum of colors, ranging from pale hues to deep browns. The skin serves as a protective barrier against external factors and plays a crucial role in thermoregulation. Eyes: Apart from the usual blues, browns, and greens, some Naodican humans exhibit exotic eye colors such as purples, golds, and reds. The purpose or origin of these unique hues remains a topic of speculation. Hair: Human hair varies in texture and color, ranging from straight to curly and black to blonde. Some theories suggest that hair, apart from providing some protection against elements, also plays a role in social and mating displays. Internal Anatomy: While much of their internal structure is similar to humans of other worlds, like a cardiovascular system, digestive tract, and respiratory system, some believe the Naodican humans might have slight adaptations due to their unique history and environment.

Biological Traits

Bipedalism: Humans walk on two legs, freeing up their hands for tool use and manipulation. Opposable Thumbs: This anatomical feature allows them to grasp objects, essential for their tool-using capabilities. Endurance: While they might not be the fastest, humans can walk or run long distances, an evolutionary trait from their hunting practices. Vocal Complexity: Their vocal cords can produce a wide array of sounds, allowing for intricate spoken languages. Sexual Dimorphism: Males typically possess broader shoulders and greater muscle mass, while females have wider hips and pronounced mammary glands for child-rearing.

Genetics and Reproduction

Humans reproduce sexually, with both a male and female partner. The gestation period lasts approximately nine months, after which a single child is born, though twins or even triplets are not uncommon.

Growth Rate & Stages

Infancy (0-2 years): Rapid growth and development, reliant on caregivers for survival. Childhood (3-12 years): Physical growth continues with the development of motor skills and cognitive abilities. A time of learning and play. Adolescence (13-18 years): Marked by the onset of puberty and the development of secondary sexual characteristics. A period of identity exploration and increased independence. Adulthood (19-60 years): Physical growth stabilizes, and individuals typically engage in career, societal roles, and family formation. Elderly (61+ years): A decline in physical capabilities but often a reservoir of knowledge and wisdom for the community.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Naodican Humans are omnivorous, capable of digesting a wide variety of food sources from both plant and animal origins. Their diets tend to vary based on region, available resources, and cultural influences. Meats: A source of essential proteins and fats. Given their history, hunting may have been a primary means of procuring meat, although domestication of animals is now common. Plants: Grains, vegetables, and fruits provide them with necessary carbohydrates, vitamins, and fibers. Agriculture plays a significant role in human societies. Dairy: In communities that have domesticated herd animals, dairy products like milk, cheese, and butter are common. Beverages: Apart from water, humans consume various fermented drinks, herbal teas, and other concoctions, many of which have both recreational and medicinal purposes.

Biological Cycle

Humans operate on a diurnal cycle, being most active during the day and resting during the night. Their biological rhythms are attuned to the solar cycle of Naodica, with internal circadian rhythms governing sleep patterns, hormone production, and other physiological processes.


Humans are known for their adaptability and resilience. Their history of being subjugated has imbued many with a cautious optimism and an enduring spirit. While they possess a wide range of emotions, their experiences have also taught them the value of unity, perseverance, and ingenuity. Societal Behavior: They value community, often building closely-knit family units and larger societal structures to support one another. Defensive Nature: Given their past, they tend to be wary of outsiders, especially of races that historically dominated them. Curiosity and Ingenuity: The lack of natural weapons or magic has driven humans to innovate, making them skilled tool-users and inventors. Social Structures: Hierarchies and roles within human communities can vary, but a respect for elders and skilled individuals is widespread.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Humans are primarily reliant on their five senses: sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell. However, it is believed that their history of subjugation has fine-tuned their senses, making them more alert and attuned to changes in their environment. Sight: While their vision operates best during the day, humans have decent low-light vision, enabling them to function during dawn and dusk. Sound: Their sense of hearing is acute, able to detect a broad range of frequencies, which historically might have helped them avoid danger. Touch: Highly sensitive nerve endings dot the human skin, allowing them to feel a wide range of textures and temperatures. Taste and Smell: While not as enhanced as some of the other races, their sense of taste and smell are adequately developed, playing an essential role in their dietary habits and social interactions.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Zanaro: Here, humans typically have a threefold naming system: a personal name (for individual identity), an ancestor name (honoring past generations), and a family name (denoting lineage). E.g., Darion Selven Freyr. Beyari: Beyari humans have a simpler naming convention, with a personal name followed by a family name. E.g., Lyra Aventis.

Beauty Ideals

Zanaro: Long, intricately braided or decorated hair is considered attractive for both genders. Men are expected to maintain well-groomed and decorated beards. Meanwhile, women are often seen in conservative attire, emphasizing modesty. Beyari: Sporting short hair, often shaven on one side with the remaining hair cascading to the other side, is popular. Both genders lean towards dark-colored clothing, and charcoal-based makeup is a common adornment.

Gender Ideals

Zanaro: Here, traditional gender roles are rigidly defined. Women are predominantly homemakers and caregivers, whereas men dominate the workplace and leadership roles. The military, however, is an exception, offering opportunities for both genders. Transgender identities are frowned upon. Beyari: Gender roles are fluid in Beyari, promoting collaboration and equality. The community also openly embraces transgender individuals.

Courtship Ideals

Zanaro: Marriages are mostly arranged, strengthening family ties and ensuring socio-economic harmony. Beyari: Beyari's unique approach involves anonymous note exchanges. Individuals get to know each other without seeing one another, spanning weeks or even months, before a face-to-face meet. This practice signifies that love transcends physical appearance.

Relationship Ideals

Zanaro: The societal structure endorses the man as the primary decision-maker, with women often playing a more submissive role. Homosexual relationships are widely disapproved of. Beyari: Equality is a cornerstone of Beyari relationships. Homosexual and multi-partner unions are not only accepted but are common.

Common Etiquette Rules

Regardless of the region: Eye contact is considered respectful when speaking. Greetings often involve a bow or a firm handshake. It's customary to bring a small gift when visiting someone's home. Public displays of affection are frowned upon. Direct confrontation or raising one's voice is considered impolite.

Common Dress Code

Zanaro: The attire in Zanaro leans towards the conservative side. However, it bursts with vibrant hues, especially among the nobility. Intricate patterns and ornate designs are a testament to Zanaro's rich heritage. Men often wear tunics or robes with fitted trousers, while women adorn themselves in elegant dresses or layered gowns. The wealthier classes flaunt their status with gold embroideries, gemstone embellishments, and ornate headpieces. Beyari: Beyari's fashion is more avant-garde and liberal. Darker shades dominate the wardrobe, but the designs can be highly experimental. Since there's no strict class system, personal expression through clothing is rampant. Outfits can range from asymmetrical tunics, off-shoulder tops, and draping cloaks to multi-layered skirts. Tattoos and piercings often complement the overall look.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Humans, despite their struggles, have managed to cultivate rich and diverse cultural practices. In Zanaro, classical music, sculpture, and grand architecture bear witness to their phoenix-like rise from the ashes. Festivals, often rooted in religious beliefs, are extravagant affairs, blending art, music, and dance. Beyari, on the other hand, thrives on innovation. Contemporary art forms, theatre, and literature are notably progressive. Their oral traditions, poetry slams, and street performances make the culture accessible to all, eliminating the barriers of elitism.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Celebratory Feasts: Both Zanaro and Beyari cherish gatherings around grand feasts. While Zanaro's feasts have religious undertones, Beyari's revolve around community bonding. Coming of Age: In Zanaro, youths undergo a ceremonial rite of passage into adulthood. Beyari's tradition involves a solitary journey, symbolizing self-discovery. Ancestral Remembrance: Zanaro and Beyari alike have specific days dedicated to honoring ancestors, albeit with different rituals.

Common Taboos

Zanaro: Altering one's hair, especially through shaving or cutting, is seen as an act of defying divine design. This act is believed to sever ties with one's ancestors and the divine realm. Beyari: Beyari culture, rooted in collaboration and mutual respect, views domination or unwarranted commanding of others as taboo. Such actions, whether in personal or professional spheres, invite strong social backlash.


For much of their existence, humans were the subjects of various powerful races in Naodica. Initially, they served under the Elemental Dragons, followed by the Lionin Katsie, and lastly, the Likos. This cycle of subjugation led humans to become widespread across Naodica, absorbing various cultural nuances from their overlords. Upon the fall of the Driaz Kore, several human and Katsie nations emerged, most notably the Empire of Zanaro. Originally, this fledgling human empire overthrew a Likos Kingdom and further expanded by invading a Katsie principality. The rise of Zanaro marked a significant turning point in human history, transitioning from periods of subjugation to one of dominion. The empire promulgated the idea that humans were Naodica's rightful heirs, and the "beastfolk" were a challenge they had to overcome.   Magic, a prominent force in Naodica, was viewed with skepticism and often derided by Zanaro, excluding only specific religious practices. However, humans of Beyari championed a contrasting ethos. They valued democratic principles and exhibited a deeper respect for other races, transcending their tumultuous past.

Common Myths and Legends

The Sunlit Bride: A Zanaro legend speaks of a human woman who captured the heart of the sun. Their love was so profound that every evening, the sun would embrace the earth, painting the sky in shades of amber. The Whispering Sands: Beyari folklore tells of shifting sands that communicate ancient wisdom. It's believed that a wanderer with a pure heart can hear these sands and be guided to undiscovered treasures or truths.   The Guardian of the Abyss: A shared legend between the two regions speaks of a colossal sea creature that protects Naodica from unseen underwater threats. Sailors often pay homage before embarking on long voyages, hoping for the creature's blessings.
80 years
Average Height
Typically, humans stand between 4'10" and over 6' tall, with slight variations based on genetics and environmental factors.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Humans exhibit a rich tapestry of skin colors, ranging from pale tones to deep browns. This variety often correlates with regional sun exposure, with darker skin tones found in sunnier regions, providing a natural protection against harmful UV rays. Hair color ranges from blacks to browns, with occasional reds and blondes. The eye color in Naodican humans is notably diverse. Apart from common shades like brown, blue, and green, some humans possess exotic eye hues such as purple, gold, and even red. The origins of these unique eye colors are still a topic of much debate, with some attributing them to ancient magical influence or evolutionary adaptation.


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