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The Karzie stand out as one of Naodica's most intriguing races, with their distinct, shark-like features and amphibious nature. Predominantly occupying the coastal regions, their history is a tapestry of maritime dominance, piracy, and raiding. This legacy, though formidable, has seen a transformative evolution in recent times.   Physiologically, Karzie exhibit an average human stature. Their skin showcases a captivating spectrum of light blues, greys, and whites, typically with brighter hues adorning their front and darker shades on their backs. Such coloration, combined with occasional stripes, spots, and unique patterns, gives each individual a distinct appearance. Their anatomy boasts a powerful tail and a flexible dorsal fin, quintessential for their masterful swimming capabilities. Notably, some Karzie, especially those that can stay longer durations on land, sport hair. Their gender spectrum is fascinatingly diverse, embracing male, female, and bi-gender identities, each esteemed equally in their society.   Historically, the Karzie carved a niche for themselves by staying autonomous, particularly from empires like the Magocracy of Derendal. Yet, integration with regions like Dagroth has ushered in an era where many Karzie transitioned roles – from feared raiders to adept traders and skilled diplomats.   Modern-day Karzie culture, while still reverberating with the oceanic melodies of their ancestry, is experiencing a renaissance. While a segment still clings to piracy, a growing number are embracing change in the form of commerce, diplomacy, and exploration. From the lively Dagroth markets to the tranquil Restone shores, the Karzie influence is palpable, weaving them irrevocably into the rich tapestry of Naodica.

Basic Information


Form and Structure: Karzie, being reminiscent of sharks, possess sleek and streamlined bodies built for agility both in and out of water. Their skin is tough and has a slightly rough texture, similar to a shark's dermal denticles. While they have two legs and arms, their powerful tail and flexible dorsal fin make them adept swimmers. Their faces are a harmonious blend of humanoid and shark features, with sharp teeth evident in their mouths. Amphibious Nature: One of the most distinctive features of the Karzie is their ability to survive both underwater and on land. This amphibious trait is supported by specialized gills on their necks, along with lungs, allowing them to extract oxygen from water and air seamlessly.   Variations: While all Karzie share a general physique, there are subtle differences based on various shark breeds. For example, some might have the stout build of a bull shark, while others could be long and lean, reminiscent of a mako shark.

Biological Traits

Powerful Tails: Karzie tails are muscular and strong, granting them impressive propulsion in water. Their tails, combined with their streamlined bodies, make them adept swimmers and hunters beneath the waves. Dorsal Fins: Extending from their backs, the dorsal fins of the Karzie provide stability while swimming and act as rudders, enabling agile maneuvers.   Female Dimorphism: Female Karzie who grow hair on their heads, which is a rare trait, also tend to have pronounced mammary glands. This dimorphism not only helps in nursing but has also become a symbol of fertility and is considered attractive within their culture. Those without hair tend to have less pronounced mammary features.   Amphibious Adaptations: Their gills, which allow them to breathe underwater, and their large, webbed feet, enhance their swimming capabilities, making them adept hunters and agile escape artists when faced with threats.

Genetics and Reproduction

Reproduction: Karzie give live birth, similar to many species of sharks. The gestation period is relatively short, allowing them to reproduce efficiently. Genetic Diversity: Due to the Karzie's widespread coastal dominance and their diverse habitats, there's considerable genetic diversity within the species. This diversity manifests in various skin colors, size, and even some unique abilities.

Growth Rate & Stages

Infancy (0-3 years): Born live, infant Karzie are immediately independent swimmers. They stay close to their families or communities, where they are protected and taught essential skills. Childhood (4-10 years): During this stage, the young Karzie undergo rapid growth. They are schooled in the ways of their community, learning both survival and societal norms.   Adulthood (10-95 years): Upon reaching ten years, a Karzie is considered an adult. They are expected to contribute to their community, be it through hunting, trading, or other communal roles.   Elderly (96-125 years): In the last quarter of their life, Karzie slow down and often take on advisory or educational roles within their society. Their experience and wisdom are highly revered.

Dietary Needs and Habits

PPredominantly Carnivorous: With their ancestry tied closely to the predatory nature of sharks, the Karzie have a distinct preference for meat, especially seafood. Their diets primarily consist of fish, crustaceans, mollusks, and occasionally, other marine mammals. Their sharp teeth are tailored for tearing apart flesh and cracking open hard shells. Occasional Plant Consumption: While meat is the central component of their diet, the Karzie do consume certain types of seaweeds and other marine plants, both for their nutritional content and to aid in digestion.   Hydration: Given their amphibious nature, the intake of water, especially saltwater, is vital. It helps maintain their internal salt balance and prevents dehydration.

Biological Cycle

Hydration Dependency: Karzie need to maintain their hydration levels more rigorously than most races. Being away from water for extended periods can lead to health complications. As such, they've evolved to consume large amounts of water and have a diet rich in moisture-laden foods. Sleep Cycle: Due to their amphibious nature, Karzie don't have a traditional sleep cycle like terrestrial beings. They can take short, frequent rests throughout the day and night, both in and out of water.   Shedding and Growth: Periodically, to accommodate their growth and heal any damages, Karzie will shed their outer skin layer. This process is more frequent during their younger years and reduces in frequency as they age.


Territoriality: The Karzie are naturally territorial, a trait inherited from their shark lineage. While they might be amiable traders and diplomats, they are fiercely protective of their homes and hunting grounds. Social Hierarchies: Within their communities, a certain hierarchy is evident, largely based on age, experience, and proven strength. Elders often hold significant sway in decision-making processes.   Curiosity and Adventurousness: The vastness of the ocean breeds a sense of exploration. Young Karzie are often curious and seek adventures, leading them to explore unknown territories or delve into forgotten underwater ruins.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Eyesight: Karzie possess sharp eyesight, especially in low light, owing to their underwater heritage. Their eyes are slightly larger and have a reflective layer, aiding in night vision. Electroreception: Just as sharks can sense the electrical fields produced by other living organisms, Karzie have retained a muted form of this ability. It aids them in hunting, detecting hidden prey, and navigating through murky waters.   Enhanced Hearing: The large ears of the Karzie are not just for show. They grant them an enhanced range of hearing, especially adept at picking up low-frequency sounds.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Karzie names bear a reflection of their maritime and regional roots. Every Karzie has a personal name, which is then followed by a name derived from either the ship they serve on, the island or region they reside in, or the mercenary company they belong to. These names, termed in ancient Karzen, forge a deep connection between the individual and their place or community of affiliation.

Beauty Ideals

In Karzie society, certain physical traits are deemed especially attractive. Female Karzie with hair atop their heads are considered highly desirable, embodying a rare and exotic beauty. Conversely, male Karzie with pronounced and well-defined dorsal fins are perceived as attractive, symbolizing strength and agility.

Gender Ideals

The Karzie recognize three distinct genders: male, female, and bi-gender. Bi-genders possess the unique capability to either impregnate or be impregnated. In the egalitarian ethos of Karzie culture, all genders are regarded as vital pillars of society. They're free to adopt any societal role, unshackled by traditional gender norms.

Courtship Ideals

Long-term monogamous relationships are relatively rare among the Karzie. The fluidity in their relationships reflects their maritime lifestyle. Families often form around broader units, such as ships, reefs, atolls, or even entire towns, emphasizing community over nuclear familial ties.

Relationship Ideals

Short-term yet respectful relationships characterize the Karzie's approach to partnerships. While fleeting, these relationships are built on mutual respect and understanding. However, alliances of power and convenience can lead to more extended unions, especially among those in influential positions.

Common Etiquette Rules

Hospitality: When entering a Karzie domain, it's customary to bring a small gift from one's own region or ship. Dining: Given their maritime culture, seafood is a staple. When partaking in a meal, it's polite to compliment the chef, especially if served a unique or rare dish.   Greetings: A nod accompanied by a soft, almost musical vocalization is the standard way to greet another Karzie.   Trade and Transactions: Bartering is common, and it's expected to negotiate. However, once a deal is agreed upon, it is considered binding and sacred.   Respect for Elders: Age is revered in Karzie society. It's common etiquette to offer elders the best seat, the first pick of food, or priority in any communal situation.

Common Dress Code

The attire of the Karzie is as diverse as their habitats and aligns with the climatic and social nuances of their regions. Dagroth Karzie: Reflecting the temperate climate and their integration into a more structured society, the Karzie in Dagroth dress more elaborately. Layered clothing is common, often involving long, flowing coats, ruffled shirts, and fitted trousers. Bright colors and intricate patterns, resembling the waves and marine life, are favored, and accessories made from seashells and pearls are often worn.   Restone Karzie: Given the Restone Islands' more tropical and maritime nature, the Karzie here opt for minimalistic attire. They leave much of their shark-like skin exposed, embracing the refreshing ocean spray and the sun's warmth. Cloth wraps, short skirts, and decorative jewelry crafted from coral and marine stones dominate the fashion landscape.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Karzie's cultural identity is a blend of their rich historical tapestry and evolving societal roles. Raiding, piracy, and pillaging once stood as proud markers of their cultural might, helping them carve out a niche in a world dominated by larger and more powerful races. Their prowess in naval combat and their ability to strike swiftly and decisively earned them both fear and respect. However, with their integration into Dagroth, many Karzie have traded their swords for merchant scales. They now traverse the oceans as traders and explorers, seeking out new lands and forging alliances. Despite this shift, their seafaring heritage remains deep-rooted, celebrated in songs, dances, and festivals.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Sea Blessings: Before setting sail, it's customary for a Karzie captain to pour a vial of freshwater into the ocean, symbolizing the union of land and sea. Tidal Fest: Celebrated during the highest tide of the year, Karzie communities gather at the shore, lighting lanterns and releasing them into the ocean, paying homage to their ancestors. Rite of First Catch: Young Karzie, on catching their first prey or finding a unique treasure, are honored in a community feast.

Common Taboos

The sea, with its vastness and mystery, holds a sacred place in Karzie culture. After a successful raid or bounty, it's considered a grave taboo not to offer coins or a portion of the treasure to the sea gods. Throwing them deep into the ocean's embrace, they seek blessings and protection for future voyages. Neglecting this ritual is believed to invite the wrath of the deities and bad luck for future expeditions.


From the beginning, the Karzie always showed an independent spirit, undeterred by the mighty elemental dragons that once dominated Naodica. Residing primarily at the peripheries of these great powers, they avoided the dominion of both the Magocracy of Derendal and the expansive Empire of Driaz Kore. Their sovereignty extended mainly over the southern stretches of the Dagroth Peninsula and the strategic Restone Islands. Over the ages, the Restone Islands became a hotspot of political turmoil. The expansionist Empire of Zanaro, seeking to expand its territory, repeatedly attempted to subdue these islands. While they succeeded in multiple conquests, the indomitable spirit of the Karzie led to just as many liberations. This ebb and flow of power showcased the Karzie's resilience and the strategic importance of the Restone Islands.   In recent times, the southern Dagroth Peninsula has integrated into the Praetorate of Dagroth. Here, the Karzie have managed to rewrite their narrative. Instead of being seen as mere pirates, they are recognized as key contributors to society, a testament to their multifaceted identity.

Common Myths and Legends

The Silent Abyss: Legend speaks of a part of the ocean where no sound exists. It's said that Karzie pirates who showed no respect to the sea were dragged into this abyss, their screams silenced forever. Luna's Pearl: A tale often told to young Karzie speaks of a massive pearl, glowing with the brilliance of the moon. It's believed that the one who possesses this pearl will have the sea's might at their beck and call. The Guardian of Restone: A mythical sea creature, half-Karzie and half-sea serpent, believed to patrol the waters around the Restone Islands, protecting its inhabitants from threats.
125 years
Average Height
Standing approximately between 5'4" to 6'2". This stature, combined with their strong physique, makes them formidable both in water and on land.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Varied Skin Tones: Karzie skin tones range from deep blues and greens to more muted greys. The color often correlates with the environment they hail from, with deeper hues for those from abyssal territories and lighter tones for coastal dwellers. Markings: Patterns and markings vary among individuals. Some sport stripes akin to tiger sharks, while others may have spots or mottled designs. These markings often serve as camouflage, blending seamlessly with the underwater surroundings.


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