Captain Morana

Captain Morana, Morana the Black and Morana the Butcher. Many are the titles of the pirate queen of the Sable Sirens, as are her misdeeds and atrocities. There are very few people on Nascindor who would mourn her passing, if any.
  Her name is whispered in fear across the ports and taverns of the Arcansea, and her reputation strikes dread into the hearts of those who sail its treacherous waters.
  Known for her destructive black powder, which fishwive's tales tell is the crushed residue of her own blackened and hardened heart, there isn't a captain alive that does not balk at the mention of her name.  

Early life

Born to a couple of smugglers in Wapemond Harbor, Morana's childhood was fraught with neglect. The bustling harbor town was filled with opportunities for unscrupulous businesses, and her parents were often absent, leaving her to fend for herself among the other street urchins that called the alleys of Wapemond their home. Yet, this challenging upbringing instilled in her a resourcefulness and self-reliance that would serve her well in her later life as a pirate.   From an early age, she developed an affinity for the sea, spending countless hours exploring the shoreline and hidden coves around the harbor. The ocean, with its boundless horizons and relentless waves, called out to her in a way nothing else did. At the age of ten, she managed to steal a small sloop from the harbor, setting sail in the dead of night with nothing but a few stolen provisions and a heart full of ambition. Her journey began as an act of youthful rebellion but swiftly transformed into a desperate struggle for survival.
  The Arcansea had been nothing like the fanciful tales she had heard, spun by drunken sailors in smoky taverns. It was a realm of stark realities, and her ill-equipped vessel was a mere speck in the vast expanse of treacherous waters. Morana would surely have been lost to the waves if her parents, worried only now that their daughter had ran away, had not found her sloop and rescued her. But as they hoisted her onto the deck, she received no hugs, no promises that everything would be alright. Instead, the words of her father would forever be etched in her memory.
  "You're paying for the sloop."
  From this day forward, something had died inside Morana. Something that had once resembled innocence and trust had been replaced by an emptiness, an absence of warmth. In her teenage years, Morana grew increasingly sadistic and callous, a far cry from the small girl who played hopscotch with the other children in the market square of the harbor town. Now she was a bully, delighting in exercising her power over others.
  Her transformation was complete when she took her first life at fourteen years of age, for which she was forced into exile from Wapemond Harbor. Vowing to one day return to burn the whole town to ash she, along with her closest friends, commandeered a galleon that had been docked in the harbor and sailed into the vast expanse of the Arcansea. She has yet to fulfill her promise, but the tales of her deeds that make their way into Wapemond do little to instill a sense of security in its residents.

Formation of the Sable Sirens

The ragtag group of teenaged girls that sailed from Wapemond with Morana as their captain took to piracy with frightening ease and brutality. Morana's leadership forged them into an audacious crew that showed little hesitation when it came to plundering other vessels. Their actions became increasingly ruthless as they murdered and pillaged.
  The decision to only take on female crewmembers was made by Morana, and if it so happened that a ship their group raided had several female crew members on board, they were forced to fight eachother to the death, with the last woman standing being taken in as a new member of the growing pirate syndicate. The men were killed or left on the crippled and plundered ships to starve to death.
  After it became clear that one ship was not enough for all of them, they turned to hijacking vessels and founded a fleet. A fleet needed a name and identity, so Morana ordered each crew to paint their sails black and named them the Sable Sirens, a nod towards their all-female crews as well as the colors they sailed under. It was at this time Morana took an interest in alchemy and concocted the black powder her crews are feared for.


Captain Renaud Whitedew of the Stoic Vigil is especially vested in ridding the shores of Nascindor of the threat of Morana's reign of terror. Though his duties to the church of Resounding Truth supercede this personal mission, the fleet of the fellowship is large enough that a few vessels can be afforded to the purposes of pirate hunting.
  Several independent hunters are also on the trail of the dread pirate queen, but those do not worry her. It is Renaud and his knights that she sees as a potential threat to her rule.
Mark these words, butcher!
  As long as I draw breath, there is a noose waiting for you at Seastone Bastion!
–Captain Renaud Whitedew to Morana, as her flagship sails away after a heated battle
Current Status
Raiding the high seas
Current Location
Feminine, bordering on androgynous
Dark brown
Brown, wispy
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5'11 / 180cm
135 lbs / 61kg
Aligned Organization

Cover image: by Midjourney
Character Portrait image: by Midjourney


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