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Unique to Respite are strange creatures that take features and traits from combinations of different animals. This is owing to the corrupting magics infamous to the Cursed Lands, but with that said, most of the creatures are no more aggressive than regular animals. It must be said that sticking to the main roads is the safest way of avoiding altercations with the more dangerous wildlife, at least during the day. Once night falls, anyone intruding on a creature's perceived territory best be on their guard.   As a general rule of thumb, the more different features an animal has, the stronger its proclivity for violence. Owlbears & Hippogriffs have become fairly commonplace, with some even being successfuly domesticated. The same can't be said for Kimaera, however. Once an animal has three or four creatures in its makeup, established natural orders become harder to find. Many therefore become loner predators, stalking the woods after dark. Approach with extreme caution. But once a creature has five or more different animals, any semblence of regonition disappears and all bets are off. These Monstrosities have no place, no natural order, and no written rules they follow. They roam as apex predators, claiming entire portions of the Ulvenwald as their territory. They fear not people, nor Cathars, nor other monsters.   When in doubt, if you can't recognize a set of tracks or a sound howling through the woods, RUN.
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Cryptus Bestialus
Geographic Distribution
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Articles under Monsters


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