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The Heartifice of Invention

Nythin calls everyone back for another project, this time helping out a Firbolg Inventor in the bustling metropolis of New Buryport.  
Background & Characters:
A former student of Nythin named Snorri Frostborn has been hard at work on an invention for the upcoming Grand Faire. With only a matter of months until the deadline, his work has been disrupted and even intentionally sabotaged throughout. Nythin suspects a rival inventor by the name of Lucto, but lacks sufficient evidence to prove it. He wants the group to look into the situation, and help Snorri in any way they can.   Lucto is a Kobold Artificer prodigy determined to become the youngest inventor to complete a Gearhulk Colossus. Like many dragonkin, he holds a grudge against Giants & Giant-kin for the events of the Giant's War & Titanfall. This animosity is very shallow, however, and Lucto is mostly jumping on the bandwagon because he enjoys getting to bully those bigger than himself. With the help of his lab assistants, they've stolen the heart of Snorri's project. Adding insult to injury, Lucto isn't even bothering to use it for his invention, or even devise its purpose. It's meanness for meanness' sake.   Snorri's invention, the Chronomatic Enhancer, is, on the surface, a large construct resembling an animated clock. Without the arcane core designed by Snorri, however, it is effectively a bulky, overweight doorstop. The group has two main options, either retrieve the core from Lucto's assistants, or find replacement components in the Wastelands.  
Part 0: Meet-Up
Everyone meets up in the Rusty Bucket tavern. Nythin has paid for their tickets back, as well as lunch, a portion of rent (if applicable), and sent a care package to everyone. He's also included a letter requesting their assistance once again, and to come to his office at Tolvar University.   On the way, Malcys (if not disguised) will definitely register some dirty looks from a few Dwarves & Dragonborns, but nothing they don't know to expect. The group are escorted to Nythin's office where Nythin is doing his one-handed pull-ups while reading (glasses on, no shirt, naturally). He explains the situation to them after offering everyone fruit. Afterwards, he invites in a young man that was waiting outside awkwardly. Nythin introduces Snorri, explains his situation, and will forget to explain Lucto's motivations unless someone (possibly Snorri) brings it up. Snorri's invention needs its arcane core, either the one that was stolen by Lucto's thugs, or a new one made from components scavenged from the Wastelands outside the city.  
Path 1: Confrontation
Bully Fight:   Lucto's Kobold goons are not especially hard to find. They're hanging out at Guts & Bolts, a fighting ring for Artificers & their constructs. Two of them are arm-wrestling in Mech Suits, taking on all challengers. The remaining two are bringing back drinks, they wield no Mech Suits but are instead covered in a variety of gadgets. They will play dumb, pretend not to know anything about the stolen core, but if pushed aggressively will invite the party to a little rumble in the ring. Four on Four.   The Mech Suits pack a hell of a wallop, even if the components largely appear to be scraps. The Gadget Kobolds, by contrast, are more annoying than deadly. When defeated, they spill all. Snorri's core is literally in the scrap heap of Lucto's workshop. In addition, they mention Lucto is in the process of delivering a swarm of Gremlins into Snorri's workshop to fully destroy his project.   Gremlin Fight:   10 Gremlins (Rock Roaches with Rust Monster abilities) have been set loose in the vents of Snorri's workshop. As they begin eating through it, they drop down into the workshop and get to work. The monsters are not particularly powerful, but the damage they can do to constructs, armor, and tools is catastrophic. After 2 rounds of fighting, a considerable larger Gremlin (Kruthik Hive Lord stats) comes crashing down, having eaten through the power source of Snorri's lab, causing a blackout.   Lucto Fight:   If confronted, Lucto will fight the party with the aid of his assistants in his (as-yet-incomplete) masterpiece, the Mecha Koboldzilla. While truly gigantic, the construct is janky as all hell, prone to malfunctioning upon taking heavy damage, and will immolate Lucto & his assistants if defeated before continuing to attack on its own. Snorri sends some of his smaller inventions to aid the party (1d4 Clockworks), provided they haven't been dismantled by the Gremlins.  
Path 2: Replacement
Snorri was extremely hesitant to even suggest this option, as the Wastelands, even this long after the Psychic Wars, are still home to deadly remnants of the Eldrazi Abominations that reduced whole forests into deserts of ash & dust. Public transportation will get them most of the way to the Wastes, but the meat of the journey will have to be on foot.   Train Robbery:   While on the way there, a group of Elves attempt a robbery. There are 5 in all, split up into pairs to lock down the train car as the leader collects valuables from all the more well-to-do passengers. Anyone dressed nicely, wearing excessive jewelry, or who looks rich is ordered to put everything they have into a bag. Working class passengers and fellow Elves are passed over. Resistance is met with non-lethal violence. After everything is collected, the Elves climb on top of the train and Thorn Whip away. If engaged, they will fight until the battle turns against them, at which point they will retreat and flee from the top of the train. Any defeated (but not killed) will be arrested once the train comes to its next stop. They will refuse to talk to Dwarves, Gnomes, Halflings, or Dragonborn. If sympathy is extended, however, they may open up. The Elves once lived in the Wastelands until they were destroyed by the Eldrazi, but they refuse to abandon them. Having the most thorough knowledge of the Wastes, they can be persuaded to guide the party if set free. Despite their criminal nature, they remain true to their word. Once the party arrives at the Wastes, they will be there and guide them.   Traversing the Wastes:   The Wastes are unlike any place the party have ever seen. Everything as far as the eye can see resembles calcified bone, and the ground feels more like ash than dirt. More harrowing than the terrain are some of the creatures that inhabit it. Eldrazi Abominations, horrible monsters that defy logic. Many are eyeless, many have too many eyes, most have various tentacles and/or bonelike piercing weapons. Without their Illithid masters, they roam without purpose or direction, attacking anything that moves. Even as they continue reproducing, their own proclivity towards violence keeps their numbers down. The one Snorri acquired his component from was aquatic, meaning it had to have come from the Desolated Lake. Without an Elven guide, the hike lasts 2d4 hours, with players rolling for potential encounters with scuttling Eldrazi every hour.   DC=10+Number of Hours walked   With an Elven guide, the hike lasts 1d4 hours   DC=5+Number of Hours walked   After an encounter, future checks will be made with the DC=10-CR of Eldrazi Encounter+Hours walked   The Desolated Lake/Broodmother Encounter:   Upon reaching the lake, the party can roll Perception and/or Stealth to scan for aquatic creatures. Lying dormant in the desicated water is a Lesser Brood Chrysalis, surrounded by small Broodlings. The component required lies at the heart of the chrysalis, but retrieving it is easier said than done. The cocoon regenerates at the start of its turn, will attempt to slow down/restrain intruders, call forth Broodlings to defend itself, and, if the party has not departed by round 4, metamorphisizes into a Lesser Broodmother to attack the party. In order to retrieve the core, the main body must sustain over 40 points of damage to expose the core, at which point is must be pulled out with a successful DC=13 Strength check.   Aftermath:   The Elves will guide the party back to the edge of the city and bid them farewell. If they have survived. Otherwise, the party will be finding their way back. If it takes too long, you can end the session when they return to Snorri's workshop. If not....   The party returns to Snorri's workshop, give him the core, and take a well-deserved break. Snorri tells them to come back in the morning to see it in action, so they can grab a long rest. In the morning, Snorri is putting the finishing touches on his Chronomatic Enhancer when his alarms begin going off. The rumbles of footsteps can be heard. Massive footsteps. Gargantuan footsteps. Followed by the sound of the door being torn off its hinges. Emerging is Lucto, operating his Mecha Koboldzilla with the aid of his assistants. Supporting him are two Kobolds in Mech Suits. Lucto calls out over the loudspeaker that Snorri should have taken the hint, withdrawn, and gone back to the north. Snorri refuses, then stomps the power button and jumps inside his invention.   Epic Giant Robot Fight:   The Mecha Koboldzilla might be janky as hell, but it packs serious destructive power. As do the Mech Suits the other Kobolds are wearing. Snorri is in his Enhancer providing support to the party. The machine can absorb damage and even delay it in time, allowing allies to fight better and longer. Once Lucto's machine is beaten, he begins cursing it as a worthless hunk of junk. At which point it kicks back to life, immolating Lucto and all his assistants inside, and begins the fight again.   Upon victory, the party gets some cool gear, and a new friend.
Plot type
Standing Up To Steampunk Bullies
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