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War of the Roses

Military: War


Folllowing a series of assassinations and executions of previous rulers, tensions between the Rose Kingdoms were higher than they'd ever been. Accusations were raised of involvement and even participation in regicides by rival kingdoms and rival clans.   Rose Monarch Chernabog Faustus tried his best to ease the growing tensions among the kingdoms. In the end, his death at the hands of one of his own clan members would kickstart the Civil War.   For the first time, Respite would see fighting between not only Rose Clans, but their allied organizations. The Order of Seraphs, Soulswatch, Cathars, and even the Blades in the Dark would end up uniting against their own Royal Clans. The fighting & bloodshed spread to every corner of the continent, with the death toll reaching into the millions. In place of the Rose Monarch, new rulers were chosen, unique to each kingdom.   For the Onyx Throne, the Black Baron.   For the Ashen Throne, the White Queen.   For the Scarlet Throne, the Red Regent.   Officially, the War of the Roses lasted approximately a century, but there would continue to be coups & assassinations for another 25 years thereafter. It was not until 5162 that Aziraphael Malikov would earn the title of Rose Monarch in Sacred Combat, having successfully won the right against nominees from all nine Rose Clans in one massive royal free-for-all.

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