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Rose Kingdoms

Every member among the Rose Clans who ascends to the seat of Rose Monarch is immortalized in stained glass in the sacred chapel of the capital. This tradition started with Zariel Talwar, the first Rose Monarch who took the throne following the end of the Giant's War in 4560.

  • 3047 PDT

    31 /10 05:00
    4560 PDT

    9 /8 07:00

    Giant's War/Titanfall
    Military: War

    The unification campaign-turned-cataclysmic war that ravaged Nasza Ziemia for over 1500 years. Beginning as an attempt by the Giants to purge the lands of the corrupted magics sown by the Dragon Tyrant, it became a plane-wide occupation and invasion, led most prominently by the Titan King Vanir, the Storm-Blooded.  

    Giant's War: 3047-4011
    After the Dragon Tyrant fled the plane, scores of Dragons sought to take their place. Refusing to see another oppressor upon the hated throne, the United Giants declared war on these Draconic Usurpers. The fighting spanned every continent, scorching lands, shattering mountains, and turning entire seas red with blood. After 964 years, the Giants emerged victorious. The Draconic Usurpers that remained were imprisoned, their fires used to light the furnaces from which the Giants forged their weapons & armor.  
    Titanfall: 4037-4560
    Once the war was over, the Giants sought to rebuild & unify Nasza Ziemia once again, as it had been before the Dragon Tyrant's cruelty. Runesmiths were sent to every corner of the plane to eradicate all traces of the Dark Age. Unfortunately, they discovered many new civilizations were already built atop the ruins. While the Giants and Dragons had waged war, the rest of the plane had sought to start over wherever they could. For those too young to remember the days before the Dragon Tyrant's oppression, this was the only world they had ever known. Unable to accept a world tainted by the evils that had tormented them so long, the Giants declared their intent to return the plane to its original splendor, no matter what stood in their way. Their forges of dragonfire were lit, and war waged once again. A war blinded by righteousness & hubris that quickly turned from unification to the very oppression they had sought to eradicate.   The turning point came with the death of Aisling, Goddess of the Elves. Her sacrifice inspired the Immortal Lands in driving the Giants off the continent. The death of one of the New Gods also served as the turning point for Calamity, who finally freed the Old Gods they'd sealed away for millennia. With the Gods' return, the Giants were forced back to the very edge of the plane, the icy tundra of Fimblvintr.

    Nasza Ziemia
    Additional timelines
  • 4053 PDT

    Founding of Black Rose Clans
    Political event

    As the Giants began their invasion of Respite, the first to rebel were the Tieflings. By uniting their forces, they stood against the first waves of Titans. Great was their strength, but even as they greatly outnumbered the Giants, they fell to their overwhelming elemental powers. Of the Tiefling Clans to fight, the only ones to survive the first century of fighting were those who went into hiding.   Clan Baphomet   Clan Faustus   Clan Firebrand   Clan Morningstar   Clan Nergal   Clan Talwar   Of these, only Clans Faustus, Morningstar, and Talwar would survive to the end of the war. In memory of those who died, they chose a Black Rose as their symbol.

  • 4147 PDT

    Founding of White Rose Clans
    Political event

    A hundred years after the Giants began their conquest, the various families of Aasimar unite under a single banner, that of the White Rose.   Families included:   Clan Antonov   Clan Blazevic   Clan Capashen   Clan Ivanova   Clan Malikov   Clan Mikhailov   Clan Volkov   By the end of the war, only three family lines would remain, those of Clans Capashen, Ivanova, and Malikov.

  • 4279 PDT

    Founding of Red Rose Clans
    Political event

    Lacking an organizational structure, the Vampires of Respite operated largely independently for millennia after their creation. They fed on mortals & giants alike, and only cooperated with one another in desperate situations. It was not until the first of the Elder Blood gathered up her brood under the guise of a family to fight back against the Giants that the idea began to take root. Others would follow, although many ultimately died out with the loss of their leaders to the Fire Giants.   Clan Albescu   Clan Dalca   Clan Dusken   Clan Falkenrath   Clan Markov   Clan Sanguir   Clan Stromkirk   Clan Tepes   Clan Voldaren   The Clans that remained were Falkenrath, Tepes, and Voldaren. They adopted the symbol of the Red Rose following the death of the Elder Blood matron, having been her favorite.

  • 4559 PDT

    4734 PDT

    Reign of Zariel Talwar
    Political event

    Near the end of the Titanfall, Zariel Talwar united the 9 Clans of the Rose Kingdoms against the Titans, driving them to the North. The agreement would bring about the creation of the last New God of the 3rd Age, Bella, Goddess of Blood & Pacts.   Over the course of her reign, she established many of the traditions that would become royal law among the Rose Clans. Above all, she strove to bring the Clans together for the good of all.   She died in her sleep on her 200th birthday.

  • 4734 PDT

    4792 PDT

    Reign of Wolfgang Falkenrath
    Political event

    Wolfgang Falkenrath was the first to claim the throne by victory in Sacred Combat. Despite the successes of of his predecessor, Wolfgang saw a reign filled with conflict. The first cracks between the various Clans began to appear, on top of Giant raids, Lycan attacks, and frequent mobs & rioting among the populace. Wolgang, having several hundred years of battle experience under his belt, used his tactical brilliance to turn outside enemies against each other, uniting the Kingdoms against monsters & invaders.   He died in battle at age 580.

  • 4792 PDT

    4805 PDT

    Reign of Mephisto Talwar
    Political event

    The second of Clan Talwar to take the throne, Mephisto's rule was short-lived. He died aged 42 from poisoning, becoming the first Rose Monarch to be assassinated in office.

  • 4805 PDT

    4866 PDT

    Reign of Godfrey Voldaren
    Political event

    First of Clan Voldaren to take the throne. Served for 61 years, then was kidnapped and exposed to sunlight, killing him. This prompted the establishment of the Rose Knights as protectors to the throne.

  • 4866 PDT

    4905 PDT

    Reign of Ivan Falkenrath
    Political event

    Second of Clan Falkenrath to take the throne. Was unseated and publicly executed for causing political unrest, becoming the first Rose Monarch to be officially removed from office.

  • 4905 PDT

    4984 PDT

    Reigns of Inarius & Inarial Malikov
    Political event

    First two members of Clan Malikov to take the throne. Inarius served 74 years, spending much of it preparing his son Inarial to succeed him. Inarial took the throne in 4979, but was assassinated in office a mere 5 years later.

  • 4984 PDT

    5040 PDT

    Reign of Chernabog Faustus
    Political event

    First of Clan Faustus to take the throne. Did his best to hold the Rose Kingdoms together as they approached civil war. Was ultimately unsuccessful, and his death officially began the war.

  • 5040 PDT

    5137 PDT

    War of the Roses
    Military: War

    Folllowing a series of assassinations and executions of previous rulers, tensions between the Rose Kingdoms were higher than they'd ever been. Accusations were raised of involvement and even participation in regicides by rival kingdoms and rival clans.   Rose Monarch Chernabog Faustus tried his best to ease the growing tensions among the kingdoms. In the end, his death at the hands of one of his own clan members would kickstart the Civil War.   For the first time, Respite would see fighting between not only Rose Clans, but their allied organizations. The Order of Seraphs, Soulswatch, Cathars, and even the Blades in the Dark would end up uniting against their own Royal Clans. The fighting & bloodshed spread to every corner of the continent, with the death toll reaching into the millions. In place of the Rose Monarch, new rulers were chosen, unique to each kingdom.   For the Onyx Throne, the Black Baron.   For the Ashen Throne, the White Queen.   For the Scarlet Throne, the Red Regent.   Officially, the War of the Roses lasted approximately a century, but there would continue to be coups & assassinations for another 25 years thereafter. It was not until 5162 that Aziraphael Malikov would earn the title of Rose Monarch in Sacred Combat, having successfully won the right against nominees from all nine Rose Clans in one massive royal free-for-all.

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  • 5041 PDT

    5137 PDT

    The Black Baron/Baroness
    Political event

    Bertram Faustus 5041-5088   The first to take the throne as Black Baron, Bertram strove to end the war early. His repeated attempts at a ceasefire between the Clans were consistently rejected, and Bertram's assassination united the forces of the Blades, Cathars, Seraphs, and Soulswatch against the Rose Clans.   Alaxzandria Faustus 5088-5137   Following the assassination of her father Bertram, Alaxzandria made it her mission to take down the leaders of both rival kingdoms. While she was successful against the Ashen Throne, Lilith of the Scarlet Throne proved adept at escaping dozens of assassination attempts over the remainder of the war. Alaxzandria herself would later be assassinated mere days before the Sacred Combat between the nine Clans.

  • 5041 PDT

    5137 PDT

    The White Queen/King
    Political event

    Octavia Capashen 5041-5109   First to be elected White Queen of the Ashen Throne. Octavia made her ruthlessness known by crucifying royal prisoners captured in battle. For members of the Scarlet Clan, their crosses were put in churches, with sunlight filtered through stained glass windows to make them die more slowly.   Assassinated by members of the Onyx Throne.   Tissaia Malikov 5109-5126   Second to assume the role of White Queen of the Ashen Throne. Tissaia had been rejected for Luminary of the Order of Seraphs and used her position to stage a hostile takeover of the church. In the end, she would be killed by the Luminary who she lost the position to.   Percival Ivanova 5127-5137   The third to take the Ashen Throne and first White King during the War of Roses. Following the blood-soaked reigns of his predecessors, Percival sought to restore the trinity of Rose Kingdoms and end the civil war. Despite this, he would later be overlooked as representative for Clan Malikov in the Battle Royale among the nine Clans. Instead, his nephew Aziraphael would be nominated and claim the throne as Rose Monarch.

  • 5041 PDT

    5137 PDT

    The Red Regent
    Political event

    Selena Tepes 5041-5087   The first member of Clan Tepes to sit on the throne, regardless of legitimacy. Selena took the offensive as one of the first leaders in the War of Roses, even forging a temporary alliance with the Lycan to spread terror to the other kingdoms. She would ultimately be betrayed & beheaded by the Packleader.   Lilith Voldaren 5087-5137   As leader of the Scarlet Throne, she oversaw the remainder of the civil war, despite dozens of attempts at assassination or usurption by the other Clans. When the war ended, she agreed to step down, but fought viciously for the right to be Rose Monarch. Ultimately, she would represent her Clan in the Battle Royale between the nine.

  • 5140 PDT

    5162 PDT

    Reign of Sabrina Talwar
    Political event

    Following 3 years of peace negotiations between the Rose Clans, Sabrina Talwar was chosen to take the throne by a council of members from the Cathars, Blades, Soulswatch, and Seraphs. Tensions remained throughout the continent, and Sabrina was forcibly removed two decades later by her own children.

  • 5162 PDT

    5272 PDT

    Reign of Aziraphael Malikov
    Political event

    After over a century of civil war and coups, Aziraphael won the throne through the rite of Sacred Combat. Rather than a duel between a single nominee from each of the three rose kingdom, an idea was proposed that each of the nine Clans send a champion. The new Rose Monarch would be decided as the victor of the Battle Royale. Aziraphael triumphed, losing one of his eyes and his weapon, but claiming victory after an hour of bloody struggle.   He would spend over a decade re-negotiating the terms of peace with the other kingdoms,as well as the other factions of Respite, and over a century rebuilding the settlements, public works, and agreements ravaged by the civil war. He would die at age 174 from exhaustion, but Respite saw no war during his reign.

  • 5272 PDT

    5286 PDT

    Reign of Cassandra Morningstar
    Political event

    First member of Clan Morningstar to take the throne. Her reign was marked by widespread bloodshed and attempts to wipe out all witches of the Harvest Moon Coven. Driven into madness, Cassandra was killed by her own brother, who fled Respite in shame.

  • 5286 PDT

    5361 PDT

    Reign of Victor Capashen
    Political event

    First member of Clan Capashen to take the throne. Despite the lingering damage from his predecessor, Victor established a new peace with the Harvest Moon Coven, officially recognizing them as an independent territory.

  • 5361 PDT

    5369 PDT

    Reign of Seras Ivanova
    Political event

    First of Clan Ivanova to claim the throne. Unfortunately, was killed in a dragon attack after less than 10 years in power.

  • 5369 PDT

    5378 PDT

    The Nine Years of Banefire
    Disaster / Destruction

    A member of Vaulta the Bloodrazer's brood begins a journey across the Dragonlands, through the Slumbering & Whispering Isles, before finally arriving in Respite to begin a campaign of terror & destruction. Having dealt almost exclusively with local threats such as Lycan, Covenfolk, and Necromancers for centuries, and before that only the slow-moving colossus of the Giants, Respite was unprepared for the power of an Ancient Dragon.   Even with warning & preparation, little would have allowed them to withstand the unparalled might of Vaulta's kin. Appearing & disappearing with each thunderclap of her wings, she left behind raging wildfires and smelted piles of armor wherever she went. Siege engines were immolated, catapaults were sundered by lightning strikes, heavy crossbow bolts bounced off dragonscale, and no creature could stand a chance against a dragon in the skies.   It was not until Rose Monarch Castiel Capashen climbed the highest peak of Respite and called forth his challenge to the behemoth that a climactic battle would take place. With the aide of all nine Rose Clans, they trapped the beast within the mountain and fought it to the death. Even imprisoned, Vaulta's kin would bring down over half of her assembled foes before Castiel dealt the finishing blow to her heart.   The skull of the Banefire Dragon remains on display over the throne of the Rose Citadel to this day.

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  • 5369 PDT

    5374 PDT

    Reign of Nikolas Morningstar
    Political event

    Second of Clan Morningstar to take the throne. Sadly, his reign was even shorter than his predecessors, dying to the same dragon that terrorized the Mortal Lands less than five years later.

  • 5374 PDT

    5436 PDT

    Reign of Castiel Capashen
    Political event

    Second member of Clan Capashen to take the throne. With the aide of members from all 9 Rose Clans, slew the Banefire Dragonkin of Vaulta that terrorized the lands for nearly a decade.

  • 5436 PDT

    5471 PDT

    Reign of Melchior Morningstar
    Political event

    Oversaw a somewhat short but fairly prosperous period of time. Died defending a village during a Lycan attack.

  • 5471 PDT

    5475 PDT

    Reign of Tybalt Faustus
    Political event

    Second member of Clan Faustus to take the throne. Became cursed with dragon sickness, plundering his own kingdoms for gold until his removal and execution.

  • 5475 PDT

    5513 PDT

    Reign of Drake Falkenrath
    Political event

    Most feared of his Clan, known as "The Dragon" to his enemies, Drake Falkenrath attempted to invade the Immortal Lands, only to have his forces decimated by the Red & Gold Dragons protecting the Dwarven cities. Drake himself was eaten by Kvon Dothrakin, ending his ambitions of conquering the continent.

  • 5513 PDT

    5581 PDT

    Reign of Brigid Ivanova
    Political event

    Second member of Clan Ivanova to take the throne. Paranoid of spies & assassins, she began a reign of terror that left a black mark on the throne for centuries after. Hunting down suspected traitors to be tortured into giving up their masters, she was finally removed from the throne by her successor, Nimue Morningstar.

  • 5581 PDT

    5615 PDT

    Reign of Nimue Morningstar
    Political event

    After removing Brigid Ivanova from office, Nimue struggled to rebuild trust among the citizens of the rose kingdoms after the darkness of the inquisition. Deciding she was not the one to accomplish the task, she became the first Rose Monarch to voluntarily step down.

  • 5615 PDT

    5699 PDT

    Reign of Maeve Capashen
    Political event

    Under the watchful hand of Maeve, a long period of stability among the rose kingdoms begins with her ascension to the throne. Respite begins working on itself, then repairing bridges with other countries.

  • 5699 PDT

    5792 PDT

    Reign of Gwenyfar Faustus
    Political event

    Continuing the trend, Gwenyfar of Clan Faustus made opening up a dialogue with Volhammer her highest priority. Despite being inflicted with a curse from a young age, she served for nearly a century before her death.

  • 5792 PDT

    5872 PDT

    Reign of Vlad Tepes
    Political event

    The first of the Scarlet Kingdom to serve in centuries, and the first member of Clan Tepes to take the position of Rose Monarch after over 1200 years of rulers. Vlad made decisive changes that polarized the kingdom. The biggest of which was surrendering the secrets of Vampire vulnerability, all of them, in order to give both the Cathars and average citizens a better fighting chance against rogue vampires. Vlad was accused of treason, and while found not guilty, he would ultimately take his own immortal life upon the throne.

  • 5872 PDT

    5959 PDT

    Reign of Damien Talwar
    Political event

    First member of Clan Talwar to sit on the throne in centuries. Following in his predecessor's footprints, Damien sought to earn back faith in the Clans through public works. These attempts were interrupted by an invasion of monstrous creatures from across the seas. Damien saw the Mortal Lands through these invasions, tracing the source back to a M.O.S.A.I.C. lab within the Slumbering Isles. Seeing an opportunity, a rogue group of Fire Giants sought to attack from the North.   For all his desires to seek peace, Damien struggled through most of his reign with war.

  • 5875 PDT

    6009 PDT

    The Sliver Invasion
    Military: War

    In the midst of Respite's attempts to rebuild itself from internal conflict, the land is beset by rampaging monsters from across the seas. These monstrosities are ultimately discovered to be escaped experiments known as "Slivers" from a series of M.O.S.A.I.C. laboratories.   Seizing the opportunity, a rogue group of Fire Giants known as the "Burning Mountains" use the chaos to invade from the North. The fighting lasts for over a century, with the Slivers proving terrifyingly effective at adapting to their new environment, continuously pushing further into the continent.   The tide of battle is turned with the creation of the Wolfir, werewolves blessed with sentience & control over their transformations. Their strength gives Respite the decisive edge needed to eliminate the Slivers once & for all. Once the Slivers are gone, the last of the Fire Giants are wiped out by the collective efforts of Respites armies, led by the Soulswatch.

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  • 5959 PDT

    6026 PDT

    Reign of Celeste Ivanova
    Political event

    Following in her predecessor's footsteps, Celeste Ivanova continued the dual-front conflict between the rampaging MOSAIC experiments from the West, and the Fire Giants from the North. Her greatest triumph was the creation of the Wolfir, a blessing bestowed upon werewolves that allowed them to retain their sentience and control their transformations. This boon turned the tide of battle, allowing for a decisive victory for the rose kingdoms.

  • 6026 PDT

    6073 PDT

    Reign of Azrael Malikov
    Political event

    Following the victory over the Fire Giants and MOSAIC experiments, Azrael took the throne shortly before the Illithid Invasion of the Immortal Lands. Arguing against getting involved in another conflict, Respite and its respective forces stayed out of the war for quite some time. Eventually, it was discovered that Azrael was being controlled by an Intellect Devourer and taking orders from the Elder Brain. He was executed, and Olivia Voldaren seized the throne in a frightening Sacred Combat victory.

  • 6031 PDT

    6135 PDT

    The Psychic Wars
    Military: War

    Illithids, interplanetary conquerors, arrive in Nasza Ziemia aboard their flying Nautilus ships with the intent to make it theirs. Bringing with them Eldrazi, faceless abominations that reduce armies to ash and landscapes into corrupted wastelands, they attempted to turn the Immortal Lands into their base of operations.   With their mastery of psionics, they turned those who would not yield into dominated servants of their will. Among them, several high-ranking members of Dwarven Families, powerful wizards from multiple Colleges, the Elven High King, the Rose Monarch, and thousands of soldiers from every army.

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  • 6073 PDT

    6169 PDT

    Reign of Olivia Voldaren
    Political event

    Following the revelation of Azrael Malikov's domination by Mind Flayers, Olivia took the throne and brought the rose kingdoms into the Psychic Wars. Her ferocious skills in battle and immunity to charming effects made her a terror to both the Illithids and their Eldrazi abominations. She may not have taken part in the assassination of the Elder Brain, but the arrival of her forces changed the tide of battle in favor of the Immortal Lands. It is a favor they have not forgotten, and neither has Olivia.   Decades after the wars ended, Olivia was accused of treason and forcibly removed from the throne, although the exact nature of her treason was not made public, and she was not executed for her crime. Historians to this day debate what really happened.

  • 6169 PDT

    6202 PDT

    Reign of Grendel Faustus
    Political event

    Following Olivia Voldaren's removal from the throne, Grendel Faustus became the next Rose Monarch. Working alongside the Order of Seraphs, he provided physical & mental healing to the many victims of the Psychic Wars still suffering the lingering aftereffects of the Mind Flayers. His reign was cut short by a violent sickness contracted from one of the battlefields, but his successor would pick up where he left off.

  • 6202 PDT

    6232 PDT

    Reign of Siegfried Malikov
    Political event

    Siegfried Malikov took the throne, and while he too died young, he was instrumental in establishing the Telepath Collective in the Immortal Lands. His death came from a disease of the mind, and it was his hope to prepare others for such threats.

    New Buryport
  • 6232 PDT

    6260 PDT

    Reign of Harrow Morningstar
    Political event

    Harrow Morningstar's time on the throne saw a continuation of the diplomacy between the Immortal Lands and Respite, but was marred by the rise of the Ironsiders League. A massive surge of illicit goods in & out of the Slumbering Isles made their way to the shores of both the Mortal and Immortal Lands.   On a naval voyage to propose a cooperative effort between the two nations, Harrow's ship failed to reach its destination. The search lasted 2 years before the wreckage of Harrow's ship was discovered by members of the Coral Conclave, confirmed by the recovery of her crown. This delay would mark the first time a new Rose Monarch was not chosen within the same year as the exit of the previous ruler.

    The Orazcas
  • 6262 PDT

    6321 PDT

    Reign of Tamara Falkenrath
    Political event

    Owing to the disappearance of the previous Rose Monarch, many of the Clans spent those years preparing their candidates for when the rumors of their demise became official. Seizing the throne through Sacred Combat was Tamara Falkenrath, who cracked down hard on both illicit trading and the entire Ironsider's League. Trade shipments were overseen and protected by warriors of the Coral Conclave. The costs for such protection were high, but the Dwarven demand for lumber and materials from Respite was higher. Tamara brought new prosperity to the Mortal Lands, and remains a historically popular Rose Monarch among all but the League.

    The Orazcas
  • 6321 PDT

    6365 PDT

    Reign of Balthazar Talwar
    Political event

    Balthazar's time on the throne was, unlike many of his predecessor kin, relatively uneventful. Despite his decisive victory in Sacred Combat, he lacked social and political skills, and took a considerably more passive approach to his rule.   The turning point in his reign came when he insulted the members of the Harvest Moon Coven. In retaliation, they launched what would be remembered as the Endless Night, a 4-day lunar eclipse that saw the first invasion of the Rose Kingdoms by members of the Harvest Moon Coven. Balthazar was killed in his sleep, along with over 250 members of the Onyx Throne.   The memory of this massacre still haunts the Rose Kingdoms, and they give the Coven a wide berth.

  • 6365 PDT

    31 /10
    6365 PDT

    4 /11 06:00

    The Endless Night
    Disaster / Destruction

    After insulting members of the Harvest Moon Coven, the Rose Monarch calls their wrath upon his kingdom. The Covenfolk use the power of a 4-day-long eclipse that covers Respite in darkness in order to lay waste. Nearly 400 Rose Clan members are killed or cursed, including the Rose Monarch. The Onyx Throne suffers the greatest losses, with over 250 dead.   The Mortal Lands fear such eclipses to this day.

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  • 6366 PDT

    6384 PDT

    Reign of Rosalyn Voldaren
    Political event

    Following the massacre of Balthazar Talwar and dozens of members of the Onyx Throne, Respite saw dark times. Rosalyn Voldaren would meet a similarly tragic end less than 20 years into her reign. Riots led to civilians attacking and setting fire to the royal palace. Unable to handle the revolt alone, Rosalyn sent the Blades in the Dark to neutralize the situation. The resulting pacification became a slaughter, but Rosalyn was abducted by Lycan hidden among the villagers and fed burning coals, scorching her from the inside out.

  • 6384 PDT

    6411 PDT

    Reign of Kateryna Malikov
    Political event

    Rosalyn Voldaren's murder only fed the distrust among the citizens of Respite for the Vampire Clans. The Tiefling Clans suffered the same festering animosity. This resulted in the first case of neither kingdom receiving sufficient public support to nominate an heir. Katheryna of Clan Malikov was nominated from the Aasimar Throne, but struggled to repair an increasingly fractured population. Lycan attacks, Stitcher abductions, and a sharp rise in rogue Vampire attacks and Witch hexes left the Mortal Lands in a state of constant fear & conflict.   Katheryna made her best efforts to reassure citizens, but on a diplomatic mission to offer the Blessing of the Wolfir to a Lycan Pack, her caravan was ambushed. Several members of the Lycan claimed credit for the regicide, but the Packleader denied any involvement in the attack.

  • 6411 PDT

    6434 PDT

    Reign of Scratch Faustus
    Political event

    Despite the sustained mistrust among the population for members of the Black & Red Rose Clans, Scratch secured a nomination as a result of his reputation with the Cathars Crusade. With over 14 successful hunts under his belt, his most impressive boast was never losing a Cathar under his command during a hunt. Scratch also reached out to members of the Wolfir, an attempt to end public paranoia & prejudice against its members. Scratch is remembered fondly by the Cathars, Wolfir, and the Seraph. His tragic death at age 47 was the result of a Witch's Curse placed upon him by a widow for offering the Lycan who murdered her family a second chance as a Wolfir.

  • 6434 PDT

    6543 PDT

    Reign of Silas Ivanova
    Political event

    Having already seen three Rose Monarchs rise & fall in less than a century, Silas Ivanova scaled back his forebearers' ambitions in an attempt to provide the Rose Kingdoms with a sense of stability for a time. He would be widely criticized during his reign for his fabled stoicness, but he did succeed in bringing a period of relative peacefulness for almost 110 years while he sat on the throne, the longest reign since Aziraphael Malikov over a millennium ago.

  • 6543 PDT

    6618 PDT

    Reign of Gregorovich Tepes
    Political event

    After almost two thousand years and nearly 40 individuals who ascended to the throne of Rose Monarch, Gregorovich would become only the second member of Clan Tepes to do so.   He became an unintentional celebrity when, on a voyage to the Immortal Lands, his ship was attacked by a fleet of Ironsiders. Despite the bright sunlight, Gregorovich joined the fray, flying from ship to ship until he reached the captain's quarters. At which point, as the story goes; he politely knocked and asked to be let in to speak to the Captain. The Captain, one Brawn "Stormalong" Sartorian, not realizing whom he was speaking to, demanded the knocker enter so as to be properly punished for disturbing him. The infamous Captain Brawn "Stormalong" Sartorian would exit from his cabin minutes later, noticeably shaking, and declare the attack over.   Gregorovich would oversee an era with considerably fewer pirate attacks, with word of the nightwalker who hopped from ship to ship to personally deal with Captains crossing the oceans as fast as the wind itself.

    The Orazcas
  • 6618 PDT

    6675 PDT

    Reign of Orion Capashen
    Political event

    Easily among the most famous members of his Clan, Orion Capashen would, during his 50+ years on the throne, achieve a level of greatness approaching legend. Having traveled abroad in his younger days, he sought enlightenment & wisdom from the Elder Dragons of the Dragonlands, winning the throne in Sacred Combat with neither weapons, magic, or armor.   Stories would spread of his having fought a pack of Lycan, a Kraken, an Elder Dinosaur, as well as the Gods Marabolg & Fenris themselves. Some still say he only died because he ran out of monsters to punch.   His actual death was of Syphillis at age 82.

  • 6675 PDT

    6740 PDT

    Reign of Armand Falkenrath
    Political event

    Following in the almost mythical footsteps of his predecessor, Armand Falkenrath called out any & all challengers to the Rose Kingdoms to face him in combat. His first and, as it turns out, only challenger, would become his future wife, Dahlia, a member of the Cathars Crusade. The duel lasted for hours and would ultimately end in a draw, followed by a whirlwind romance that resulted in their marriage.   This complicated relations with the Cathars, who saw one of their own voluntarily becoming a Vampire as heretical, even blasphemous. Armand would spend the rest of his reign dealing with these consequences and conflicts of interest until 6740, when Dahlia found him in bed with another maiden and impaled them both through the heart. Or, as the legend goes, his heart and the maiden's buttocks.

  • 6740 PDT

    6787 PDT

    Reign of Gideon Talwar
    Political event

    The first member of Clan Talwar to take the throne since the Endless Night, Gideon focused his attention on maintaining the balance of power between the Rose Kingdoms. For centuries the Onyx Throne had struggled to recover from his ancestor's folly, and so Gideon focused on rebuilding the Black Rose Clans.   Despite these intentions, he would end up pulled into the quarelling between the Elves & Dwarves of the Immortal Lands, with each side citing ancient oaths to come to their aide in their time of need. Refusing to take either side caused both to accuse him of oathbreaking. When Gideon finally acted, choosing the Dwarves and their resource trade routes, the Elves declared war on both the Dwarves and the Rose Kingdoms.   Gideon spent the rest of his reign trying to put a stop to the fighting, but would ultimately take his own life with an Elvish dagger in a last desperate sacrifice to appease them.

  • 6787 PDT

    6810 PDT

    29 /2 14:00

    Reign of Grimm Faustus
    Political event

    Grimm Faustus focused his efforts on the elimination of Black Market Necromancy and the Stitchers that profited from desecration of the dead. His zero tolerance policy on this diabolical trade led to an arrangement with the Cult of Whisper, allowing them safe passage in & out of Respite for the purposes of eliminating undead and destroying the hidden labs that raised them.   His death is still under investigation. Having fallen ill during an excursion into the Ulvenwald, Grimm insisted on continuing, believe the symptoms to be simply the result of exhaustion on the road or a lack of proper bedrest. When his symptoms worsened and he could no longer ignore them, the on-hand medic apparently diagnosed him with a rare blood disorder. Grimm ordered the caravan turn around at once to seek out proper medical assistance. En route to the clerics, Grimm's convoy was attacked by bandits, who discovered upon prying open the royal carriage that Grimm, considered a fearsome warrior in his own right, had already passed out from his illness.   The exact nature of the illness was not discovered, as the unconscious Grimm was repeatedly stabbed to death by the bandits, who then fled into the woods.

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