Flânes (Fla-ness)
Flânes was a continent that existed during The First Calm. During The Second Great Turbulence, it split into Chuchenne and Tirwen.
When The Second Great Turbulence began, the North-Easten half of the continent was devastated by the eruption of the Célisendé Volcano, and pyroclastic flows destroyed most civlisations within 100km. The resulting ash reduced the temperature of the whole continent by ten degrees for the following decade, even as it split. Plant life in what would become Chuchenne and Tirwen was affected, and many people and animals died as a result of inhaling ash.
Some civilisations survived by moving deep underground, escaping the deadly ash, and others were able to flee to other planes. Though during The Second Calm, Chuchenne's surface was gradually repopulated, large cave networks remain deep underground, some inhabited, some not.
Countries in Flânes
Countries in Flânes