Janskelt, The Shelled City Settlement in Nauvitalia | World Anvil
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Janskelt, The Shelled City

"Don't be fooled by the giant shell it's based in, Janskelt is no mystic paradise. Its chaos is second only to Port Rose but here you're less likely to get mugged. Not the place you want to go if you're looking for peace & quiet, though."
-Martha Del Statoria, Traveller and Novelist

Shell of Concerning Origins

On a beach lays a massive spiral conch shell, measuring about 2 square miles and standing well over 1000 feet tall. While it may be empty, one must surely wonder what kind of creature left the shell and if it's still out there now. Even more concerning is what's inside the massive walls of the shell, which are hollow after about 3 feet of mining. Aberrant creatures scuttle within, and when a hole is opened, they inevitably wreak havoc before it is patched up.  

Independent People, No Laws

The population of Janskelt, mostly composed of elves, tieflings, and a decent amount of Krulkers, is entirely independent of any and all governments, despite the strong attempts of a couple of sultans and caliphs from Salimstan. The city was formed from a natural migration of peoples, who constructed it entirely without central planning or guidance. The city has remained entirely without governance for its entire existence, though people are still expected to be civil and reasonable.
With no laws, the city is chaotic at the best of times. While robbery and murder are certainly not common occurrences (and are generally punished with mob justice), anything else is a go. Impromptu street performances, the occasional nudist, and a shocking amount of drug use are all commonplace. Most people are neutral to this; since the city is by nature eclectic, there is barely a united culture.  

Districts of Magic & Pleasure

Space is at a premium in Janskelt, with so many people crammed into just over 2 square miles. Nonetheless, the city makes the best of it, as it's crammed full with a great variety of entertaining venus, magical practices, and curiosities. The city is home to 6 large districts.
Place of Pleasure
The massive pleasure district is notable as the most chaotic place within the city.
The Wizardly Ward
Lots of magic here is often in the forms of wizards for hire, fortune tellers, illusionists, and revivalists. The district is also the home to a number of apothecaries and potion sellers.
The Block
This is where the everyman lives and goes to work. It is probably one of the calmest places in the city.
"That Place Where The Krulkers Are, You Know The One"
Thanks to constant debate about what an appropriate name would be, this district has remained unnamed. It is the primary population centre of krulkers.
This district, by far the most packed in the city, is the home of around a third of the population. Apartments are stacked high, creating a maze which even some locals find challenging to navigate.
The end of the shell, and the most spacious part of the city. This is where wealthier folks live.
Founding Date
503 HB
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under


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