The Ancient Sea Geographic Location in Nauvitalia | World Anvil
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The Ancient Sea

"A strange feeling of unease besets us as we meander between the isles, each filled with ruins of a civilization long dead. I get the distinct feeling that we shouldn't be here. I look amongst my crewmates and see that I am not the only one. I feel something on the back of my neck, like a slimy tentacle dragging itself down my collar. When I whirl around, there is nothng, just more deserted ruins in the distance. I know not what caused that feeling, but something is wrong."
-Journal of Captain Rose


The ancient sea was once the home to an ancient civilization that preceeded even the oldest of our modern nations. Who the people were and why the civilization fell are both mysteries. What's known is that they left behind a sea filled with strange and unnatural life, magical secrets, and, of course, treasure. Among the more dangerous seas to sail, The Ancient Sea takes it's time with sailorswho challenge it.  


Situated between the eastern edge of The Kings' Sea and the eastern border of The Six Seas, The Ancient Sea is the second largest among the seas, second only to The Wild Sea. It has many rocky and sandy islands, with a few jungle islands spread out throughout. Some of the islands here have been warped in mysterious and often unsettling ways thanks to the influence of some aberrant creatures.  

Inhabitants of the Ancient Sea

The Ancient Sea is one of the wealthier seas, since many of its ruins and other isles remain unplucked. Sailors seeking treasure come here with high hopes, though the challenges provided here often hinder them beyond the point of it being worth it.
This is the primary, and probably only, place on the Six Seas where The Farvian Magocracy holds any inluence. The sea has a surprising number of tieflings and is isolated enough that the Farvians can go about their business without much interruption. It helps that this is among the most magical of the seas.
Beign so close to the country, it's natural that Salmistinians often pass through this sea when enetering or exiting the Six Seas. Though they do not hold any permanate settlements here, they have enough naval presence in the region to be considered important players.
Aberrant Creatures
The region is full of aberrant creatures of all sorts of types. They swim beneath the waves, walk the islands, and fly in the skies. They are constantly working their otherworldly machinations, which usually run contrary of the desire of the humanoids in the region to stay alive.  

Key Locations

Janskelt, The Shelled City
Unalligned, Janskelt is the largest and only true city on The Ancient Sea. It is built inside a giant conch shell of concerning origins. The people of Janskelt are an odd and disperate bunch, and they lack common culture and governance. The settlement serves as a great stop for anybody looking for respite within the sea, and has booming markets from which to buy even the most exotic goods.
The Isles of Ruin & The Primordial Deep
Once the centre of power for the ancient civilization, these cluttered islands are believed to be cursed or haunted, and are generally avoided by sailors. Those that sail here rarely meet good fates, even beyond the reaches of the isles.
Within the isles is a large span of completely still water known as The Primordial Deep, beereft of any isles but one in the centre. It takes a fool to sail the deep, as things best left undisturbed lie beneath the waves.


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